Chapter 1590 Black Market
Looking at this Fudo Mingwang Kung Fu, I don’t know whether it is good or bad. The Fudo Mingwang Kung Fu is also divided into three layers. Do not move Ming Wang Gong.

Although I know that the skills he gave me will definitely not be bad skills, but it is not very clear what level of skills he is.This tortoise shell has not appeared recently, which makes him very strange!

"Okay, don't think about it, this Fudo Mingwang Kung Fu is an upper-level kung fu, so it's suitable for you." Turtle said to him leisurely.

"Is this exercise good?" Ning Feng was a little excited.

"It's okay, you, just use this exercise, and temporarily transition, the most suitable exercise for you is the Qingxuan swordsmanship of the Qingxuan Sword Sect." Guijia said lightly.

"Okay, don't get too excited. You have to remember your mission. You are going to the Northern Territory. You can't stay here for a long time. If you stay for a long time, you will definitely be discovered."

"Don't worry, I will remember. As long as I improve my strength a little, I will go to the Northern Territory immediately. With my current strength, I don't have much to rely on, so going out like this will be more dangerous."

Ning Feng said.

"Anyway, it's up to you. You have to leave before the end of August, because it's free at that time. If you can't go at this time, you may have to wait another year."

Tortoiseshell said very seriously.

It is now mid-July, and there is just over a month left until the end of August.I have to use this month to break through to the realm of the spiritual fetus, and that guy has to let him show his feet.

"I will count the time, and I will definitely not delay it." After Ning Feng finished speaking, he was grateful to only open the exercises, and now he only needs to practice to the first level.

Martial arts, exercises and other things have never been difficult for him?The statuette in his mind will take the initiative to help him complete everything.

"Okay, let's go!" Tortoise said, "I'm also going to practice in seclusion now and recover my strength. If there's nothing important, don't bother me!"

"Okay, I'll find you when I leave." After Ning Feng finished speaking, the turtle shell fell silent.

For the next few days, Ning Feng has been studying the first level of his Fudo Mingwang Kung Fu. The first level is Fudo as Mountain, which is not very difficult.

Ning Feng has fully mastered this almost in a short time. What he wants now is a breakthrough in strength, and the Dacheng realm is still a little weaker.

"Master, I'm coming out." Hong Ling smiled and rushed towards him.

"How is your recent pill refining? Don't just run around and practice more." Yan Feng became a mother-in-law's teacher again, educating her.

"Oh, the methods of these exercises are actually the same, just changing the soup but not the medicine. Now I am mainly waiting for a breakthrough in mental power. As long as the mental power breaks through the third-grade elixir, it is not a problem for me." Hong Ling said very confidently.

"Okay, what you said makes sense." Ning Feng thought for a while, it seems that this is indeed the truth, the most critical point is the breakthrough of mental power.

Although Hong Ling is only using the most basic channeling technique, it is definitely the best thing for him who is laying the foundation now.

There is no need to use too good exercises now. It is best to wait until her mental power is stable above the second floor before switching to more advanced spiritual cultivation methods.

The basic thing is invisible and intangible, but it is so important.

"Master, I have been practicing for such a long time, and I haven't made any breakthrough in my spiritual power. I am helpless." Hong Ling sat beside her, looked at Ning Feng and said, "Don't practice anymore, anyway, you haven't made a breakthrough yet. , why don't we go out and play."

"How can this be? Although we haven't made a breakthrough yet, it's a good choice to go out for a change of mood." Ning Feng suddenly said with a sinister smile.

"Yeah, master, I knew you were such a reasonable person." Hong Ling said excitedly.

"Then is there anything interesting here?"

If you want to make some breakthroughs in the skills, it will take a long time to rely on self-cultivation alone, and the best choice is to rely on external forces.

I have to find some opportunities by myself.

"Let me think about it, why don't we go to the black market to play. There are people from all religions and streams in that place, those with status, those without status, registered and unregistered, some people and barbarians all gather there. "When Hong Ling talked about this place, his eyes were shining. Obviously, this place is really good.

The two were all ready to go, packed some things and were ready to go to the black market.

This place is an interesting world. There is no currency here, and the intermediary of the transaction is a kind of elixir called Yiyuan Dan.

This kind of elixir is also a bit troublesome to refine, and it is a kind of elixir that can help improve the spiritual power of the human body.

Of course, bartering is also possible here, but bartering is the most popular way.

The really good things will not be accepted with the one-element pill, because everyone's strength is very high, and the effect of the one-element pill on them can be said to be useless.

Naturally, Ning Feng also refined some things to use when he was going to barter.

Hong Ling led her around for a while and finally stopped at the entrance of a small alley.

"It's right in here and that's where it is." She pointed to the inside and said.

"Then what are you waiting for here? Go in."

Ning Feng said to her.

"The rule here is that whoever goes in first pays the bill. Isn't it because resources are tight on me now, so I need you to pay the bill." She said with a smile.

"Master, shouldn't it be right to settle the bill for the apprentice? If you can't do this, wouldn't it be shameful?" Ning Feng looked at them and said.

"Yes, Master is right, you should invite first." She said with a smile.


Ning Feng walked in helplessly, and he didn't know what the hell he was up to.

After entering, turn a slight turn and you can see the bustling situation inside. Inside is a street about three feet wide, and the hawkers inside are arranged in four rows, filling the street to the brim.

Sure enough, as she said, it is really prosperous here, with all kinds of people and all kinds of things.

Maybe I can really find what I want in this place.

"Hong Ling, come here, you can just tell me what you want, don't be too polite, today the master invites you to treat me." Yingfeng said to Hong Ling, he had to take good care of her, in case what happened that day happened again , what can I do?

(End of this chapter)

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