Chapter 1551
"Then can I go with you?" Su Miaohan said, staring at Ning Feng pitifully with her big eyes.

"No, it is said that the Outland is full of all kinds of dangers. Going there without a certain strength will only increase the danger. I don't want any danger for you." Ning Feng said seriously: "And women don't have to be mediocre? , where the rain is so heavy, there is plenty of room for you to display it!"

"Okay, okay, I won't make things difficult for you, I will take good care of your good sisters." Su Miaohan gave him a blank look and said.

"What good sister?" Ning Feng said a little strangely.

"Did you forget the romantic debt you provoked back then?"

Su Miaohan said angrily in a dress: "I remember everything you did. Fortunately, you came to me as soon as you came back this time. Otherwise, I will never talk to you."

Ning Feng didn't expect that she already knew what she had done.This is very embarrassing, originally what he thought was to secretly send these people to a domain separately, keeping them far away.

So that I can completely cover up this matter, but there is no airtight wall in the world, and Su Miaohan already knows these things.

But now that you know it, let’s tell the truth!
"Well, you know all about it."

He said helplessly, how dare he say it now.

"Forget it, although I wanted to kill you when I found out, but judging by your performance now, it's okay, so forget it."

She looked at him and said, "I'm a court lady, everyone has to accept my management obediently."

"oh oh."

Ning Feng nodded, actually he was a little uneasy when he said it.Who let me be so playful, she is such a good girl, but she is still messing around outside.

"My mother said that sometimes you have to. For the sake of checks and balances from various forces, it is normal to be hypocritical. After all, your current status is no longer what it used to be."

She curled up in Ning Feng's arms and said, "But you must treat me like you did before."

"that's for sure."

Ning Feng put his arms around her and said, "Otherwise, why would I come to you without changing my clothes?"

Now he is sincerely grateful to his future mother-in-law for helping him to deal with her. A person with such a high spirit like her would naturally not agree so easily.

Now I can agree that her mother must have played a lot of roles in it.

In fact, when Su Miaohan took the risk to rescue herself from Fenggong Palace Master, she regarded her life as Ning Feng gave her.

He can basically forgive anything.

After her mother's exhortation, she finally understood.In his position, there are some things that he can't refuse at all.

For example, if a big pie offered him a woman, if he dared to refuse, it would be against him.Do you want the alliance anymore?

For example, a villain wanted to assassinate him and stuffed him with a woman.

Up to now, he used to be invisible to everyone, and everyone basically couldn't see his shadow.But now he is aloof, and that is the focus of attention.

Her mother said that to see if he really loves you, it depends on whether he is willing to come to her first and put her first.

Sometimes don't worry too much.

Although this kind of thinking is a bit feudal, but people standing at that height have to face it like this, what else can they do?What's more, the two have experienced so much, and there is no way to leave in their hearts.

"Okay, do you want me to help you find all those little sisters?" Su Miaohan said with a smile, since he can't prevent him from finding women, then put all these women under her management, and she will distribute them when the time comes these women.

"Let's go. I'm afraid you will fight."

Ning Feng said helplessly.Except for Shen Zhitao's more free-spirited temper, the others really have a higher spirit than the other.As Su Miaohan's younger sister, Mu Xueli has no contradictions.

After all, she clamored for a long time ago that she wanted to marry a man with Su Miaohan.

As for the other romantic debts, it's not easy to deal with, the owner of Piaoxue Palace, the leader of the assassination organization, and Tang Palace Wuyu... Which one of these people is not a proud master.

It would be strange if they agreed to come.

"Okay, then you go quickly."

Su Miaohan said to him: "Hurry up and gather all your little sisters, and then we can have a good time together."

Ning Feng hugged her tightly and said, "Of course you are the most important thing." While speaking, touching her smooth skin, his heart throbbed again.

Then he turned over and charged again.

It was so dark to kill.

After this wave of shock was over, someone knocked on the door suddenly.

"Saint, the Palace Master wants you and Mr. Ning to go there."

A woman's voice spoke from outside.

"I see."

Su Miaohan said.

She rolled her eyes at Ning Feng and said, "Hurry up, you're late, it should have ended just now. You have to come to the last wave, hurry up and take a shower."


Ning Feng lay lazily on the bed, looked at her naked body, and scanned around from top to bottom.It's really beautiful, perfect.

Although it is said that there is some back pain, but I can't help but touch it.

"Okay, get up quickly."

She gave him a blank look, then didn't mind at all, and walked towards the bathroom naked.

There was the sound of splashing water inside.

How could he hold it back? Naturally, he also rushed in.Although the two of them didn't continue to do anything, Ning Feng always used the name of rubbing people's backs to get to the front.

If it wasn't for fear of wasting time, the two of them would probably be able to rinse for a long time.

In the end Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng with a blushing face and said, "Let's go."

The two of them walked towards the palace lord, and seeing the palace lord was a matter of course.

The palace owner was obviously very happy that Ning Feng came here as soon as he came back, and he was naturally very happy to secure his daughter's position as the main palace.

"came back."

When she saw Ning Feng, a smile appeared on her face unconsciously.


Ning Feng said.He didn't care much about them before, but now after seeing her, he became a little reserved, obviously because he was a little scared when facing his future mother-in-law.

"Sit down, sit down, get tired."

The mother-in-law was very enthusiastic, "Come on, bring me the soup I prepared earlier."

"Thank you auntie."

Ning Feng said with a smile, before facing these people, he was aloof, but suddenly he was so nervous, he was a little uncomfortable.But what can you do if you don't adapt?Try to adapt as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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