Chapter 408 Big Star

"Get in the car." Zhang Xiner drove to Ning Feng and said, "Please eat."

Ning Feng was also polite, got into the car directly, and followed her.

"Do you like Chinese food or Western food?" she asked.

“Chinese food.”

"Me too." After Zhang Xiner said with a smile, she drove directly to a restaurant.

When she got out of the car, she put on the mask directly, making herself almost unrecognizable by everyone.

"What are you doing? Don't you think it's too hot?" Ning Feng looked at her strangely and said.

She smiled at Ning Feng and said, "This will save a lot of trouble." Without saying a word, she took Ning Feng into the restaurant and asked for a private room.

Then ordering food, chatting, everything went very well.

"This place looks good, and the taste is not bad, the taste is not bad." Ning Feng commented while eating.

Zhang Xiner looked at him and said, "I often come to this place."

The two chatted very passionately, but when they were having a lively meal, Zhang Xiner's phone rang suddenly.

"Sister Xing, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiner directly picked up the phone and asked.But the more he asked, the worse his complexion became.

After finishing the 2-minute call, she quickly searched the Internet on her mobile phone, and her face immediately darkened.Not a word was said.

"What's wrong?" Ning Feng looked at her and asked suspiciously.

Zhang Xiner looked at Ning Feng, then handed the phone to Ning Feng, on which was written a big title "Song Queen Zhang Xiner meets a mysterious man privately".

There is still a large piece of this kind of news below, and there are reporters below who say they will continue to follow up.

Ning Feng directly saw several photos of the two people's backs below, obviously the two were secretly photographed.

It must not be because of me being secretly photographed, of course it is because of Zhang Xiner?
"Are you a star?" Ning Feng looked at her and asked strangely.He never thought that this person was actually the queen of the song. He usually listens to the song without looking at the name, let alone the appearance of these people.

Zhang Xiner looked at Ning Feng and said helplessly, "Singing."

"I'll go, no wonder I was photographed by the paparazzi. Shall we run back next?" Ning Feng said to her.

Zhang Xiner leaned back in the chair and said, "This time, I'm in trouble. I thought that after I had rested for such a long time, there were almost no paparazzi's attention. I didn't expect someone to secretly take pictures. There must be countless paparazzi outside now. As long as I show up , will definitely be photographed."

"My agent has clarified it for me on Weibo, and used my Weibo to help me prove it at home. It would be useless if I was photographed."

Ning Feng looked at her and said, "Let's just shoot, what else can we do? Should you sing your song or just sing your song."

"No, I won't be able to pass the company's test. I have been covered by Sister Xing for so many years and I have already troubled her quite a lot. If the paparazzi implements it, it will take even more effort." She said helplessly: "In the future, I will There's been a series of troubles."

"Then let's go out, speed up, so that they can't take pictures." Ning Feng said with a smile.He opened her meager profile, although someone posted a selfie, but there were still a lot of skeptical people underneath.

"When was this photo taken? This photo was posted before. It's the cover of that album."

"She won't fall in love, right? If she falls in love, I won't chase her. My goddess can only belong to me."

"You people really care a lot. Celebrities also have their own privacy. Can't you respect others' privacy? Why can't they fall in love?"

"That's right, die paparazzi!"

In the comments below, some people support it and some people oppose it. Anyway, there are all kinds of comments.

"Tell me about being a singer. There are so many troubles." Ning Feng couldn't understand. He was a singer, so he just listened to his songs. Why do these paparazzi have to care about his private life?

Zhang Xiner said helplessly: "I can't help it. The company's positioning is like this. So I can't fall in love before the age of 30."

"If it doesn't work, just rush out and make public relations when the time comes. Anyway, as long as you don't get a photo of your face, you'll be beaten to death and refuse to admit it."

"Don't worry, let me think of a way, don't take such a risk." Ning Feng thought, she was fully armed, but she didn't have any armor at all.When they came in, they focused on Zhang Xiner, and didn't take pictures of her front.

But when you go out, your face will definitely be photographed.I am also a person who is afraid of scandals, after all, I am also a celebrity, right?
Ning Feng scanned the entire restaurant with his mental strength, and immediately found a solution.

"OK, you wait for me, I'll go to pay first, then you just listen to me." Ning Feng said: "I should have a way to prevent those people from finding out."

"You have a way? What way?"

"Go to the women's bathroom now, and wait for me over there." Ning Feng went out to pay the bill after finishing speaking.

After paying the bill, he ran directly to the door of the women's toilet, and asked Zhang Xiner, "Is there anyone in there?"

Zhang Xiner shook her head and said, "No one, what are you going to do? Jump out of the window?"

"Right, this is the back of the restaurant, and there are no paparazzi behind, it's definitely a good place." After finishing speaking, he dragged her directly into the women's toilet.

"But, there are three floors here, I'm afraid I can't do it." Zhang Xiner is now wearing a skirt that wraps her hips, and she has a lot of inconvenience when she moves.

Ning Feng said to her: "It's okay, everything can be handled easily with me."

He opened the window, glanced down and said, "Come down."

"How do I get this?" She looked at the position as high as the third floor, and she didn't know what to do.

Ning Feng swiftly jumped down from the window, put one hand on the window sill, looked at her and said: "Come here, don't worry, I will definitely let you land safely."

After listening to Ning Feng's words, Zhang Xin'er tremblingly climbed up the window sill, and then slowly leaned down.

But she was too uneasy to wear this skirt, one of them didn't step on it firmly, and it directly slid down.


Just when she thought she was about to fall, a pair of hands directly hugged her back from the air.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist, so steady that she couldn't fall down at all.

"I just said, let you rest assured." Ning Feng said to her, and then directly lifted her up with great brute force, letting her hands lie on the window sill.

Hold on for a second, after getting her nod.

Ning Feng climbed directly down, and easily stepped on the window sill on the second floor. His feet were firmly nailed to the window sill.Then directly support her feet with one hand.

But he might have forgotten that Zhang Xiner was wearing a skirt with a wrapping hip, and when viewed from the bottom up, the scenery inside could be seen at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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