Chapter 404 Xiner

The last time I saw such a beautiful woman was Su Miaohan, and she was comparable to Su Miaohan in terms of appearance.The woman's face is smooth and beautiful, her pink neck is slender and fair, her lips are bright and her nose is bright, like a graceful beauty from a classical painting of ladies, like a blooming Clivia.

Ning Feng looked at him with a hint of admiration in his eyes, such a beautiful woman is indeed rare.

Seeing a trace of surprise in Ning Feng's eyes, the woman smiled casually. Men usually see her with this expression, and she is used to it.

"Chinese medicine doctor, you actually hired a Chinese medicine doctor, don't you trust my medical skills?" The doctor said to the crowd, "How can the superstitious superstition of Chinese medicine be used to treat mental illness?"

Ning Feng always looked familiar to Dr. Lu who was invited before, as if he had seen this person before.

Zhou Ruoxi quickly explained: "Doctor Lu, I just want one more solution. You can use your method. If it doesn't work, let Mr. Ning treat it."

After hearing what she said, this doctor Lu immediately exploded, and said to Zhou Ruoxi: "What do you mean by this? I am a famous psychiatrist who came back from studying in the United States, and you don't believe me? Use a Chinese medicine doctor to humiliate me Am I?"

This person's brain seemed to be sick, too sensitive, and said directly to her: "You are also a doctor after all, and you have received orthodox western medicine education. You should understand that things like Chinese medicine cannot be trusted at all."

Zhou Ruoxi was also a little angry, she was because of his illness, so there was no disrespect for him.Besides, she thinks Ning Feng's strength is quite reliable.

"I know that he is quite reliable. If he is not reliable, I will not invite him here." Zhou Ruoxi said: "You treat yours, he treats others, no one will affect anyone."

Ning Feng also rolled his eyes at him and said, "If you're not good at it, get out of here, don't compare yourself here. Don't make these nonsense excuses."

After hearing Ning Feng's words, this man was also excited. He even dared to scold himself. You must know that he is a regular western medicine student who returned from studying abroad.He is just a Chinese medicine doctor, why should he mock himself.

"Hmph, Chinese medicine is just a superstition. It has no strength at all. Don't think that you can cure your disease with a sharp tongue. You are superstitious. No matter what you do, you are superstitious." He yelled at Ning Feng.

Why does Ning Feng think this person is exactly the same as that Lu Konglu?Have a major hatred for Chinese medicine?Could it be that Chinese medicine stimulated them?

"Can you cure this person? Don't talk so much nonsense. If you want to be treated, you should come first, but I see that your level is limited." Ning Feng looked at him and said, arguing in front of the patient seemed very unmannered.

Ning Feng said with a smile: "You say your western medicine is good, so use your western medicine to cure it?" He had already seen the patient's condition when he came in.

The man looked at Ning Feng and said: "I, Lu Kongshou, will naturally have a solution. I will use my original psychotherapy. I only need to talk to her for a year, and his condition will definitely be relieved. Your Chinese medicine is massage. Things are out of hand.”

"One year? One year is too long, let's forget it." The woman said with a melancholy expression, "Forget it, forget it."

Ning Feng looked at him contemptuously and said, "It won't take that long, half an hour, for you to fully recover." This person's illness is not an important illness to him at all.

"Bragging, Chinese medicine is like this. You can only blow it out. There is no good way at all. The orthodox western medicine in our country is science. This kind of Chinese medicine is just superstitious and not worthy of trust." He looked at Ning Feng sarcastically. road.

Ning Feng didn't even bother to talk to him, this kind of people didn't even get a green card, and he knelt and licked everywhere, as if this would improve his character, but he didn't know that this made him even more disgusting.

"It's only half an hour anyway, you might as well try it." Ning Feng looked at the woman and said.

Zhou Ruoxi looked at the woman and said: "Xin'er, you might as well let him see, his level is quite good, and Chinese medicine is indeed very miraculous, it is simply not comparable to those traditional people."

"I have witnessed his amazing level several times, otherwise I would not have invited him here." Zhou Ruoxi said very seriously, Ning Feng's level has no real people who have seen it, so he has no idea The great thing about it.

Lu Kongshou said contemptuously: "Psychology? There are also psychology involved in Chinese medicine, are you kidding me?"

Ning Feng ignored him, and said to the woman: "Perhaps for Western medicine, you have a serious illness, such as psychological problems, or excessive pressure. In fact, in our opinion, it is just a blockage of liver meridian. Suddenly you feel disgusted with everything around you, as long as you get through it, you will feel different."

The woman looked at Ning Feng in surprise and said, "How did you know about my condition?"

Ning Feng shook his head and said: "Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to observation, hearing, and questioning. Your situation can be resolved by simply looking at it. You don't need any more means at all. As long as you are willing to believe me, half an hour will let you change your mind."

Zhang Xiner looked at Ning Feng, and suddenly found that the surprise in his eyes had disappeared.He spoke with a very serious expression, and his eyes were particularly deep, like a bottomless spring.

"Are you sure there is a way?" Ning Feng's serious expression seemed to have caught Zhang Xiner's attention, so he would try anyway.

"It's only half an hour anyway, so it won't take you too long." Ning Feng said with a smile.

"Don't waste time with him. How can it be cured in half an hour? Traditional Chinese medicine is nothing more than acupuncture and massage. It doesn't work at all." Lu Kongshou felt that Ning Feng seemed to be trying to persuade this woman. Come over quickly to dissuade him.

Ning Feng glanced at him, "What's the matter? Can't wait for half an hour? I'll let you see how the Chinese medicine you despise cures the patient."

"Hehe... You are really joking to cure deep depression in half an hour. Let me tell you, it is impossible." Lu Kongshou pointed at Ning Feng and said, "I tell you, if you can cure it, I will take your name. "

"Don't, don't... I won't want a prodigal son like you. I have never been in contact with Chinese medicine, and I started to make fun of others after learning a little foreign knowledge. I don't want anything from my ancestors. How dare I want you? You kind of rebellious son, you probably think that kneeling and licking others will make you feel a little superior?
But I have to remind you that your foreign fathers have already started to study Chinese medicine, so I will not want you to be such a rebellious son. "Ning Feng cursed directly at him.

(End of this chapter)

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