Chapter 1563
Ning Feng still chose to leave, after all, he had promised others to help her with this matter.Besides, there is almost no difference between Guijia's kindness to me and the kindness of regeneration. Without her, I might still be a mediocre boy in an antique shop now.If she needs help, she is absolutely obliged.

An important thing for him to go outside this time is to find the body of the tortoise shell.And helped her avenge her, after all, she was once hunted down and fell as a result of being hunted down.

As long as he can find his body and let it recover, he should be able to avenge his revenge easily. After all, the real strength of the tortoise shell is much stronger than his own. He used to look down on his current state at all.

"You're back, are you playing beautiful?" The tortoise shell looked at him strangely and said.

"How do you say that? I'm going to copy them for the great cause of the sect. It's for business." Ning Feng also said righteously at the same time.

"Go to the back road of copying the sect and take your little wives with you, you live a chic and chic life." Guijia sarcastically sarcastically at him.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, the work here is basically done, should we go to the outside world?" Ning Feng looked at her and said, anyway, he has despised himself many times, I'm used to it.

"I don't know how many flavors of those herbs are ready now?"

"Now let's go to the most important of the three flavors." Guijia said seriously: "However, these three medicinal materials are difficult to find in the region. We have to look for them outside the region."

"Okay, then stop writing, let's go!" Now Ning Feng was thinking that he would go early and return early to settle those matters, so that she could come back early to share the family happiness with his wives.

"What's the hurry, do you think you can go outside the domain at will? You have to wait for time. It will be possible to go out when the natural domain gate opens." Tortoise shell rolled Ning Feng's eyes and said: "The pressure and peace outside the domain The pressure in the domain is different. The domain gates in the language are formed after masters have opened up and established formations. But the pressure outside the language is much greater. It cannot be opened by manpower at all, but in each specific Time will naturally form a natural unstable domain gate, and only through that domain gate can one go outside the domain."

"It's so troublesome." Ning Feng said worriedly.

"It's not troublesome at all, because you have to prepare a lot of things before, and the Dao Domain Gate is quite unstable. If you don't want to die, you must prepare all kinds of tools to prevent the final pressure." Turtle Shell said to him, "I've got people to find all the materials. What you need next is to refine a powerful spiritual weapon."

"I need to refine something." Ning Feng said to her strangely: "You should introduce to me first, the situation here, so that no accidents will happen then!"

"No, generally with your current strength, there will be basically no accidents. Even if there is an accident, you can fight it out with your own spiritual power, but it's easy to get hurt."

Tortoiseshell said to him.

"But you still need to refine a spiritual weapon to prevent the intrusion of various forces outside. I have prepared things for you, you can watch it yourself! Then you need to refine a blood coagulation pill, this is to prevent Protection against spirit weapon shattering."

Ning Feng was dumbfounded after hearing her words.

So many things need to be prepared, how dangerous is that domain gate!

"Your current strength has not reached this level, so what should I do? Do I need to refine a more powerful spiritual weapon for you?" Guijia told him before that to pass through the domain gate, one must be at the level of Dacheng, but now she is only It's just a solid realm.

"I don't need it, because I will directly enter your sea of ​​consciousness when the time comes."

Go home and tell him.

It turns out that there is still such an operation, which saves him trouble.

"All those materials are in your room, hurry up!" For the next few days, Ning Feng stayed in his room, obediently refining those things, because the final situation would definitely be very dangerous .

Otherwise she wouldn't have said that.


Ning Feng let out a long sigh of relief. Looking at the two things in front of him, he was finally most satisfied!
One of the spiritual weapons is a piece of armor, and the other medicine is blood coagulation pill.

"Okay, let's go!" Ning Feng said to the turtle shell.

Turtle Shell nodded, the time was almost up, they had to get to that position in advance and wait.

Ning Feng also didn't know the exact location, so he could only follow the tortoise shell around.Anyway, after passing through many Dao domain gates, it can be regarded as stopping in a planet.

This place is really bad luck.

Because this place is completely dark, without any light at all.The ground is covered with volcanic ash formed by volcanic eruptions, and volcanic magma flows everywhere.

Those who didn't know thought they were staying in hell.

"Are you sure this is a place where a domain gate is located, why does it look bad to me?" Ning Feng looked at the tortoise shell and said, "Such a broken place can have a domain gate."

"Nonsense." Turtle Shell still rolled its eyes and said: "Only the worse the environment, the more unstable the space, and the more unstable the place, the more likely it is to form a domain gate."

"That's it." Ning Feng nodded, stared at her and said, "It's just where the Domain Gate is?"

"This domain gate is just a natural space crack, and there is no specific location at all. But at this time of the year, there will be a space fragmentation here, and the crack after the crack is the domain gate."

The tortoise shell said to him: "Besides, the domain gate only appears in a split second, so you must seize the time to rush in the split second."

"I see."

Ning Feng nodded.

While speaking, the tortoise shell suddenly collapsed on the ground, and the whole person lost all vitality.

"What's the matter with you?"

"I've already entered your sea of ​​consciousness, so I don't need that skin bag." The turtle shell said to him, "It's almost time, release your mental power, feel it carefully, and if you find any abnormal fluctuations in power, approach that side. "

After Ning Feng heard it, his mental power directly enveloped the entire area of ​​a hundred miles.

Carefully feel the fluctuation of power.

Suddenly, he found a huge power fluctuation in a place, as if something was about to rush out.

"It's there."

While the tortoise was talking, Ning Feng acted.For him, such a small distance is just one step away.

(End of this chapter)

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