Chapter 1576 Eighth Level
"It can be said that way." The elder said flatly: "You are a disciple who just came in, and you still have to have the minimum awareness."

"What consciousness? Being bullied?"

Ning Feng said lightly.

"It's a tradition." The elder said, "You shouldn't be so ruthless."

"Ha ha……"

Ning Feng said disdainfully: "My temper is a little hot, anyone who dares to bully me will definitely return it a hundred times, no matter it is an old man, an elder, anyone!"

When he spoke, his tone suddenly became more serious.

"Are you threatening me?"

The elder's face suddenly changed, "You are really the most arrogant disciple I have ever seen."

"I can suffer, but I will never be angry." Ning Feng said coldly: "If someone wants to shit on my head, then don't blame me for being rude, anyone must be trampled under my feet .”

After he finished speaking, there was a look of terror in his eyes.

Next, he stomped on the person under his feet, directly shattering his meridians.

"Originally, I didn't intend to kill him, but because of your appearance, it directly led to his death, and I can only blame you for everything."

When Ning Feng was speaking, he stomped him to death.

"Don't recruit me, or you will all die!"

After finishing speaking, he kicked the corpse under his feet aside.

That elder is almost stupid, he has never met such a person.What is this trying to do?I have never seen such a person who directly confronts the elders.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Are you blind? I'm defending myself. Anyone who wants to bully me will die." Ning Feng said coldly: "I'm not an ordinary newcomer. You'd better keep your tail tucked in front of me. I If you have a bad temper, if you piss me off, you will die. You are no exception."

Ning Feng has the aura of a superior, after all, he was the overlord at the beginning.Although the spiritual power is still very low, the momentum on his body is still very strong.

Don't pay attention to anything said at all.

He himself said it naturally, and he has forgotten that his current strength is actually just that.

"It doesn't make sense."

The elder was also angry. He was usually aloof, but he didn't expect to be bullied by them now.

"Boy, you kneel down right now."

"Kneel your uncle."

Ning Feng scolded back unceremoniously, "What the hell are you, and you have the right to talk to me, so you can die wherever you are cool."

Ning Feng dared to say this, first because his own strength was indeed sufficient, and he was sure to kill this guy.The second aspect is because this guy is really annoying.

When I asked him about the situation before, he said he didn't care.Now that I have the advantage, start to take care of it again?Is there such a good thing?
"what are you saying?"

The elder was also angry, who would dare to talk to him like that, he is the highest manager here, anyone who sees him will not be obedient.But this guy dared to do this in front of himself.

"I'm saying you're an idiot."

Ning Feng pointed at him and said, "Do you understand now? Stupid."

The surrounding disciples were completely stupid. They thought this newcomer was very arrogant before, and any old disciples would ignore him.

But only now did he realize that he was really arrogant, and the elders dared to scold him directly.

This temper is really terrifying.

"Is there something wrong with this guy's brain? He dared to say this to the elder, did he want to die? The elder's current strength has reached the realm of Shenzang. To challenge others with his Dacheng realm is simply looking for death."

"Yeah, this guy is looking for death. He doesn't have enough brains. He will be killed by the elders."

"Take care of him, this guy really doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, does he really think how powerful he is? Let him think that we are so easy to bully."

Everyone yelled at him.They are also quite excited now, because it is really rare to see such a person now.This kind of person was a student who dared to talk back to the teacher before.

They all want to watch the scene where the students are wiped out by the teacher.

This is to watch the excitement without thinking that the matter is too big.

That elder is still a little afraid of Ning Feng now, the guy's mental strength has reached an unknown level.He has already seen clearly that this guy is really terrifying.

He easily dealt with that person's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and if his mental power reached level seven or above, he would not be able to deal with him.

But Ning Feng is now so angry that he can't advance or retreat.

"Hmph, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here." Ning Feng said casually: "In the future, don't bother me, or don't blame me for being rude."

After speaking, he planned to walk inside.

The elder is really helpless, if he doesn't deal with this guy, his reputation will be lost.How are we going to deal with these guys in the future?


He growled.

As a result, Ning Feng didn't give him any face, and walked directly towards the one in front, as if he didn't hear his voice.

"Boy, stop for me."

He finally couldn't help it anymore, and after jumping up, he slammed his palm forward.

Ning Feng naturally knew how he made the shot, so he turned around almost instantly, and then he slapped him right, and his mental power burst out in an instant.

"Thousands of feathers come together."


Two loud bangs.One was the sound of two people colliding, and the other was the sound of the elder retreating and falling to the ground.

The elder fell to the ground in an instant, bleeding from his seven orifices, and stared at Ning Feng in horror.

"You actually have level eight."

His sea of ​​consciousness can resist the attack of the seventh level of mental power, but just now the mental power is completely above the seventh level, he himself has no chance of resisting at all.

If he didn't retreat in time, he would definitely be killed.

"Eighth grade?"

Ning Feng sneered, then turned and left. "Don't bother me in the future."

After finishing speaking, he left gracefully.

After all, it is someone else's territory, killing people is not good.On the other hand, it is not good to expose it like this because I have used my mental power twice.

And if you hang around here, just relying on mental strength is not enough.

The most fundamental thing is to practice spiritual power.

At least I have to change a set of exercises now, no matter whether it is good or bad, I have to let my strength rise first, and then change the exercises at that time.

Now using the previous exercises, the strength cannot be improved at all, it is a waste of time.

"Yes, yes, are you a pharmacist?" A girl sat on the wall and said to Ning Feng.

"Come down, what are children doing climbing so high?"

Ning Feng looked up at her and said.

(End of this chapter)

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