Chapter 407

It made her blush immediately, but Zhou Ruoxi and Ning Feng were still around, this voice was really embarrassing.

But when she was embarrassed, Ning Feng came up and rescued him. "Yu Qi has come out, just wait for a while."

It turned out that this was caused by depression and had nothing to do with me.But she clearly called out just now because she felt comfortable, obviously Ning Feng was covering it up for her.

I didn't expect this person to be so careful.

After a while, Ning Feng put out the fire on his body directly. "Okay, take a shower first, and call me after you get dressed." After finishing speaking, he went out.

As soon as he went out, Lu Kongshou, who had been drinking tea all the time, said, "Hey, 29 minutes and 34 seconds, less than half an hour? How is it? Is it cured? Are you bragging?"

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "Of course it's cured. Do you think I'm just like you, only talking about it? It will take another year?"

After speaking, he also sat on the chair, picked up a cup of tea and drank it directly.

"Hmph, just blow it up, let's see the patient's condition, I don't believe it anymore." Lu Kongshou said: "You bad Chinese medicine doctor can also cure mental problems."

"I've already told you that the two belong to different systems. For you, it's a psychological problem. For us, it's just stagnant qi causing the liver meridian to be blocked." Ning Feng said with a smile.

"Hmph, don't fix those mysterious things, let's see the effect." Lu Kongshou obviously didn't intend to believe Ning Feng.

Ning Feng ignored him and just drank tea there.

"Mr. Ning, it's fine." Zhou Ruoxi said to them.

Ning Feng nodded, then stood up and said to Lu Kongshou, "Are you interested in seeing how your so-called superstition can cure patients?"

"Let's go, I'll see how your cowhide is blown." Lu Kongshou said to Ning Feng. "I really don't believe you can be cured."

Ning Feng walked directly into the room. Zhang Xiner had already changed into a set of clothes. Her purple hip skirt highlighted her graceful figure. Her hair was still a little wet and was tied behind her back casually. Although she still had no makeup, but that kind of The beautiful appearance still can't help but make people tempted.

"Give me your arm." He said to Zhang Xiner.

Then he put his hand lightly on her pulse, and said, "Okay, I've almost recovered, how do you feel? Don't you have the depressed feeling like before?"

Her overall complexion has obviously improved a lot, and she looks quite good, indeed showing signs of recovery.

Zhou Ruoxi looked at her and said, "Are you really well now?"

"I don't know, but I feel a lot lighter, and my chest is not so aggrieved." Zhang Xiner said, she felt that she was indeed much better.

"Hmph, this condition is recurring. Now that there is no condition, it doesn't mean that she is cured now." Lu Kongshou said: "How can you use acupuncture to solve mental illness."

Ning Feng didn't bother to explain to him that a bad mood would naturally lead to stagnant qi, which would block the liver meridian and cause her to be irritable.

Opening up the Liver Meridian and dredging stagnant qi is to solve the fundamental problem.Western medicine basically dissipates depression by talking, and then solves these irritability problems by taking medicine.

In fact, everyone leads to the same goal by different routes, but their respective theoretical systems are different.

But for this kind of people who look down on Chinese medicine, there is no need to explain to them at all. Anyway, after explaining to them, they will not listen.

You can never wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep.

Ning Feng also ignored him, walked directly to the edge of the window sill, and then directly opened the curtains, a ray of sunlight directly penetrated through the glass, and the bright light directly illuminated the whole room much brighter.

"It's so comfortable!" Zhang Xiner couldn't help but said.

After she said this, everyone was shocked.You must know that she is quite afraid of light, and feels stimulated every time she sees light.

Now not only did he not have any violent reaction, but he also felt comfortable, which is something strange.

Zhou Ruoxi shook Zhang Xiner's hand excitedly and said, "Are you alright? Are you feeling uneasy?"

Zhang Xiner also showed joy, she suddenly found that she was really not afraid of light anymore.It is because of the fear of light that my career has been stagnant for a long time, but this time it was really cured.

Then you can make a comeback.

Lu Kongshou looked at Ning Feng strangely, he didn't understand what was going on at all?This kind of mental illness can be solved by acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine, which is beyond his inner cognition.

"As I said, Chinese medicine is profound and profound, so don't use your superficial knowledge to define it." Ning Feng said flatly. "The condition is basically the same. If I prescribe a few more medicines for recuperation, there will be no problem."

"Mr. Ning, I have to thank you this time. I didn't expect to be able to cure such a difficult disease. I have consulted countless psychiatrists, but they have no effect, but you have cured me with three injections and two injections." Zhou Ruoxi looked at it. Ning Feng said excitedly.

Zhang Xiner also looked at Ning Feng and said, "I really have to thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be cured so quickly now. I really have to thank you very much."

While speaking, he took out a credit card from the drawer and handed it to Ning Feng: "This is the reward you deserve, and it contains 10 yuan. Thank you for your medical skills!"

"Don't do that." Ning Feng said directly to her, "I'm here to help her out, not to make extra money. If I make money, you won't be able to hire me with 10 yuan."

He directly rejected Zhang Xiner's money, and said seriously: "Since you are Ruoxi's friend, you are also my friend. There is no charge for helping a friend."

Zhang Xiner froze for a moment, she didn't expect that he would reject the 10 yuan without even looking at it. Although 10 yuan is not a lot of money, it is not a small sum either.

Zhou Ruoxi said to her: "Xin'er, Mr. Ning's fee for a visit to the doctor is quite high, it is said that it is already seven figures. But he is not willing to go. He is very loyal, just treat him to a meal gone."

Zhang Xiner didn't hesitate, and said, "Okay, since that's the case, then I'll treat Mr. Ning to dinner. Anyway, it's almost time."

"I don't know if Mr. Ning can give you face."

"Of course." Ning Feng was already hungry, and the purpose of the dinner was to express his gratitude. If he didn't give him this opportunity, it would be unreasonable.

"You go, I have to go back to the hospital." Zhou Ruoxi made an excuse to go back to the hospital.Lu Kongshou also left in embarrassment. At the beginning, he said it would take a year to heal, but he was cured in half an hour. It was a shame to throw him home.

(End of this chapter)

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