Chapter 411
"What are you going to do?" The old man looked at Ning Feng and said in horror. Ning Feng didn't look like a person who was easy to bully.

Ning Feng smiled and said: "Of course it's acupuncture, massage, etc., and it will definitely cure you. Besides, your disease is serious, so I have to use my own technique. It is to take a long needle, about two Ten centimeters long, right? If it is pierced from the forehead, there is an 80.00% chance of success."

"The success rate is not low. You can try it, and I guarantee that your unsteady disease will be healed."

As he said that, he really started to grope around himself, as if he was really looking for a twenty-centimeter long needle.

"Don't worry, although there is only a 20.00% failure rate, which will cause lower body paralysis, isn't there still an 80.00% success rate? Don't worry, you will make a choice between life-saving and success rate!" He said He smiled at the old man.

He said there was no need to worry, but the old man was so scared that he didn't know what to say.From Ning Feng's appearance, he knew that he was not a good person and must be taking revenge on himself.

It's really not worth it to be paralyzed in such a breath.

When Ning Feng was looking for something, the car stopped, he jumped up from the ground, and then ran outside quickly.

"Hey? Old man, why are you walking like flying? I think you don't need someone to give up your seat if you look like this." Ning Feng roared behind with a smile.

The people on the bus also burst out laughing, this kind of person who touches porcelain has to be tortured by this kind of villain.

"Thank you!" Zhang Xiner looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng smiled and said, "No need, I'm doing harm for the people, don't worry too much about it."

The two returned home by bus, and watched the paparazzi post real-time reports on Weibo from time to time.

And her meagerness is full of doubts about her. After all, this photo is really not convincing, and there is no way to win the competition.

After Zhang Xiner went back, she changed into sportswear and said to Ning Feng, "Take a video for me."

She took a yoga mat and began to do various movements on it. Ning Feng was helping her to take pictures, and by the way, the time on the wall behind was also taken.

Proof that this is a real-time shot.

Zhang Xiner immediately posted a Weibo, sweating and losing weight.And post that video too!
As soon as this Weibo was posted, it immediately exploded.

"The paparazzi is really slandering people. My idol is obviously working out at home. Have you seen it? If the photos don't work, I'll send you a video. Check the time later. It's also now, can it be fake?"

"It turned out to be a real video. The person's strength is a face-smacking. That person just looks like him. He dared to post it without showing his face. Send a lawyer's letter and sue them."

"The current paparazzi are really enough. Didn't they say that they are besieged, and they will definitely be able to take pictures of valuable things. What about things? Why haven't you seen them yet? Have you been slapped in the face?"

"Hey, who do you think took the video for him?"

"You really care too much, don't you allow people to have friends? It's enough. This point is not black, right?"

Everyone replied below, and this news directly became a rumor.

Ning Feng stretched his thumb towards her and said, "This method is really good."

"I still have to thank you. If you hadn't helped me run back, I really have nothing to do." Zhang Xiner also breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Ning Feng.

"It's just a little effort, so I'll go back first." Ning Feng said to her: "Call me if there is anything to do."

But at this moment, Zhang Xiner's phone rang violently, "Sister Xing, what's the matter? Didn't I clarify that matter already?"

"What? I'll go and have a look first." Zhang Xin'er's face turned a little ugly, and when she turned on the phone, her face immediately turned dark.

"This Lu Kongshou is really a scumbag."

Ning Feng took her mobile phone only to realize that the situation had changed again. Lu Kongshou even directly broke the news on Weibo that the person with Zhang Xiner was Ning Feng.Moreover, the description of the process is quite clear, and the patient's privacy is not protected at all.

Then there was another burst of surprise, "What? Are you actually in a relationship? The other party is a doctor? But it's also very good, as long as the two really love each other, I will bless you."

"Impossible. She just posted a video to prove that she is in her own home. This matter is getting more and more troublesome."

"Who is this Lu Kongshou? How does he know these things? His news is probably not very reliable, right?"

"Look carefully, he said that he is the doctor who treats Zhang Xiner, so he should know something about the situation?"

Ning Feng wished he could beat him to death, it was nothing more than nothing, he was originally a doctor, but in the end he described it as a relationship between the two of them.

This kind of person is simply disgusting.

Zhang Xiner's complexion also changed, and she called Sister Xing angrily, "I'll send a statement to explain the matter clearly to everyone. As for Lu Kongshou, please send me a lawyer's letter."

Ning Feng also nodded and said: "This guy dares to use this incident to revenge himself." But did he think it would be effective?
"Then I will also send him a lawyer's letter." Ning Feng said lightly: "This matter is not over yet. Isn't it black, who wouldn't? Besides, I don't need to black him, he himself It's dark enough."

Zhang Xiner immediately issued a statement, mainly saying that she was a little depressed, and asking a doctor all the time had no effect.Lu Kongshoute was indeed the doctor she invited, but it didn't work.After being cured by Ning Feng, Lu Kongshou framed others out of jealousy.As a doctor, he leaked the patient's privacy without authorization and published rumors, and he will be sued soon.

And posted all kinds of evidence.

Ning Feng also applied to Weibo immediately, and then directly issued a statement.Declare that you are just a doctor, just to treat illnesses.And Lu Kongshou fabricated rumors that seriously damaged his interests, and he will also be sued.

I don't know if there is a behind-the-scenes pusher. As soon as the statement of the two was released, a large wave of people suddenly appeared on the Internet, and they began to pick up on Lu Kongshou.

It turned out that it was not the first time he fabricated rumors like this. He had framed several famous doctors before and was fined.

And it proves that this guy is undoubtedly a penny, kneeling and licking all kinds of things in the United States.

There are also people who continue to come out to prove that Lu Kongshou's medical skills are basically average, and they use their status as a student to brag everywhere.

The first few are still well-founded, and there are more and more rumors about Lu Kongshou later.

(End of this chapter)

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