Chapter 1594 You are going to die in my hands

The speed of the whole person soared again, and he wanted to come back before the explosion, so it turned out, but he obviously miscalculated, because his strength couldn't keep up with the power of the energy ball.

The huge explosion directly enveloped all of them.Don't know what's going on inside.

The president collapsed in an instant, he knew how powerful this force was, and Hong Ling couldn't bear any impact in it.As long as this force hits it, it will definitely be finished.

Ning Feng is also starting to scold his mother now. This president is really out of his mind. If he is there, he will forget it. The key is Hongling. Is this to kill the plan together?
Standing outside, the president almost collapsed. Looking at the ruins below, he blamed himself for a while.

Why didn't I think clearly before, I only wanted to kill Elder Wu, but I didn't expect this guy to take the initiative to transfer the battlefield.In order to prevent Hong Ling from being caught by him, he hurriedly threw the entire power ball to him.

Now I really regret that I am going to die. The force just now directly razed the buildings below to the ground. , this is the power after his own mirror has offset a considerable part of the power of the flaming lion.

Looking at the smoke and dust in the sky in front of him, besides annoyance, he was still annoyed, Elder Wu couldn't bear this force, how could the two of them bear it, they must have died?
The other people at the scene were also surprised. Looking at the situation in front of them, this was a situation that they had no time to react to.I didn't expect the president to be able to make this action at a critical moment.

It's better to let him kidnap Hong Ling, so at least there are conditions for negotiation.

It won't kill people!
It's really a brain-dead decision made by the chairman when the time, place and people are not as good as it is.

The president is waiting here until all the smoke and dust have dispersed.

"Cough cough cough..."

A burst of coughing ended, and the two walked out.

The president's eyes suddenly lit up, and the appearance of that person was almost engraved in his heart.

"Hong Ling?"

The president seemed to be crazy, he rushed over and hugged Hong Ling.

"It's great that you're fine, that's great." The president was so excited that he almost got carried away. This incident was like a good thing that fell from the sky.

It's better than a pie falling from the sky, as if I lost a pie and then fell back again.This feeling of losing and regaining is naturally quite exciting.

But now Ning Feng is thinking of killing him. This guy is simply a fool. I didn't see it before. How can he be so distrustful now?
"Come, come, let go."

Hong Ling pushed him away and looked at him and said: "Do you know that your behavior almost killed us? I am your daughter, so I don't have the same knowledge as you. Come here and apologize to the master."

This guy Hongling even accused the president directly, but she was the only one in the Backwater Chamber of Commerce who dared to do so.

"If it wasn't for the master, I might have been blasted to pieces by now."

The president hurried over and pulled you Ning Feng and said: "Thank you sir, if it wasn't for you, would I have regretted it forever? Thank you very much."

But he changed his mind and thought that Ning Feng is just a person who has just entered the Dacheng realm, how could he resist the attack from the master of the god realm?
"How did you escape? This force should be quite strong, right? It should exceed the limit that your strength can bear!" The president said to him in doubt.

"In order to fight against your power, I have already destroyed one of my most proud defensive auras. It has a total of [-] layers of defense, and there is not even one layer left for me." Ning Feng said very distressed, that bed is the treasure of the Double Dragon Hall, with a full [-] layers of defense, and the power that the masters of the Dacheng realm directly blasted on it did not destroy it.

But even if this kind of master in the realm of Shenzang is not in the core position, his aftermath alone will destroy the defense.At the last moment, if it wasn't for hiding in the golden palace, the force it endured would be even greater, and it would be wiped out in an instant.

Fortunately, the Golden Palace is blessed by the Golden Dragon, and the entire space is independent of each other, and any aftermath outside will not affect the Golden Palace.

"I'm really sorry, I sincerely apologize to you, because I was really hotheaded at the time, I hated him too much, and I didn't calmly analyze it, I will review myself. For your loss, I will ten times It's compensation." The president said to Ning Feng: "You saved Hong Ling's life, and we owe you two favors."

"Hongling is my apprentice. It is only natural for me to save her. Don't talk about being human or not. You should review your abilities when you go back. You can even hit your own people in a fight."

After Ning Feng finished speaking, he took Hong Ling and left directly.The president is also behind the fart and fart and came back.He is now full of guilt towards Hong Ling.

Facing your favorite things, it is always easy to make mistakes, and the more careful you are, the easier it is to make mistakes.

So she made some mistakes this time, because he didn't look at what was going on with Elder Wu who was attacked by him. Since Ning Feng could escape from here, wouldn't Elder Wu not?
Just when these people were all evacuated, a disheveled man slowly stood up in the pile of ashes.

"There is no way to kill me now. I will pay back the shame of today twice as much in the future." The man in the ashes walked outside step by step with a tired body.

"You really think too much." Suddenly a figure appeared in front of him, looked at him and said.


The person in the ashes looked up, and found that the person in front of him was so familiar, because this person was Ning Feng who was in front of him before.

"Why is it you? Haven't you already left?" The man looked at Ning Feng in surprise and said, he is not Ning Feng's opponent at all now, to be precise, he is not anyone's opponent, with his current status Under the circumstances, even an ordinary person can kill him.

"I've been waiting here for you. If we hadn't left, would you still show up? His head is a little hot right now, but I don't have a fever." Ning Feng stared at him with a smile on his lips.

"So I'm going to kill you now."

"What, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible to win me, you are not qualified to kill me at all." The man in the ashes said with his eyes wide open.

"But you're going to die at the hands of a little-known person like me!" Ning Feng slapped him straight away as he spoke, and that slap ended the man's life.

(End of this chapter)

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