Chapter 410
Many people around also felt quite relieved, and they all pointed at the old man.

"That's right, can you do anything wrong just because you're old? Why do you give up your seat? It's your duty not to give up. You have to be grateful for giving up your seat. Everyone is so tired, so there is no obligation to give up your seat."

"I thought what was wrong with him? He has the energy to run so far to buy such a thing, but he doesn't have the energy to stand in the car? It's so funny, and he's so arrogant."

"I really don't know when this kind of atmosphere came into being. He actually stood on the commanding heights of morality. The reputation of the old man was ruined by him."

"As the saying goes, it's not that the old man has become bad, but that the bad guy has become old. It's not that there are no seats here, so why do you have to bully other girls? Just because you are old and shameless?"

Everyone scolded him, there is no regulation on this matter, and it is moral for everyone to give in to him.But he is not qualified to order others to give way to him.

The old man looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, he pointed at Zhang Xiner and said, "If you don't give up your seat to me, I'll scold you all the way, and I won't get out of the car. I'll keep scolding until you get off the car."

This situation really made Zhang Xiner hard to understand, how could this person use a chicken feather as an arrow.

Ning Feng pointed at him and said, "Get away from me, don't bother me by my side, or you will bear the consequences."

First of all, he was also annoyed by this old man, who kept nagging beside him, and there were only two empty seats in the front row.I have to ask people to give up their seats.

Secondly, Zhang Xiner is also her friend after all, how can she let such an unreasonable guy succeed?
The old man was bluffed, but because of his age, he kept saying to them: "What do you mean? I'm making trouble for no reason? It's obvious that she has no quality and didn't give up her seat. Are you blind? "

If it wasn't for his age, I would have wished to kick him down.No way, who made them shameless when they were old.

"Let's go to the front row and let him sleep here." Ning directly pulled Zhang Xiner towards the front row of seats.In the face of this kind of person, you can't threaten or reason, so you can only avoid him and go away, and you must not dare to provoke him.

Ning Feng thought that he could finally escape this guy, but he didn't expect this guy to be relentless.

He pointed at Ning Feng and said, "Why are you swearing at people? Who are you talking about sleeping forever? You look like a dog, why does your mouth seem to be stuffed with shit?"

Ning Feng was surprised, is his mouth very clean?Isn't he quite vigorous in cursing people?
"The seat has been vacated for you. If you like it, hurry up and sit there. Don't bother me. If you bother me again, I will really hit people. Don't think that I won't dare to touch you just because you are an old man." Ning Feng scolded.

He was just threatening him, and he really couldn't grasp the power to make him do it. If he accidentally burped him, it would be another big news.

"Come hit me, come on, I'll die in your hands." He lay down on the ground as he spoke, "Oh, I hit someone, I hit someone, and even hit an old man, it's not human at all .”

As he said that, he patted the floor and began to howl, he had never seen such a shameless person.

Pointing to his leg, he said, "My leg is broken. He beat someone, broke my leg, and my waist hurts. You have to take me to the hospital and pay for it!"

Ning Feng smiled and said to him: "Don't act in front of me, I'm a doctor. If you dare to let me take you to the hospital, I have ten thousand ways to manipulate you quietly, making you die without knowing it. I feel that, and I can’t blame me in the end, do you want to try it?”

After he finished speaking, he smiled at the old man with a terrifying murderous look in his smile.

The old man started to sweat from the fright, " are threatening me, let me tell you, I will die anyway, so just kill me."

"Anyway, you have to accompany me now. If you don't lose money, don't even think about leaving. I won't go to the hospital. Anyway, I can't stand up now, and my whole body hurts." The old man said painfully: "If you don't lose money, don't go. Come on, let's find the police."

Ning Feng smiled at him and said, "I'm a doctor, and I'll show you what the disease is."

The old man's heart turned cold, and he quickly refused: "No, you are planning to harm me. Let me tell you, don't even think about it."

"You have to trust the doctor. Even if we have conflicts, I will treat you well. After all, everyone doesn't want to die here." No matter how the old man refuses, he directly presses on his pulse .He said to everyone: "Don't worry, everyone, I am a doctor and I will definitely cure him."

The man said to Ning Feng: "No, no, I won't let you treat it."

"Don't have this kind of thinking. If I can't cure you, you can trouble me. But if I can cure you, don't you have to thank me?" Ning Feng said to him.

Everyone also said to the old man: "Just ask him to show you. If he harms you, we will definitely not let him go. If he kills you, we will definitely call the police."

"Yes, if he can be cured, can't you also stand up? It's good for everyone, isn't it?"

"It makes sense, let him treat you. Anyway, there is no good way. He is a doctor, so let him treat you."

Everyone knew that he was talking about Pengci, and everyone was helping them speak.Everyone hates this kind of person, and they are all willing to turn to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng smiled at the old man and said, "You have to trust my medical skills."

The old man said cruelly to Ning Feng: "Okay, just treat me, I don't believe you can cure it." He had already made up his mind in his heart, no matter how Ning Feng treated himself, he just couldn't get up. I don't believe he can be cured.

Ning Feng showed an elusive smile, and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely make you alive and kicking."

After a while, he said to the old man: "I found out that your illness is very serious. If you don't treat it quickly, you may be useless."

"You're talking nonsense." The old man pointed at Ning Feng and said, he knew that Ning Feng was talking nonsense, but now he really said that he was sick.Now there is no reason to refute.

"How can it be nonsense? You see that you are so sick that you can't stand up at all. How can you not be sick? But don't worry, I have a way, trust me." Ning Feng had already smiled, and the smile was quite weird.

(End of this chapter)

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