Chapter 1591 Bone Forming Pill

Hongling is really not polite at all, she can take whatever she wants.

The prices here are much cheaper than what he thought, and he would need at least a fifth or sixth grade elixir for these things, right?As a result, those one-yuan pills can buy a lot of things.

You can buy a lot of gadgets.

"On this continent, if you have a talent for cultivation, you will be at the Dacheng state at the beginning, but there are countless people who can't practice at the bottom."

Hong Ling said: "These people are not qualified to practice at all, so they can only prolong their lifespan and increase their physique by obtaining the One Yuan Pill, and some people dream of being like the legendary Seven Swords Immortal Emperor, To be able to grow from an ordinary person to a person standing at the top."

"Seven Swords Immortal Emperor?"

Ning Feng looked at her curiously and said, "What kind of person is this?"

"Immortal Emperor, that's naturally a person of the Immortal Emperor level, that realm is still far away from us. So there is no need to think about it." Hong Ling said: "However, his spirit has encouraged many people, because He was not a very talented person when he was just born, but he improved by using the One Yuan Pill in the later stage."

Ning Feng smiled, she was still too innocent.This kind of person can only be used as a role model, because it is not feasible at all.

After countless years of evolution, masters only reproduce and interact with masters.A huge class gap has long been formed, and the people below will have fewer and fewer opportunities to rise up.

These stories are just to deceive them and give them something to think about.In fact, this kind of opportunity can only be less and less. People at the top will gradually consolidate their status, while people at the bottom will find it harder to climb up than winning the lottery.

"The things here are very ordinary." Ning Feng changed the subject and said, "This place is not as good as you said."

"This is the outermost area. It's just to give these poor people a chance to survive. Give them all the good locations." Hong Ling said.

Ning Feng is more interested in this matter.There is still such an operation here, giving the best lot to the bottom people.

It seems that it is not blindly squeezed, so that it can feed the lower class people and maintain the current situation, which looks good.

"Very well, then you can continue to pick things, and give these poor people more money."

Ning Feng said lightly, and after finishing speaking, he also picked out some distinctive things. These things don't look very precious, but they are very beautiful and rare.

The reason why he did this was because he thought that if he wanted to go home one day but forgot to bring a gift because of his anxiety, it would be bad.

After distributing a wave of money outside, the two finally walked inside.

After walking into a narrow alley, Ning Feng realized that there were really many good things in it.There are those who sell spiritual tools, those who sell pills, those who sell martial arts and martial arts, and those who sell animal bones.

Ning Feng could tell that Hong Ling was not very interested in this place.She still prefers the gadgets.

"You go shopping with me for a while, and I'll make you a gadget."

Ning Feng looked at her with a smile and said, there are no roast sausages, roast gluten, roast duck on earth, let alone night market snacks such as milk tea, cakes, ice cream, sugar people, crayfish, etc. nothing.


She immediately became interested and looked at Ning Feng excitedly.This is what cheered her up, "After two quarters, here you are."

This guy really loves these gadgets so much, he finally didn't lose her, he tied her by his side.

In front of a small stall of animal bones, Ning Feng picked for a while, and finally picked three or five pieces of animal bones. These animal bones also contained the blood essence of monsters, which he needed very much.

"Make an offer."

Ning Feng said to him.

The animal bone seller was a tall man with many wounds on his body.

"A fifth-grade elixir, no bargaining."

He said lightly.

"Fifth Grade? Why don't you go grab it, this is animal bone, not animal spine blood, it can't make much blood essence." Hong Ling couldn't stand it at first and yelled.

"Are you lying to people who don't understand the market?"

The man shook his head and said unmoved, "Because I need it."


Ning Feng motioned her to stop arguing, and directly took out a fifth-grade elixir, then handed it to him and said, "It's okay, here you are, if you have any good animal bones, you can give them to me, what elixir do you need? I will give you any pill, but it can only be of the fifth grade."


After Ning Feng finished speaking, the man's eyes suddenly burst into light.

"Yeah." Ning Feng said, "I really need this thing."

He directly took out another big bag from the position behind him, handed it to Ning Feng and said, "I want a continuation pill."

Ning Feng gave it to him without any hesitation.Then he directly took away the large bag of things in front of him, "Continuing the pulse pill is not enough, take it together with the last pill, and your injury will be healed."

Ning Feng had already looked at his things before, and it was very good. Among these animal bones, he actually saw a very strange bone, which was in the big bag at the back.

I want so many things just to get that animal bone.

As for his body, one could tell at a glance that he had been injured during the battle with the monster, and seven or eight bones had been broken all over his body, but this guy was stunned and didn't say a word.

Using Xumai Dan will not have any immediate effect at all.

It must be cured by cooperating with the bone forming pill.

"You have met a good person." Hong Ling said to that person: "Go back and cultivate yourself."

"Master, master, stop for me, time is up, hurry up and cook something delicious for me." She looked at Ning Feng curiously, wondering what kind of surprise he could bring.

Ning Feng looked at the time, it was really too fast, the time was up so soon.

He looked around and found a stall, which was a small pancake stall.It should be an ordinary person who did not occupy the advantageous booth outside.

Ning Feng gave her a one-yuan pill, and she immediately thanked Dade for letting him use the booth at will.

He took her little spoon, then took out a small fruit and threw it into the spoon.

This small fruit is something similar to rock sugar, but it actually serves as a seasoning.

He casually cut out a small stick, and then directly fired the pill fire in his hand to refine the small fruit inside into a molten syrup.

Slowly poured out from the spoon.

(End of this chapter)

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