Chapter 401

"That's right." Ning Feng looked at him with a smile and said, "Why didn't you think of it?"

He looked at Niu Dabiao, then turned to look at Ning Feng and said, "Okay, okay... I've been killed." He probably also saw that the two of them were cheating him together, and he had also fallen into someone else's trap.

Ning Feng stared at him and said, "Do you think that everyone's IQ is inferior to yours, and that you can control the whole plan?"

"I just didn't expect that he trusted you so much. It was my miscalculation." Chen Baifa said, he really didn't expect that Niu Dabiao was so respectful to Ning Feng.

In fact, he didn't know that Niu Dabiao just wanted to be a slightly older boss in his heart, and he couldn't control such a big influence now.

If Ning Feng hadn't supported him from behind, he would never have been able to go on.

He has given way to Ning Feng countless times, but Ning Feng firmly disagrees, he doesn't have that kind of thinking, even he can see this kind of thing.

Ning Feng said: "Your plan can't be said to be very clever. A plan that uses the darkness of human nature is not feasible." As long as this kind of plan makes a slight mistake in judging human nature, then the next step will be wrong.

"How did you know I would call him?" He looked at Ning Feng and asked.He didn't know how Ning Feng could know his plan in advance.

He couldn't understand, how could his plan be exposed?In his opinion, with Niu Dabiao's level, he would never notice that this matter is tricky.

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "Because you haven't mastered all the elements, such as Yang Lin, you can't handle it."

"Yang Lin?" He suddenly realized that almost all his plans this time were based on uncertainty.The control of the gang was just a matter of luck, but it was impossible to control Yang Lin, and it also failed to control Niu Dabiao.

This is conspiracy, and everything is based on a certain fluke.

"I'm convinced I lost this time." Chen Baifa looked at Ning Feng and said, "But, do you think you can win if you capture me?"

Ning Feng smiled and said: "I know that I may not win, but I must not lose. Old Feng, I will leave it to you to deal with."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand to summon the two younger brothers who were on guard downstairs.The two rushed forward and caught him directly. To deal with this kind of person, they naturally have their own methods.

Just because Chen Bofa didn't take his little brother with him doesn't mean they didn't take him with him. Niu Dabiao has been around for such a long time.There are still a few younger brothers who are trustworthy.

"Mr. Ning, I have to thank you this time. If it wasn't for you, I really don't know what to do." Niu Dabiao said to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng patted him directly on the shoulder and said: "Don't be so pretentious, what you have to do now is to go back quickly and take our company's security guards to block the people who entered our Qinglong Entertainment directly. And Qin Fangzhou and the others Fang attacked together, directly broke up all these people, handed them over to the police, and asked them to lock them up."

"It's Jiao Han's part that came in this time. As long as Jiao Han is disposed of, their part is finished."

"Okay, I'll act right away." Niu Dabiao said to Ning Feng.

The next step is to close the door and beat the dog. Before this gang was controlled by Chen Baifa, they all came in to make trouble when the door was opened.

But once under the control of Niu Dabiao, it is a posture of closing the door and beating the dog. Under the attack of the two sides, this part is over.

He should be more familiar with these fights and land grabs than himself.

Ning Feng didn't get involved in it anymore. If such an advantageous strategy and the number of people can't win, then don't play.

Unsurprisingly, Jiao Han's film was disarmed in front of many people, and there was no effective resistance at all.They were too scattered and were constantly occupying territory, so they never expected such a sudden change.

"Mr. Ning, Jiao Han was caught by us." Niu Dabiao said to Ning Feng who had been sitting in the mine.

Ning Feng smiled and said, "There is nothing to celebrate about what is planned."

"How should he deal with it?" Niu Dabiao didn't know how to do it at all, so he had to ask Ning Feng, "Or just kill him."

"Don't, don't, don't..." Ning Feng said with a smile: "This kind of bankrupt boss must not be killed, they will be of great use."

Generally, this kind of person is a good player in internal fighting. He has no company and wants to put on airs of the boss. He is not convinced in other companies. He is definitely a good shit-stirring stick.

"Then why keep him?" Niu Dabiao asked puzzled, "Wouldn't it be a waste of money to keep him?"

"Ask Ma Qinglong for money, but I don't believe he won't give it." Ning Feng said with a smile.Ma Qinglong will definitely spend money to buy it, this represents his image, and he values ​​the image of a brother.

"Then let him go so easily?"

"Why did you give up on him so easily? Didn't we ask him for money?"

"Ah?" Niu Dabiao asked puzzled.

"Oh, okay, I'll do as you said." He was smart enough to follow Ning Feng's request when he encountered any confusion.There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing this.

With such a blow, it is estimated that Qinglong will not be able to recover for a long time. For a long time in the future, they will be peaceful.

Now Niu Dabiao doesn't have enough strength to handle the Azure Dragon Club, after all, the gap between the two is quite large.Now we can only let Qin Fangzhou calm down the rear first.

"As for Jiao Han's place, it's too far away from us, so let's leave it to the Black Tiger Gang. Their strengths are quite different, and they are very suitable for fighting." Ning Feng said.

They can't keep up with their background and strength now, so they can only consolidate this place.If the annexation continues, it can only be a snake swallowing an elephant, and finally kills itself.

Niu Dabiao and the others are very imperfect now, and the current territory is already at its maximum limit.

And they helped a lot this time, so of course we have to give them a little sweetness.Of course, to Ning Feng now, both sides are not considered outsiders, and it is the same to help anyone.

Niu Dabiao obediently carried out all of Ning Feng's words.

At this time, his cell phone rang suddenly, "Sister Hua, what's the matter?" This Sister Hua is the aunt Su Miaohan just found, both of them are too busy now, it would be a waste of time to continue cleaning the room by themselves .

"Someone looking for me? Who?"

"Several people? When did I become so popular? I'll go back right away."

Ning Feng didn't know who was looking for him, so he drove back directly.

"Ning Feng, are you back?" Sister Hua asked Ning Feng.

As soon as Ning Feng entered the door, he saw several people sitting in the living room, and one of them he knew was Zhou Ruoxi.Don't know the others.

"Are you together?" Ning Feng looked at Zhou Ruoxi and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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