Chapter 1577
"Then you come up, sit high and see far away." The little girl looked at Ning Feng with a smile and said.

Ning Feng smiled slightly. He was also very interested in this little girl, so he ran to the wall and sat down.

"What's your name?"

He really looked at this little girl, a little cute, so he couldn't help but wanted to ask her.

"Red Ling."

The little girl said with a smile, then stared at him with a pair of big eyes and asked, "What's your name?"

"Ning Feng."

Ning Feng introduced each other to her very seriously.

"Then are you a pharmacist? Your spiritual power is so strong?" the little girl looked at him and said.

"What do you think?"

"I don't think you are. A pharmacist is a noble profession. How could he come to us as a disciple?" The little girl blinked her big eyes and said strangely.

"Then let me tell you, I'm really a pharmacist. I came here mainly because I had nowhere to go. And as you can see, although my spirit is great, my strength is mediocre. A shelter." Ning Feng felt that chatting with this little girl was much easier, so he didn't hide anything.

"Oh, so it's like this!" The little girl dangled her feet twice.

"Then who are you? Why do I feel that they are all afraid of you?" Ning Feng asked. He knew that the little girl's identity must be unusual, and she might be the daughter of some important people in the family.

"Because I'm the daughter of the president of the Backwater Chamber of Commerce!" She covered her mouth and smiled, "Of course they're afraid of me."

"Well, then you have to be more well-behaved in the future, because what they are afraid of is not you, but your father. Obedient children are the cutest." Ning Feng taught her.

It was very easy to communicate with this little girl, and she also said a few more words, so we sat and chatted with her.

"Don't talk about this, don't talk about this." She changed the subject very directly. "You said you are a pharmacist, can you teach me how to make medicine?"

"Of course it's okay. A child as talented as you is, you'll definitely be able to learn it!" Ning Feng said, stroking her head.

"But they all say that I'm a brat, I can't do anything! I'm always making trouble in front of my face." She said with some grievances.

But he is indeed like a brat. At such an important scene of recruiting disciples, he actually slapped the old man in the face and immediately transferred you to the core disciple. If this kind of kid is not called a brat, what else is it called?
"It depends on your obedience. If you are not obedient, if you are obedient in front of me, then I can tell if you are a brat?" Ning Feng said with a smile.

"If you teach me how to make medicine, I will be obedient." When the little girl said this, her eyes were still shining.After all, being a pharmacist is such a lofty job.

"Oh, come with me, I'll take you to start refining medicine."

Ning Feng took her directly and left.

"Ah, it can be done so directly, doesn't it need a process? Don't you need to learn from a teacher?" Hong Ling looked at him in surprise and said.He's too straightforward, why doesn't he go through a process?
And it doesn't matter what your identity is?I don’t even examine myself, I just plan to teach myself!

"They are all sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, why are you so constrained by the world?" Ning Feng said: "As long as you are indeed talented, I will teach you without reservation."

Ning Feng really wants to take in an apprentice now, he has no other ideas, and he doesn't want to take advantage of anything, he just thinks this little girl is a little cute.

"Yes, yes, yes, they are all sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, so don't care about the rules." She was obviously very satisfied with this sentence.

"You go and get some herbs first." Ning Feng said to her: "Get these herbs, I will teach you when the time comes."

"Alright, alright, you wait for me in the room, I'll come right away." Hong Ling directly pulled a person outside, and treated him as a coolie to work for others.

Many people looked at Ning Feng curiously. The big devil in front of them was subdued by Ning Feng, and they didn't know what method he used.

This big devil is lawless in the Backwater Chamber of Commerce, he can't be coaxed well, and he doesn't dare to fight.But why did he suddenly become so submissive in front of Ning Feng?

"First of all, taking advantage of this time, let me teach a few words, which are also the rules of our teacher's school." Ning Feng said to her: "If you obey, I will truly accept you as a teacher."

"Then can I ask you a question in advance?"

She looked at Ning Feng curiously and said.

"Just ask."

"What strength do you have now? If your strength is not as good as those old men, I won't learn from you." She looked at Ning Feng and said seriously.

Ning Feng smiled and said: "I am stronger than them. I am a ninth-rank pharmacist. What do you think of my level?"

"Nine grades? Is it very high?"

She stared at Ning Feng strangely and said, she obviously didn't know if this strength was really great.

"Not weak."

Ning Feng said helplessly: "After thinking about it for a while, I know, don't you see my confident expression?"

"Okay, I see."

Hong Ling said with a smile: "I may not be patient. If I can't see the effect, I'm afraid I don't have confidence."

"Do not worry."

Ning Feng smiled slightly, "I understand."

Children are like this. When you first start, you must not tell her nonsense.Especially boring theoretical knowledge, no one wants to listen to it.

When you started, just teach her how to refine simple medicinal materials.

After she discovers the subtlety of it, she will go find a theory by herself.When you encounter something you don’t understand, go learn it by yourself.So there was no need to force-feed her before.

After she gets started, if she is really interested in this subject, she will definitely look for various things to study by herself.You will learn by yourself.

"Okay." She said with a smile, "Then tell me about your rules."

"The first rule is not to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors."

"Of course not, this is not allowed anywhere." Hong Ling said seriously, and then stared at Ning Feng, waiting for him to continue with the second point.

But Ning Feng was stunned for a while and didn't speak.

"Master, continue." She said mischievously.


Ning Feng shrugged and said, "Our house rules are just one."

When he was young, he knew that all kinds of rules for elementary school students were written for such a long time, and the ghost knows what they are.So be concise and list the most important ones.

"Just this one?" Hong Ling also said strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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