Chapter 1556 Revenge Not Discussed

After Tang Chuan shouted, the man didn't appear directly, as if he didn't intend to appear.

Maybe he still feels that his existence is a little dangerous.

After all, Shangyunting still manages these people very strictly, and they don't know that Shangyunting has been destroyed.So now they are trying to hide their identities as much as possible.

But he obviously still doesn't know who he is.If he knew his identity, he wouldn't hide it.

"If you don't come out again, I will smash your hall!" Ning Feng's voice was not loud, but it spread very far, and everyone could definitely hear it.

But that person didn't seem to be afraid of his threat at all, so he didn't even come out.

"Don't come out?"

A slight smile emerged from the corner of Ning Feng's mouth, and he took out a huge ax directly from the ring. This is a spiritual weapon he took out from the treasure house of the Golden Clan.

This spirit weapon became huge in an instant, and Ning Feng took the weapon and swept towards the hall directly.

If it is swept by this, it will definitely turn the entire hall into ruins.

The disciples below were all terrified. If they were really hit, their face would be directly swept away. They didn't dare to make a sound when their signs were smashed, so what's the fuss?

They don't know Ning Feng, and they don't know his identity, so they are hostile to him now from ordinary opponents.

"Smash it!"

Ning Feng slammed towards the hall, this time he used all his strength to destroy it, if he didn't use some strength, how could that person dare to come out?


The moment he was about to touch the hall, a person blocked his attack.

A person appeared in front of him, and this person happened to be Hanlin Shu! !

He finally couldn't help but shoot.

"Who is your Excellency, why did you come to our Paijiang Society to cause trouble?" Hanlin Shu looked at him and said, "It seems that we have no grievances or enmity with you!"

"No resentment, no enmity, isn't that right? Your Excellency was the one who hurt me before?" After Ning Feng finished speaking, a cold look flashed in his eyes.

"I don't know who you are talking about?" Hanlin Shu saw this person, and felt a little nervous in his heart, because this person is really too powerful, and his strength is definitely superior to his own.

The power of that move just now made him really scared.It took him a lot of effort to stop the power transmitted from the spiritual weapon.

"My master passed by your place before. If he wanted to pick a plant, he would be severely injured. He is still lying at home and can't move. How do you deal with this?" Ning Feng stared at him and said, "You said this kind of Should things be resolved?"

Hanlin thought for a while, and there was almost no such thing in his impression. Perhaps he had killed too many people?
"Did you forget? It was an old man who passed by here with a little girl that day." Ning Feng said again.

It suddenly occurred to him that there was such a thing, it seemed that the old man's spirit weapon was quite powerful, and he escaped from his hand by relying on the spirit weapon.I also took a fancy to the spiritual weapon in his hand before I shot him.

The spirit weapons he uses seem to be very powerful, and they are all of a higher level than himself.At the beginning, he was also greedy for a while, so he was ready to do it, because on the earth, he felt that except for the group of people from Shangyunting, almost no one was his opponent. These two people were obviously not from Shangyunting, so he So feel free to grab it boldly.

But his snatching this time was not successful, so this guy escaped with the help of a spiritual weapon.But he didn't take this matter to heart, it was just mistakes again and again.

I really didn't expect that someone would come to the door this time, and the person who came to the door was a very powerful master.Now he realizes that he seems to have made a big mistake!
"I'm sorry, I didn't know who he is before." Although he could feel that Ning Feng's strength was not weak, and he might also be a master of the solid state, he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his disciples, after all, he was a door authority.

If he directly confessed in front of Ning Feng, it might affect his status.

So the best solution to this matter is for the two parties to reach a consensus on peace talks, not to damage the face of both parties, but he will give Ning Feng a little compensation.

After all, everyone is a master, and it is very important to save face for each other. Besides, if he has to tear himself apart, then he is not a vegetarian, after all, he has now reached the mid-term strength.

"It's all a misunderstanding, can we talk inside?" The man looked at Ning Feng and said, "You may already know that Shang Yunting has a certain desire for people in the solid state, and it is likely to send someone to come Catch the two of us, if our influence is too great, it will not be good for both parties."

He obviously thinks that Shangyunting still exists, and will send bounty envoys to arrest these masters who have broken through to the solid state, but he obviously thinks too much, Shangyunting has been wiped out by Ning Feng!
So now Ning Feng doesn't have the slightest burden in his heart. Besides, his strength is much higher than that of the opponent, so he doesn't have any burden in his heart at all.

"No, offending Master, there is no need for peace talks for this enmity." Ning Feng said with a slight smile on his lips, "I am not here for peace talks this time, but for revenge."

This person also saw the lack of sincerity in Ning Feng's tone, because he didn't look like he wanted to talk with sincerity at all.

And he said clearly that he wanted to make trouble, so he wasn't afraid of him.Although it is possible to cause even greater troubles, he cannot be ashamed in front of his disciples, because he is the soul of this sect, and at worst he will go into exile in the future, and he cannot admit defeat in this war.

"But don't think that we are easy to bully." He stared at Ning Feng and said, "I think it's not easy for you to cultivate, you'd better retreat now, otherwise I will definitely kill you."

"I'm not scared too much. Since I dare to come to you, it means I have the ability." Ning Feng said lightly.The boss of Shangyunting died in his own hands, not to mention this young man, he was not enough to look at in front of him, anywhere in the domain, basically his strength was the starting point, and he was not very disappointed. ?
"Then you come and accept the move." The man knew that since he had no way to adjust, he should seize the opportunity and make the first move, and he would naturally be sure of winning.

Ning Feng raised his mouth slightly and looked at him, "I want to win too much." The moment he spoke, his whole body began to move.

(End of this chapter)

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