Chapter 403 Patient
Ning Feng smiled at him and said, "Why don't you dare? You can decide the time and place at will. When the time comes, I will pick three one by one. As a young man, I still have some courage. I just want everyone to see clearly The real strength of your fake drug clinic."

"Huh, don't be so arrogant now. The three people who came this time are all heavyweights in Haicheng, and each of them has quite powerful strength in Haicheng. It's too late for you to regret it now." Chang Zhong Yang way.

He was an afterthought. He had clearly agreed, but he came to ask himself if he wanted to go back on his word.If you go back on your word, wouldn't you be afraid?
Besides, this is an opportunity to magnify one's merits and collect a wave of meritorious power.

"Manly man, what you say is what you say." Ning Feng said with a smile: "It's not bad to compete with the seniors."

"Okay, let's compete in my teahouse tomorrow. Sanjiang Teahouse." He said to Ning Feng.Then put the challenge book on Ning Feng's desk.

But Ning Feng directly stopped him and said: "Take it back and make it again. Remember, you should change this to you challenging me, not me challenging you? I am a very humble person, so don't make me appear so arrogant. Your point Be careful and you can't hide it from me."

This is Chang Zhongyang's little thought, he really thought that he would just use this challenge to fool the past, but it seems that he is not so easy to deal with.

Obviously sending you a message that you splashed dirty water was a failure, but the next opportunity to clean up Baicao Hall came.

They held this competition not only to disgust Ning Feng, but also to use Ning Feng's reputation to promote Baicaotang.

If the three people in their clinic beat Ning Feng in three aspects respectively, wouldn't the patients be very happy to come to Baicaotang to see the doctor seeing this situation?

After all, they represent the highest strength. Although they only defeated Ning Feng on one side, all three of them are in Baicao Hall, which proves that coming to Baicao Hall is to find the highest level.

He didn't think about it, what if he lost?Then there will be no pants left for the loser.

The reputation is completely ruined.

Perhaps in their view, there was no way they would lose. After all, it was three awesome characters bullying a young man, and it was three against one.If you use your best part to bully others, it's no wonder you lose.

Ning Feng smiled and said, "No problem."

Those reporters were going crazy with excitement. They didn't intend to make any new news when they were called by Chang Zhongyang this time. They were nothing more than a few commonplace issues. They didn't expect such a situation to happen.

But I didn't expect Ning Feng to break out such big news one after another. How could it make him not excited?

Ning Feng also knew that after this time, the public opinion on the Internet may have to be reversed.

He looked at Chang Zhongyang and said: "In the future, do things more brightly, don't be so sneaky, you can easily shoot yourself in the foot." After speaking, he said to Sister Hua: "Sister Hua, help me loosen them."

I don't have the slightest friendship with them, so of course I don't need to be polite. Now that the matter has been finished, I will naturally drive them away, and it would be too much to stand there.

"Ruoxi, why are you looking for me?" He had been entangled with Chang Zhongyang and the others for a long time just now, forgetting about her.

Zhou Ruoxi said to him, "I have a friend whose condition is a little serious. I hope you can go and have a look. I have seen many doctors, but none of them have any effect."

"Let's go, since it's your friend, why are you being polite?" Ning Feng has completely different faces towards friends and enemies. He will directly give thunderous anger to unfriendly people, and he will naturally treat friends well. of.

Zhou Ruoxi looked at Ning Feng and said, "Aren't you busy now? If you are busy, don't worry, she will stay here for a few days, don't worry."

"I have nothing to do now, let's go."

Zhou Ruoxi stopped being polite to him that day, and the two drove directly towards a wealthy district.

When she arrived at a villa, after knocking on the door, an old woman opened the door, looked at Zhou Ruoxi and said, "Miss Zhou is here, do you want to come and see Xiaozhang?"

"Well, how is her condition?" Zhou Ruoxi walked in with Ning Feng.

The room as a whole is gray and dark, giving people a depressing feeling. It is no wonder that the people in this room must not suffer from depression.

"It's still the same, but Dr. Lu is treating him." Auntie said to Zhou Ruoxi.

"This is a doctor I invited. He is very capable. Show Xiaozhang."

"Oh, then you go up, just in time to discuss with that doctor Lu." The aunt said.

It is strange that top doctors, especially Chinese and Western medicine, can discuss it.It would be good if they didn't fight. Both of them adopt different theoretical systems and are destined to be hostile.

Moreover, Western medicine generally looks down on Chinese medicine nowadays. Those who have received education in Western medicine will naturally think that Chinese medicine is all dross and superstition.

It never occurred to me that foreign swimming teams have started cupping.Chinese medicine is also very popular abroad, but it is discriminated against in China.

This kind of thing has a long way to go.

"Let's go." Zhou Ruoxi led Ning Feng up to the second floor, and then opened one of the rooms.In broad daylight, the entire room was covered by curtains, making it dark.

On the edge of the curtain, there is a woman standing with her back to Ning Feng.Wearing a long silk dress, she has a graceful figure and long hair draped over her shoulders, making her look very beautiful.

The exposed calf was white and slender.He must be at least 1.7 meters tall, and this person can almost be a star.

"Ruoxi, you still don't give up." She said, "There have been so many doctors, and they haven't helped at all. I have already given up. Do you think I will be relieved if I jump from here?"

"No, I specially invited this doctor, and he will definitely be able to cure you." Zhou Ruoxi said.

And another doctor inside said to her: "Don't have such an idea, as long as you cooperate with the treatment, it will be effective within a year."

"One year is so long." She was like a beautiful and outrageous butterfly, ready to fly down at any time.

"Don't have such thoughts. Believe me, this doctor is different from the previous ones. He is a Chinese medicine doctor. I have seen his medical skills before. He is absolutely superb. You believe me." Zhou Ruoxi said to the woman.

The woman looked back at them, then smiled and said: "Anyway, I don't have confidence anymore, so it's up to you."

When Ning Feng saw this woman, he was really amazed, she was so beautiful, it was beyond words.This is the second time he has seen such a beautiful woman.

(End of this chapter)

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