Chapter 1555

Ning Feng took out the water cup, then crushed the elixir and put it into the water cup.

Then he helped Qiu Kui up and slowly poured the water into his mouth.

He directly took out a series of silver needles in his hand, and pierced several acupuncture points on his body.The speed of action was very fast, and after a while, he pulled out all the needles.

Fortunately, there is no problem with the meridians of the whole body.

As long as it is repaired, it is basically not a problem for him now.

After drinking the potion, Qiu Kui woke up within a short period of time, his energy level improved a lot, and he was able to sit up.

"what happened?"

Ning Feng looked at Qiu Kui and said, "Master, tell me."

Before Qiu Kui could speak, Mu Xueli said to him directly: "They are all from the Paijiang Association, the biggest force in Xijiang Province. We went there to collect a kind of medicinal material that day.

As a result, the guy insisted that it was their territory, and then refused to let us collect it. As a result, their boss came out and injured us. "

"There are still masters in those places?"

Ning Feng said strangely, it is said that there are not many people who can defeat Qiu Kui, so it is strange that that person was able to injure Qiu Kui.

"That person's strength should be solid." Qiu Kui said, "But he used drugs to suppress his strength, so he was not taken away."

"Understood." The corner of Ning Feng's mouth raised, "It seems that there are indeed hidden dragons and crouching tigers on the earth. I underestimated the heroes of the world before."


Mu Xueli said: "We don't even plan to take it anymore, they still injured us, if it wasn't for Master's greatness, we wouldn't be able to come back."

"It's because I didn't think carefully that I can still let this happen."

In his view, the earth is his personal sphere of influence, and he did not expect there to be masters here.How can this make him feel at ease?
"It's okay, they just stay in their place obediently, and those masters are not easy to deal with, let's forget it. That guy may have been practicing for a long time, and he has already reached the middle stage of solid state."

Qiu Kui said: "I'm almost vulnerable in front of him. If it weren't for the help of the spiritual weapon, I might not be able to come back."

"What's that guy's name?" Ning Feng asked, showing no expression on the surface.

"Hanlin book."

Mu Xueli said it first, and said: "This guy must be killed, it is simply too disgusting, revenge."

"Don't act recklessly, this person is not weak, the consequences of offending them will be very bad."

Qiu Kui said.

"Hanlin book?"

Ning Feng said lightly: "Just leave this matter to me, I will definitely handle it for you."

"Master, you should take good care of your wounds. This is Guiyuan Pill. You can recover after taking three pills. It will probably recover by tomorrow."

Ning Feng said.

The elixir he is using now has never been weak, and the effect of the elixir is naturally extraordinary.

"Hurry up and recover. After recovering, I brought you a lot of gifts, which will definitely make you so excited that you can't sleep."

Ning Feng looked at him and said.

"What? Is it some high-level spiritual weapon? Do you have something good? Hurry up and give it to me." Qiu Kui was naturally very excited when he heard this thing. This thing is worse than his life. important.

"After you recover, I will naturally give it to you." Ning Feng said: "You should rest at ease today, and I will let you go when you recover."


Qiu Kui was helpless in the end, there was no way, this guy was so determined.

"I'll go out first." After finishing speaking, he left directly. This matter cannot end like this. How could they let them go so easily?Is there such a good thing?
If he finds out that his master is injured, if this matter can be passed, why is he bothering?This is also an opportunity, it's time for me to intimidate the masters on the earth.

Shangyunting left so many bounty envoys on the earth, which shows that there are definitely many hidden masters of the solid realm on the earth.

Now might be the time to call them all out.

"I will go with you."

Mu Xueli said to Ning Feng.

"Where are you going?" Ning Feng looked at Mu Xueli and said, why does this guy want to go for everything?

"Aren't you going to take revenge on them? Take me with you." She looked at Ning Feng expectantly and said, "This is what I love most."

"Just wait obediently."

Ning Feng said: "Go ahead and do whatever you want, don't get involved in this kind of thing. It's too dangerous."

"It's okay, it's okay." She said with a smile: "Your strength is so awesome, it's easy to protect me."


Ning Feng looked at her expectantly, and finally agreed helplessly, since there was really no danger anyway.

"Ok, ok, ok."

She hugged Ning Feng excitedly, and after a while, they found out that they had gone out for more than ten miles.It didn't take long, and they had already arrived at the Paijiang meeting.

Mu Xueli was almost terrified, how could such a thing happen?
"It's so fast. You are faster than an airplane. What kind of strength do you have now?" She stared at Ning Feng in surprise and said, "This is simply unreasonable."

"If you reach this level, you can fly so fast."

Ning Feng looked at the river ahead and said, "The Paijiang Club is on the island opposite the river, right?"

"Yes, that's the guy up there."

Ning Feng put his arms around her waist, and in the next second he appeared at the gate of the Paijianghui.There were still quite a few people guarding the door. After seeing Ning Feng coming, they said, "Who are you?"

Ning Feng didn't even bother to speak, so he just waved his hand.


These people were all lying on the side of the road almost instantly.

Ning Feng didn't bother to say a word, and walked up directly with the people.

"It's so powerful, it clears up everyone with a wave of your hand."

Mu Xueli was quite excited along the way.

What she likes most is the feeling of being crushed all the way.

Ning Feng walked forward with a smile on his face, facing the people who lined up at the river meeting, he was almost waving a move.They all knocked people down, and these little guys in this Paijiang meeting were basically useless.

Although the alarm had sounded throughout the sect, none of them could stop his footsteps.

Any formation, anyone who comes over is dealt with in one move, and such a strong byte hit the highest building.

Looking at the disciples who were already lying on the ground below, he smiled coldly, and shouted at the bottom: "Hanlin Shu, come out, if you don't come out, your Paijiang meeting will be finished."

(End of this chapter)

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