Chapter 409 Give Up Your Seat
He clearly saw a pair of black lace panties and long white and slender legs.I almost spit out a nosebleed, but fortunately, my mind is still clear and I know what I should do.

"You can let go slowly, I will support you below." Ning Feng said confidently.

Zhang Xiner was obviously very scared, her legs were trembling, and she slowly slid down.Ning Feng also gradually changed from supporting her feet with both hands to hugging her legs, and finally carried her directly on his shoulders.

She sat directly on Ning Feng's shoulder, looking at the situation below, she was terrified.

Ning Feng slowly let her slip off his shoulders, put one arm around her waist, and continued the previous action.Not fast, but very steady.

By this time, the two of them hadn't even gotten their clothes dirty.

When both of them were lying on the window sill on the second floor, Ning Feng said to her: "I'll go down first, and you'll be brave enough to come down when the time comes."

"Don't worry, I can catch you."

For some reason, Zhang Xiner trusted Ning Feng quite a lot, maybe it was the strong arms that made her feel at ease.

Ning Feng jumped lightly from the second floor to the ground like a dexterous cat. Almost as soon as Ning Feng landed, Zhang Xiner couldn't hold on anymore and fell directly from the second floor.

"You are really my own sister, at least give me some time to react." Ning Feng sighed, but his body didn't stop at all, and he rushed up directly, ignoring what he looked like, and just grabbed her return.

If she was allowed to fall, the consequences would be disastrous, at least causing her a minor injury.

However, since Ning Feng is here, this situation will not be allowed to happen.

She immediately hugged him up and landed firmly on the ground.

But when he landed on the ground, why did he feel that his hand was a little soft, and he subconsciously squeezed it.When he lowered his head, he found that his hands were hugging someone's chest.

One hand just grasped one of them, and the feeling was so soft.

Ning Feng put the person down in embarrassment and said, "Well, I didn't do it on purpose, I came down too suddenly, I wasn't prepared..."

Zhang Xiner's face was flushed at this time, and she was ashamed to be grabbed by Ning Feng's chest.

"It's okay, I didn't catch it." She almost squeezed the words out between her teeth.

"Then run quickly, the paparazzi will definitely chase you if they find you're not in the store." Ning Feng and she didn't want the car, and went home directly by bus.

"No one would have thought that a big star would take the bus home." Ning Feng said to Zhang Xiner, "Do you think this incident is very surprising?"

Zhang Xiner shook her head and said, "It's nothing, I often take the bus, and no one will care about my appearance when I take the bus. At most, they will only think that I look like myself."

"That's right, no one would have thought that you would take the bus." Ning Feng said with a smile.

While the two were having a heated chat, suddenly a voice rang out, and an old man pointed at Zhang Xiner and cursed: "Why are young people so unqualified nowadays? Haven't you seen the old man? Don't you know how to give up your seat?" Is it? What kind of quality is this, it’s not human at all, it’s a beast.”

This guy actually pointed at Zhang Xin'er and cursed, but he didn't dare to speak to Ning Feng, because Ning Feng was the closest to him.

It is estimated that this guy also saw that he was tall and powerful, so he didn't dare to provoke him easily.Instead, he saw that Zhang Xin'er beside him was a bully, so he only dared to attack girls.

"Are you talking about me?" Zhang Xiner had been chatting with Ning Feng before, so she didn't notice the existence of this person at all, even Ning Feng didn't notice him.

Originally Ning Feng was thinking of giving up his seat to him, but now he doesn't intend to give him this face at all.

The old man pointed at Zhang Xin'er and said, "You still know how to say that you are such a shameless thing, how did the people in the family educate you, you have no quality."

Zhang Xiner looked at the old man, her face turned green with anger, didn't she just not see him appear?Why are you scolding yourself like that?Even if I see it, I won't give up my seat if I don't give him up.

"How can you swear? I just didn't see you, so why bother to hurt people?" Zhang Xiner said to the old man, her chest fluttering with anger.

The old man pointed at Zhang Xin'er and said, "You are a scum, you deliberately pretended to be invisible, you have no quality, no tutor."

Zhang Xiner also got angry at being scolded, and said to him: "Why should I give up my seat to you, I won't give up, what can you do?"

"No quality, shameless, beast, not human. I don't know how to respect the elderly, I have no quality." He scolded Zhang Xiner endlessly, but dared not say a word to Ning Feng who was right beside him.

It's enough for the old man to be shameless.

At this time, Ning Feng said to him: "Old man, there are vacant seats over there, you go and sit there."

"I don't want to sit. I just want her to give up my seat. I've never seen someone so unqualified." The old man pointed at Zhang Xin'er and said, "I just want to educate her."

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "I think it's you who have no quality? Why do people give up their seats to you? It's just because of your age? This is the peak period. You know there are many people and you may not have a seat, so you dare to come out. ? Can’t you find a time when there are few people?”

The old man looked at Ning Feng's tall and burly man, and his words were not so harsh, but he also retorted: "You are not talking nonsense, do you think I am willing to come out? But the supermarket is discounting now, and it will be gone if it is too late." .”

My Nima, this reason really makes me speechless.In order to go shopping, you can take such a long car?I don't feel tired at all in the car, and I have to let someone give up my seat when I get in the car.

Ning Feng looked at the logo on it, "Jiajiale Supermarket"!There seems to be only one supermarket in Haicheng, and the distance is very far.

"You take the bus so far away only for such a discount? The bus fare is more than this discount, right? Oh, I forgot, you have a senior card, and the bus is free. And you have to pay for the bus. You gave up your seat just to let you buy this discounted item. Why?"

"Which of the people here is not very tired from work, why should you give up your seat to someone who is shopping for things like you? Do you think that as long as you get on the bus, you will have a seat? You don't have to grab it, and the ride is free? No What cost?"

"You asked everyone to comment, why should you give up your seat?"

Ning Feng asked aggressively, relying on his stature, he just made the old man dare not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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