Chapter 1552 From the mother-in-law
She didn't say anything big, she was just doing ordinary things.

"As for our family, Miaohan, she has been obedient since she was a child, and she is also very independent, and her temper is also a bit straightforward. Please bear with me a little bit."

she said with a smile.

"No, no, no... She's very good, her temper is perfect in every way. She can go to the hall and the kitchen, she is simply a perfect wife."

Ning Feng hurriedly said that he was self-effacing when he said that, but he couldn't say that, and he should have the courtesy he should have.

Su Miaohan smirked, after all she was praising herself, so of course she was happy.

"Then have you considered when to do it?"

Mother-in-law's words came a little suddenly.


Su Miaohan spit out a mouthful of water, "Mom, what status are we all, why do we still care about such cliche things? Can a secular marriage certificate represent anything?"

"Of course not. I'm not talking about this, but the wedding has to be held, right? It can't be so casual, right?" The mother-in-law said to them, "No matter how particular we are, we have to go through this process. Women don't want this." What about the process? At that time, you were the most beautiful woman in the world, don't you want to?"

"Does it mean that I'm not beautiful now? There's no need to be so clichéd." Su Miaohan thought that Ning Feng still had a lot of things to do, and he couldn't be delayed by such things.

Ning Feng shook his head and said: "This event must be held, but not now. The current situation in the region is still relatively severe, and there is still a tail that has not been closed. If it is closed, it can be held again.

At that time, it will be a carnival here, I want the whole domain to have a carnival. "

After Su Miaohan heard this, she was moved for a while. Although she didn't want it, it didn't mean he had to give it.If he doesn't give it, I will definitely feel bad in my heart.

But when he said this, his heart was quite moved.

He still didn't let himself be wronged because of this.

Which girl does not dream of wearing a wedding dress to marry her favorite man?

This matter must be agreed to, not ambiguous.

"Of course, a man's career is still the most important thing." The mother-in-law said very enlightenedly: "This matter is not urgent, we will wait for it to stabilize. But what is this area you are talking about?"

Ning Feng smiled and said: "In fact, there are countless great forces in the entire universe, but there is an area, which is some places around the earth. It is called the domain. And there are countless domains, and in one place , is called outside the domain, and the place outside the domain is even wider."

He can only explain it so casually, and if he explains it again, he probably won't be able to explain it clearly.

"Then you mean that there are many places around us where we can practice?"

The mother-in-law's eyes have shown what she wants, after all, everyone has an urge to go out and occupy space when they hear this.

"We will immediately control the entire domain. When the time comes, you can choose as you like. I will definitely leave you a place with sufficient aura."

Ning Feng said with a smile, if one should be sensible, one must be sensible.There is really nothing to care about these things here on the earth, because this place is too poor compared to the domain.

"Good good..."

In the heart of the mother-in-law, she still wants to be one of the historical figures in the entire Phoenix Palace. After all, if she can live forever, she will be very happy.

"Then it's settled, let me know when you succeed." Mother-in-law said to him.

"No problem, no problem, I won't bother you, just have fun."

The mother-in-law said very seriously, and then left wisely.

Su Miaohan glanced at Ning Feng, and then snuggled together.

"Should we go back to Haicheng and have a look?" Ning Feng said to her suddenly: "Then go to my house and take a look at the place where we fought before."

"I didn't expect it to pass so quickly."

Su Miaohan put her arms around him and said: "At the beginning you were a boy, and I was also a person who escaped from marriage, but I didn't expect to reach the current situation, the world is impermanent."


After Ning Feng said something to her, he led him towards Haicheng. He walked away much faster than taking a car.

It is estimated that within a few minutes, the two have arrived at the place where they met for the first time. It is still the familiar street, and there is almost no change.

There are still so few shops.

"Uncle Wang, are you still there?" Ning Feng greeted an old man.

"You know, come back and take a look. It's been a long time." After all, Ning Feng has been here for a long time, and they can almost recognize him easily.

"You're a good kid, and you actually managed to catch the biggest beauty in our Antique Street." Another guy in the shop said enviously.

"Haha... Good luck, good luck, you are busy first."

After Ning Feng finished speaking, he took her and walked towards the back.

"I didn't expect you to be very popular. It really is a world that depends on faces." Ning Feng said helplessly: "Everyone said that I took advantage of it."

"Isn't it?" Su Miaohan rolled her eyes and said.

"Yes yes yes... definitely." Ning Feng said with a smile.

I went around the place where I stayed that day, and then headed home in the afternoon. After all, I haven’t been home for a long time, so it’s time to go home and have a look.

It's time for the daughter-in-law to meet her parents.

Dad, Mom was quite excited after seeing her son come back, she looked at Ning Feng and said, "Why does it take you so long to go home, kid?"

After my mother saw it, she complained all the time.

"What are you complaining about, what are you complaining about? Men do great things, so why don't they always stand in front of you?" Dad said to him.

"That's what you would say."

Mom gave him a blank look and said.

"Is this Miaohan?"

The mother smiled and took Su Miaohan's hand and said, "What a beautiful girl, she is pretty."

"Okay, okay, don't look at it, it will belong to your family from now on, so I can't run away." Ning Feng said helplessly.

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot." After tossing about in the bedroom for a long time, my mother took out a red envelope, handed it to Su Miaohan, and said, "Meeting gift."

"This one……"

Su Miaohan looked puzzled, what's going on?
"Take it, custom."

Ning Feng smiled and said, Mom probably has ten thousand and one yuan in it.It must be the meaning of choosing one in a million. Judging by the thickness of the stack, it is about the same.

I didn't expect my mother to be so generous.

"Thank you auntie."

Su Miaohan also said with a smile, although she is not short of money, she still has to take what her mother-in-law gave her.

(End of this chapter)

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