Chapter 1595 Eating Animal Bone

I really thought I didn't see his previous actions. After the president's ball hit him just now, this guy also used a spiritual weapon to defend directly on his back. Although he was hit, But it is absolutely impossible to die, I really see it.

Just now I took a step first because I was anxious, but after I walked out, I immediately realized that the situation here was not right.I happened to come back to take a look. I didn’t expect that this guy just dug out from the ruins. Didn’t this just happen to be delivered to me? I was almost beaten to death. This guy’s death is not a pity, so Ning Feng’s attack is really quite good. happy.

"What you call evil comes with evil." Ning Feng said to his corpse, then turned and left.

Ning Feng returned to his room and directly took out all the animal bones from before. Although the essence and blood of these animal bones did help him a little, they were not what he really needed.

What he needs is the golden animal bone in the backpack. Although the animal bone looks a little brighter in color, the energy he exudes is much purer than others.

Ning Feng opened the package and found the animal bone.

This animal bone is golden in color, only as long as an arm, and a red line runs through it from top to bottom.

Ning Feng took a look. He didn't know much about this animal bone. He didn't know what kind of monster this animal bone was, but knowing the blood essence refined by him would definitely be of great help to him.

Ning Feng directly prepared to take out his own alchemy furnace, and then threw the animal bone directly into it.

He directly lit his own pill fire and threw it into the pill furnace, intending to refine it, but at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Don't do that, do you know what this is? Just plan to refine it with pill fire, you call it a waste of things." Turtle Shell suddenly said to him.

Turtle Shell hasn't spoken for a long time, he may be suppressing his power, and he doesn't want it to leak out.The reason why he speaks now is that he really can't bear it!

"Then what exactly is this thing?" Ning Feng asked a little puzzled. This animal bone did look different from other animal bones, but it couldn't tell if there was anything special about it.

"I don't know what this thing is? But I can feel the power of the golden beast from it." Turtle Shell said seriously.

"What is the golden beast? I've never heard of this thing before. Could it be some kind of divine beast?" Ning Feng asked curiously.

"The golden beast is not a kind of divine beast, but a general term for a class of monsters." The tortoise shell began to popularize knowledge for Ning Feng again. "The so-called golden beasts are the top few forces among the monster clan forces. The blood and bone marrow of the leading monster beasts. Because at the top of the monster beasts, there will be eight major forces, and basically every one of them has Golden bones, and golden bones are the source of their strength."

"That means that their golden bones are very powerful." Ning Feng said to him, "Then why can't they be in love?"

"How do you refine it? If you dare to refine it? Believe it or not, all the major forces around you will find a way to destroy it. Do you know how big the movement of refining the blood essence from this bone will be?" Turtle Shell said: "If you If you dare to refine it here, you will die in minutes without a place to bury you, you probably don’t know the importance of golden bones to these people.”

"Golden bones are the top bones of monsters. The refined blood can quickly break through the strength of people, and monsters hate the behavior of refining their bones. You can directly refine them like this. It will offend people and monsters, and it will be strange if it survives."

"It's so terrifying?" Ning Feng said, "Isn't it? Is there another way? I need to improve my strength now!"

The tortoise shell thought for a while, and said for a while: "There is a way. But the process is definitely not as convenient as refining it directly."

"Of course I know this. If it's as convenient and quick as that one, then wouldn't I know this method?" Ning Feng said to her.

"There are three methods. The first is to find a powerful person to cover you, but this is not very reliable for you. Just look at the second. The second is to find a closed space. It is best It can isolate energy fluctuations, but generally it can. There are really not many places that sell energy fluctuations of golden bones, so this is considered as none. The three are slightly more reliable ones, that is, you can directly take the blood essence in it Go down, and then refine in the body. If the bone is opened directly, there will be a stream of blood at the position of the red line. You need to drink this blood directly, and then use the pill fire to refine in the body, so that If you do this, you can maximize the power of the essence and blood, and there will be no waste of it."

Tortoise shell swears by it.

According to Ning Feng's understanding of her, if he dared to say that, there must be many bad things in the future, waiting for him, the advantages are that there must be more disadvantages.

"'I am clear about the benefits, you can tell me the disadvantages directly." Ning Feng said with a frown, because this is what he cares most about.

"Well, you also know that monsters are things that explode, and this thing will become more violent after entering the body, especially in the body of a human body that does not fit. Besides, they used to enter your body at a very high level. In the body, how could it be possible to obediently obey in the future, then the next refining process? Naturally, it will be very, very painful, and it may be painful, so you have to think about it."

After the tortoise shell finished speaking, it stopped talking.

Ning Feng thought for a while, did he have any way out?Could it be that you don't want to refine it?If he didn't refine it, he would have to use his mental power for a long time if he wanted to improve himself.

After all, Dachengjing can only be regarded as the bottom level of cultivators in this world.

If you want to survive here long enough, you have to use everything. The higher your strength, the greater your chance of surviving.

"I have to refine it next. Tell me, is there anything that needs attention?" Ning Feng said directly to the tortoise shell.

"Have you thought about it clearly? It will cost a huge price to refine it now." Turtle Shell said to him.

"Think about it, it's such a simple thing, compare the advantages and disadvantages together, if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, you can do this thing. The advantages obviously outweigh the disadvantages, so you can do it. If you need to order anything, just let me know. .” Ning Feng said to her happily.

(End of this chapter)

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