Chapter 1562
The man jumped up immediately, pouring all the spiritual power into his body, and slammed his palm towards Ning Feng.The speed is fast and the strength is not small.

The whole person was shrouded in white light, and the horns on the top of the head expanded in an instant.The whole person almost turned into a cow and rushed towards Ning Feng.

The strength of this cow is not small. When it rushed over, the surrounding air was scorched hot.

The corners of Ning Feng's mouth raised slightly.

Although it looks very powerful, the momentum is also very large.But the strength is not that great, after all, there is still a gap in strength between Ning Feng and Ning Feng.

Ning Feng is a master who has half-stepped into the Dacheng realm.

The other party is nothing more than the pinnacle of the solid state, although it is only such a small step, the gap is a gap.

He has never transformed his spiritual power, so he is a person from two worlds.

So Ning Feng really didn't have much worry about the current situation, and planned to end the battle in front of him with one palm.

But suddenly, that person changed direction directly and ran towards the domain gate.

The guy didn't intend to fight, but wanted to slip away instead.Where is such an easy thing?

The corners of Ning Feng's mouth raised slightly, he stomped the ground, and shot out like a rocket.The speed was extremely fast, and he rushed to the top of the cow, and then punched it down hard.


The man was directly smashed to the ground by Zhan Zhan.

Ning Feng landed lightly in front of him, grabbed his neck with one hand, looked at him with a smile and said, "Do you want to run?"

"I withdraw my troops."

He looked at Ning Feng and said, "I am willing to withdraw the person, you let me go."

"Do you think my appetite is that small?"

Ning Feng said with a smile, let go of the hand pinching his neck and said, "I'll give you a chance."


He looked at Ning Feng.If I had known earlier, he would not have given up so easily.

"Submit to me."

Ning Feng said: "If you submit to me, maybe I can let you go."

The man froze for a moment, stared at Ning Feng for a while, looked at him and said, "I am willing."

In his opinion, submitting to him is the same as submitting to Shangyunting, it's just a change of master.When the time is right, he will reverse when he should.

The corner of Ning Feng's mouth raised, "If you are willing to surrender, it's not just a matter of saying a word. You have to accept my prohibition talisman."


This person froze for a moment, accepted the prohibition talisman, but he was completely finished, and he could only be here obediently as a younger brother for the rest of his life.

"Do you disagree?"

Ning Feng smiled and said, "I'll give you 1 minute to think. If you don't get a result within 1 minute, then you can just die."

"start the timer."

Ning Feng finished speaking lightly, then looked at him with a smile and said.

That person looked at Ning Feng's smile, and his heart trembled for a while.Now his main force is all on Shangyunting, and he is the only one here.

And compared with Ning Feng's strength, the difference is really not even a star.That is an insurmountable obstacle, whether to choose death or be controlled.

"If you obey me, as long as you don't rebel, I don't have time to talk to you." Ning Feng looked at his watch and said, "As long as you don't mess with me, should you be your boss or your boss?"

"I agree."

The man said directly to Ning Feng.

This kind of choice at the door of death really didn't have any hesitation, and he agreed directly. There is nothing to hesitate about.He had already discovered Yun Feihong's feeling in Ning Feng.

The power is so strong that he has no way to resist.

Anyway, he said it all, as long as he doesn't rebel, his strength will not suffer any loss in the end.

"very smart."

Ning Feng smiled and said: "Don't resist, I will give you the lightest restraining talisman. It won't have any effect on you, unless you betray."


He obediently gave up his control.They don't have their own opinions, and whoever controls them will succumb to whoever they are.

This is their strategy for survival.

The corner of Ning Feng's mouth raised, and he directly wove a pair of restraining talismans and pressed them on his body. The process was very simple.He didn't resist much, it felt as if he had given up.

This is much simpler than I imagined.

In fact, Ning Feng still occupies the relationship with Shang Yunting. The lesson Yun Feihong taught them was too profound. Now that he meets a master who is stronger than Yun Feihong, he almost has no will to resist.

"All right."

Ning Feng looked at him now with a smile and said: "Since we are a group, let me give you a suggestion, quickly withdraw the people, or they will die in a while. Reminder, there are two big successes over there." A master of realm is one realm higher than me."

After he finished speaking, the man's face was almost black.

The horns lit up directly, obviously wanting to call these people back.

But after a while, his expression changed.

Ning Feng looked at the piece of paper in front of him, and it was obvious that he had already succeeded.Hai Lishen's masters are basically all dealt with, such Hai Lishen is easy to control.

If there are masters, he will definitely not be able to control these masters.

"Hurry up and ask them to withdraw. Otherwise, your family will be gone in the end." After Ning Feng finished speaking, he left gracefully, and finally left a sentence, "Find me a big house with a good environment."

Since his woman plans to live here, the environment can't be bad.As his own slave, the toubob here is naturally the best choice.

Ning Feng himself never thought that the matter here would be resolved so easily.

It's really too easy.

Hai Lishen, one of the dignified four major forces, was so easily controlled by him, it seems that strength is really a good thing.

When he came back, all the girls had a great time playing.

He also let go of playing with them for a day, and he hadn't played with them like this for a long time.But they finally found out that there is no currency for this planet.

Ning Feng had no choice but to use his relationship, but the guy from Hai Lishen directly brought over a black shell.You can spend whatever you want with this shell.

You only need to use this shell to shine a light on them, and you can completely keep the accounts, and finally take the account book to check out.

This shell belongs to Hai Lishen, the supreme ruler here. No one dares to imitate it, and no one dares to blackmail it.

So now they just spend whatever they want.

I really had a lot of fun. For the first time, I felt that I didn't have to worry about spending money. It felt really cool.At night, a servant led them directly to a room.

(End of this chapter)

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