Chapter 402

Zhou Ruoxi shook her head and said, "No."

Ning Feng glanced at them and said, "Who are you?"

One of the men stood up, looked at Ning Feng and said, "I am Chang Zhongyang, and this is the letter of challenge from the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Regarding your provocation this time, we have decided to formally challenge you."

Ning Feng glanced at the other people, taking notes in a notebook, as if they were reporters or something.

"Chang Zhongyang? I don't know you." Then he turned to Zhou Ruoxi and said, "Is there anything you want from me?" Then he turned to Chang Zhongyang and said, "If you have nothing to do, go back."

As soon as Chang Zhongyang spoke, he knew who he was, and he must be the group of people who uploaded that kind of information on the Internet.And judging from his posture today, he wanted to implement his challenge to them.

From his current performance, Ning Feng could almost tell that Su Miaohan's method had worked.It is because the wind direction of public opinion has begun to change, so they have to use this method to push things one step further.

Let Ning Feng get the challenge letter inadvertently, let the reporters add more fuel and vinegar, and finally set Ning Feng's image to death, and that arrogant image will be shaped for him.

How can he get what he wants?So it's better to just ignore him.

Zhou Ruoxi looked at Ning Feng and said, "I have a friend who needs your help to see a doctor?"

"No problem!: Ning Feng said directly to her, and after finishing speaking, he said to Chang Zhongyang who was behind with a dark face: "If it's okay, you can go back first.I don't have time to play this idiotic game with you. "

Chang Zhongyang's face had already turned black. Ning Feng did not give him any face at all, and it was quite obvious that he did not want to talk to him.

"Ning Feng, do you want to accept this challenge? Don't you dare to challenge?" This guy is still putting on a show.

Ning Feng was dissatisfied with this, and said to him: "Who are you? What kind of person, a member of the Chinese Medicine Association?" He didn't know Chang Zhongyang, and thought he was a member of the Chinese Medicine Association.

Chang Zhongyang said arrogantly: "I am the boss of Baicaotang, and the doctors you provoked belong to our Baicaotang." He spoke with countless pride and pride.

"Oh, so it's you."

"Know my name? Then accept it quickly, and then we will have a real competition." Chang Zhongyang said proudly. He might think that his name is as effective in Haicheng.

Ning Feng smiled and said, "Of course I know you. It's the Baicaotang that made the fake medicine? The fake medicine you made hurt so many people during the last epidemic, and now you still want to do it?"

Those reporters seemed to have heard the explosive news, and they immediately regained their spirits, and all of them stared at Ning Feng.

One of them said excitedly: "Mr. Ning, is there any inside story that we don't know? We know that you are the developer of the special drug for that epidemic. Isn't the accident in the middle a normal reaction? And Is there some inside story?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Chang Zhongyang shouted at Ning Feng anxiously: "He is slandering."

Although these reporters were recruited by him, they seemed to prefer breaking news.

Ning Feng said unhurriedly: "Of course there is an inside story. In fact, I researched this special medicine the next day. Later, Baicaotang also said that they had researched it. As a result, people who took their medicine became seriously ill. It's a lot worse. Do you think I'm right?"

After finishing speaking, he said to Chang Zhongyang: "I am too lazy to talk to a person with such flawed character. Challenge you? Do you think you are qualified?"

"Don't be arrogant in front of me, tell you, you fake drug maker is no different from a murderer in front of me."

After the reporter heard Ning Feng's words, they hurried to write. This is a wild story. Although they heard some news on the Internet before, they haven't got an effective way yet.This time it's big news.

Chang Zhongyang said with a dark face: "You are talking nonsense, our Baicaotang is a serious clinic."

"Don't tease me, you just said that the three doctors this time are all from your Baicaotang. Oh, by the way, you can check on the Internet, is the person who made the fake medicine called Chen Yiming? He seems to be there too. In this competition." Ning Feng looked at him with a smile and said: "Although you want to slander me, please come up with a good method and don't embarrass me with this low-level black method."

Those few reporters quickly confirmed the news, and they were immediately excited in their hearts, which was unexpected.And there seems to be another big news later, it seems that they are also intentionally hacking this game.

Ning Feng is quite skillful in speaking, just to show the black history of Baicaotang.Let them understand that this Baicaotang is not a good thing.

In particular, he said that these doctors are all from their Baicaotang, and now they are all trapped in a trap.Those reporters were also willing to consider the issue from Ning Feng's standpoint.

After all, everyone hates a fake drug maker.

Ning Feng smiled and said, "Do you think I'll have time to challenge you when I'm so busy? Do I still need to rely on you to build my reputation? And I will be stupid enough to challenge three people alone? I'm sick, yes Do you really want to lose yourself?"

"If you want to challenge me, just say so, and if you want to fight more or less, I will definitely accompany you to the end. But you play this disgusting way, which makes me very unhappy." Ning Feng pointed out Looking at him, he said, "Can I have a little more sunshine in my heart in the future?"

Chang Zhongyang was directly baffled by Ning Feng's string of words, because all he said was the truth, and there was no lie at all, so there was no room for rebuttal at all.

"Okay, okay... When we challenge you, do you dare to accept it?" Chang Zhongyang looked at Ning Feng and said, now that the public opinion on the Internet has also begun to reverse, he must quickly let this competition go on, and if it continues like this, they reputation is ruined.

Ning Feng said to the reporters: "You can also see clearly that it is the three old Chinese doctors who are jealous of me, a new young Chinese doctor, so they have to pick one out of three. This should be better than a small Chinese doctor picking three. Old Chinese doctors are more topical, right?"

Those reporters also knew that Ning Feng was teasing them, but what he said was indeed the truth, and this topic was more hyped.

Three old Chinese doctors challenged the young doctor, and the little doctor was Ning Feng who had just cured the epidemic, so the topic was so small.

"Then do you accept it or not?" Chang Zhongyang said to Ning Feng, "Do you dare?"

(End of this chapter)

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