Chapter 1336 Reiki Bed

The thin man looked at him, his eyes were a little cloudy, but it seemed that he could penetrate directly into people's hearts.

"What do you need me to do?"

He looked at him and said.

"Watch him," he said to the man.

"It's a bit difficult." The thin man said: "His strength is not weak, and the spiritual power of their Blue Blood family is notoriously terrifying. I'm afraid I will fail."

"There's no need to monitor everything, just pay attention to the time when he left here, maybe see who he has frequent contact with. Understand?"

Now the Blueblood family is relatively weak. Although it seems that they are under their control, based on what they know about this person these days, he is definitely not the kind of person who is willing to be lonely.

This time, they took the initiative to contact the Heigl family.

This kind of connection with a powerful family will obviously suffer a lot, which is equivalent to seeking skin from a tiger.

Since he dared to do this, he must have a plan.They wouldn't do such a loss-making business.


The man nodded.

Then he said to him: "The Duke has great expectations for this operation, I hope you will not fail. Sea Shark Palace should not offend too much now, their strength is not weak."

"I know this, I can make a temporary decision here. Please, Lord Duke, send someone over quickly, otherwise the blue blood family will have the upper hand, and we will be at a disadvantage."

In fact, he still has hatred in his heart, and he is really holding back everywhere.

In fact, when this plan was first formed, the two sides had already sent messages to their respective forces.It's just that the duke of the blue blood family reacted much faster than them.

In an instant, all the forces in the Asia-Pacific region were handed over to that person.

And their power has been in ink for a long time in the face of such a good thing.If it wasn't for the sudden mobilization of the Blue Blood family, it is estimated that the Duke's old things would have delayed such a great opportunity.

He even wanted to directly participate in it before, and then beat them up when he saw who had the upper hand, and let them consume each other completely.

However, the higher-ups did not give support at all, and even did not agree with their own action alone, because they were worried about damaging the existing structure of the Heigl family.

As a result, an opportunity was wasted.

If they participate in it, they won't lose in the fourth door, and the two sides may fight even worse.

The sudden action of the Blue Blood family was also due to the slow response of the Heigl family.After doing this, they have to get out.

But the Blue Bloods will come first, and the Heigls will come last.

They can obviously occupy a dominant position, and there are too many things that can be done in a dominant position.All because of the old duke, who was really old.

It's too timid, and even sent such a person to monitor him, to put it nicely, to be at his disposal.

But he spied on himself longer than he spied on others, right?

I let him act just now, but I still told myself so many reasons.And even wanted to influence his decision-making, really thought he came with Shang Fang's sword?

No one can make trouble on this one-acre-three-point land of his own.

"Okay. You can go to work first, and you must monitor it well, so as not to miss important events."

He just wants to send this guy far away now, and there is no way to refuse this reason.On the surface, after all, I still have to listen to what others say.

And this reason is also very powerful.

No chance of rebuttal.

"Don't want to?" He said to the man, "This is before the war, disobedience to orders will be compared to death." When he spoke, his tone was much more serious.

And there was a murderous look in his eyes.

The thin man had no choice but to leave as ordered.

The reason for this, even to let him go at all costs, is because he has a very important thing to do now.

He rushed to his own room and drew down the curtains on the bed.

Just lifted the mattress off.

A cellar-like thing appeared below, and he burrowed straight into it.

He had discovered this cellar when he came. For them, lying on this bed, they could instantly know that there was a hole underneath.But if you don't sleep on it, you really don't think about it.

Even if you find out, you can't get in if you don't know the agency.Fortunately, he knew a little bit about mechanics, so he opened it easily.

There is actually nothing in it, just a space, but it allows him to avoid that guy's surveillance, and some energy changes will not be suspected by everyone.

After coming in, he took out a huge bed.

The bed is purely carved from white jade.

The patterns on it are very detailed, and the left and right sides are respectively dragon and phoenix.In the center of the bed is a picture of Taiji and Eight Diagrams, which is very delicate.

It's just a cot, barely enough to lie down on.

As soon as the bed was taken out, it felt different immediately because it was too cold.The cold air overflowed, as if falling into an ice cellar.

Although the cold is indeed a bit cold, the spiritual power on it is also terrifyingly large.

The level of richness is like throwing people in a spiritual cave.

But these spiritual powers are indeed attached to this bed, and there is no way for people to absorb them.

Heigl obtained this treasure by accident, and thought of countless ways to obtain spiritual power from it, but none of these methods seemed to be realized.

As a result, he could only look at such a thing but couldn't get it.

He didn't dare to ask anyone casually, if the Duke found out, he would never keep this thing.

So I can only come here to study in the middle of the night.Even if you can't study it out, as long as you lie on this bed and sleep, you will be full of energy when you wake up the next day.

"It's a good thing, but when will I understand it thoroughly?" He looked at the bed helplessly, it was really tasteless to eat, it was a pity to throw away such a good thing, but he couldn't get it.

But I was reluctant to throw it away, what if one day I could penetrate it?

After thinking about it, he sat on the bed, and the spiritual power circulated in his body, but found that it still had no effect.

He tried to inject the spiritual energy in his body into the bed.


Immediately, all the spiritual energy floated out, and the entire cellar was filled with white spiritual energy.All these auras emanate from this bed.

But just when he had just stimulated the aura, before he could absorb it, the aura around him seemed to be drawn by something.

Turned around and returned to the bed.

"It failed again. Where is the trick?" He looked at the bed and said helplessly. He had tried countless methods, and this happened every time.

(End of this chapter)

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