chapter 1575

Ning Feng looked at these people coming from one side, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, he didn't even want to take it out on me.

Now that the elders have spoken, you are welcome.

"Run, run, kid! Keep running, I see where you can go? Our Wei Lie has just started, and you stop like this, which makes us feel very boring."

One of them said to Ning Feng.

"What a group of arrogant people, they really thought they could beat me." Ning Feng gave them a disdainful look. "Anyone who is not convinced, hurry up and let you quickly experience what is called the identity call of a hunter and a prey."

"Oh, not bad. I haven't seen such an arrogant newcomer for a long time. It's interesting. Come on, hurry up and answer!"

After one person finished speaking, the person who had troubled Ning Feng rushed out.

"Boy, you are short-sighted. You offended us as soon as you came in." The man rubbed his fists, looked at Ning Feng and said, "Don't think that you know a few simple martial arts, just be arrogant here, I will let you Know what strength is. I will also tell you who is worthy of entering the core."

"Then let me see what the level of these old people is. If they are just making up for their numbers, they will be the ones who really lost their backs to the Water Chamber of Commerce. Besides, if they are not good enough and want to teach newcomers, then Is it too shameless? A little bit." Ning Feng said bluntly, but all the spiritual power in his body had already been activated.

He used his spiritual power not to use it, but because he wanted to confuse the other party. He would definitely not use spiritual power. He was much weaker than the other party in terms of strength. Will win the opponent, if you want to win them all in a shocking way, there is only one way to use it.

That is to use spiritual power.

"What an arrogant tone, let me take a look." After the man finished speaking, he rushed towards Ning Feng with hatred. This guy had humiliated himself before and made himself ashamed in front of so many people. Can't even handle a newcomer.

And this guy also squeezed his brother away, so he couldn't help it.

Ning Feng smiled, but didn't take any action.

"Has this guy given up resisting? He's planning to admit defeat, so let's just talk about it."

"I thought this year's rookie was so good. It turned out to be like this. It's really meaningless to give up before fighting."

"Is this guy stupid? Just forget it. If you don't hit him, you have to hide. If you slap him like this, you can't beat him into a meatloaf."

Everyone looked at Ning Feng's situation and talked a lot.His behavior is really not in line with common sense.

But Ning Feng knew exactly what he was going to do, and fixed his eyes on the opponent, even though he was about to give him the final blow.Since I said that there is nothing wrong with killing people, then it is all right for me to make him stupid.

This is what the elders promised before.

"Go to hell, you fool." The strength in the man's hand suddenly surged, and a red fist wrapped around his fist and rushed towards Ning Feng.

Although this guy's martial arts are already very good, but compared to the strict level of earth's martial arts, their divisions should not be too rough.

Ning Feng is not their opponent yet, so he can only use his mental strength.

"Thousands of Feathers!"

Ning Feng looked at him who was rushing towards him, and his mental power rushed out directly, penetrating towards his sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.

Although this person's strength is not bad, but the mental power is really too weak, if they don't give them a shock, it really makes them think that they are easy to bully.


The man's fist stopped an inch from his door, and he fell to the ground with a crash.Blood was bubbling from the seven orifices, obviously he had been hit hard.

The whole person lying on the ground has no power to attack at all, and this is basically the end.

"What's going on here? Why did you just fall to the ground? It was so sudden, why did you suddenly kill someone?"

"It's weird, that's a master of the spirit embryo realm, and he lost against a master?"

"Losing? But it seems that he was merciful and didn't kill him."

"What happened just now? How did he beat people like this?"

"It should be mental power, otherwise there would be absolutely no such result."

"Spiritual power? Is he a pharmacist? Or a tool refiner? This... It seems that we have provoked someone who is not easy to provoke."

Everyone was suddenly dumbfounded. Looking at the situation ahead, they didn't know what to say.

"You want to kill me?"

Ning Feng looked down at the person in front of him and said, "It seems that's the case? You are so weak and want to bully people?"

"You... are you going to kill someone? Let me tell you, you can't kill people inside the door?" He looked at Ning Feng with some horror and said, "You can't break the rules."

"Did I say I was going to kill you? It was just abolishing your dantian, shattering your meridians, and shattering your sea of ​​consciousness." Ning Feng said with a smile.

His current practice has basically let him bid farewell to the scope of cultivation. If all these things are destroyed, it will be difficult for him to be an ordinary person, let alone a cultivator.

"You can't, you can't do this, I will never agree. The chamber of commerce will never agree."

He said in horror.


Ning Feng stepped on it, and immediately crushed his dantian. "It's a waste to live. You can't beat a newcomer. What's the point? Next is your meridians."

Ning Feng's ruthlessness made them all feel terrible. This person is simply too terrifying. If he offends him, it will obviously end badly.

And as soon as he came up, he planned to kill people.

But think about it, the other party wanted his life, so the situation is really not so scary now.However, the Backwater Chamber of Commerce does not allow internal fighting, which will cause conflicts among everyone.

He can survive, really thanks to the rules in the door.


At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind.

After Ning Feng stopped, he turned and looked over.An old man came out of the room, looked at Ning Feng and said, "New here?"


Ning Feng said lightly, there was no trace of fear in his tone.

"Have mercy and forgiveness."

The old man said lightly.

"Then why didn't you say that just now?" Ning Feng said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Now you came out and said that?"

"Don't make trouble, it's inappropriate." He said flatly, "You're a newcomer, it's inappropriate to treat an old disciple like this."

"Huh? Then old disciples are suitable for newcomers?"

Ning Feng's eyes were as calm as water, but there seemed to be endless anger in them.

(End of this chapter)

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