Chapter 406 Get Down
"Okay." Zhou Ruoxi said to Ning Feng.

When Ning Feng turned around, he was so scared that he turned back again, "Well, you can let her lie down, and there is no need to show the front, cover it well."

This Zhou Ruoxi is really an upright child, she feels that there is no need for any other ideas between the patient and the doctor, since doctors have no ideas anyway.

But after all, she is a peerless beauty, so it is too tempting to strip her naked so directly, and then sit there facing Ning Feng.

She actually turned Zhang Xiner naked, and then she sat up on the bed, looking at Ning Feng just like that.

Ning Feng said to her: "Just expose the back, and cover up the rest of the place."

Although the doctor's eyes are all patients, she is a beautiful woman after all, and she is such a perfect beauty. After taking a look, she still left a deep impression on her eyes.

It took a long time again to get rid of this impression.

Zhou Ruoxi looked at Ning Feng, then smiled, "You're quite upright."

Being praised for being upright, is this considered a compliment?Shouldn't he behave like a beast?

Ning Feng hurriedly asked.

"It's fine." Zhou Ruoxi said to Ning Feng: "Hurry up, don't care about those details. We all believe in you."

After Ning Feng turned around, Zhang Xin'er had already crawled on the bed, revealing her entire smooth back and two arcs that were deformed due to extrusion.But the whole person is still completely naked, and the lower body is covered with a blanket.

Although it is still very revealing, it is not so revealing anyway.

Ning Feng was able to act now. As soon as he picked up the Bianstone, his whole body changed. There were no beauties in his eyes, and all he saw were illnesses.

He took the needle stone and slid it back and forth on the Liver Meridian, with varying degrees of strength, and tapped several acupuncture points several times.

Various techniques were used to hold the meteorite, but this movement lasted for nearly ten minutes.

Seeing that her skin had started to turn red, Ning Feng put away the needle stone and replaced it with silver needles, which were pierced on several acupuncture points.

The hand was very fierce, after piercing, and then gently pulled out to the human body.This is the case with every stitch, and the hands are quite quick. One front and one back, the needle swings quite a lot, but the needle tip does not move.

This action is exactly like the white tiger shaking his head.

Those who know how to do it can tell at a glance that this is one of the famous four-element acupuncture methods, and the white tiger shaking head acupuncture is a method of venting.

For people with liver meridian stasis, nothing is more effective than this acupuncture method.

As the needle tip kept swinging back and forth, a red thread spread along the liver meridian.

"Hiss... what's going on here?" Zhou Ruoxi looked at the red line that suddenly appeared and asked, "What's going on here?"

Ning Feng looked at her and said, "It's okay, it's normal."

After he finished speaking, he continued to twist the silver needle in his hand, the red thread continued to extend, and finally slowly condensed back.

His hands slapped her back quickly, injecting a little bit of spiritual power into each acupuncture point to speed up the smooth flow of the meridians.

At this moment, it was obvious that some black dirty things slowly emerged from her back.

This is not something in the liver meridian, but just now Ning Feng put spiritual energy into it to purify her body.

But it also plays an important role in the purification of the liver meridian, and the stagnant qi in the liver meridian has basically been dispersed.

"Ruoxi, go find a bottle of alcohol." Ning Feng said with a smile.

Zhou Ruoxi immediately got up and went to look for something, but Ning Feng immediately pulled out the silver needle from her tiger's mouth.

At this time, Zhang Xiner also faintly woke up.

She was about to turn around in a daze.

"You'd better not move, it's easy to get lost." Ning Feng said coldly.

After hearing this voice, she looked down and realized that she was completely naked, and she immediately became embarrassed.

Just as she was about to speak, Ning Feng continued to explain: "It was Zhou Ruoxi who took it off for you, don't worry, I never touched you. She was watching from the side just now, she just went out to get something, wait a moment .”

She is a little shy now, although she knows this is the case, but lying there naked is still a little uncomfortable.

"Don't rush to get dressed, there is still one step to go." Ning Feng directly stopped him.

She has no choice now, but can only lie on her stomach naked, and the two of them don't speak, just maintaining such an embarrassing situation.

After a while, Zhou Ruoxi came back, saw Zhang Xiner woke up, and said excitedly: "Xiner, you woke up, how do you feel?"

Zhang Xin'er could only sit up holding a list on her chest and said, "I feel much more relaxed, as if I can breathe freely."

Her current appearance is quite seductive, her upper body is naked, her entire back is naked, her spring light that seems to be exposed but not exposed, and her perfect figure all make people throb.

"Do you feel irritable?" Zhou Ruoxi looked at Zhang Xiner and said, "Do you feel a little more comfortable? Is your head still heavy?"

She doesn't know how to ask about this situation now, anyway, she just doesn't know how to express it.

Ning Feng said to her: "There is one more step, don't worry."

"Get down!" Ning Feng said to Zhang Xin'er.

Zhang Xiner glanced at Zhou Ruoxi.

Zhou Ruoxi nodded, and said: "It seems to have some effect, the last step, you hold on."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiner lay down on the bed directly, as if letting the king do whatever he wanted.

Ning Feng took the alcohol from Zhou Ruoxi's hand, and then smeared it on her back with his hand.Her back was quite flat and smooth, coupled with the cooling effect of alcohol, she felt a strange feeling immediately.

I couldn't help but smear it for a while.

But anyway, he still knew his duty, took a fire and ignited the alcohol directly, and then smeared it back and forth directly on her back with both hands.

The flames swam back and forth with Ning Feng's hand, this move belonged to guidance.It is to use the flame to directly guide all the stagnant qi in the liver meridian to the outside of the body.

Zhang Xiner's feeling is quite strange now, a heat is swimming back and forth on the back, but there is also a chilly feeling in it.

Walking around her body with both hands still made her feel a numb feeling, and her skin was still a little tense.

At this time in the body, it seems that there is a kind of power to gradually pull out some blocked things from the body, making people feel that breathing is getting smoother and more comfortable.

"En—" She couldn't help but let out a strange sound for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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