Chapter 412
"Damn, it turns out that this person has such an identity. It's really disgusting. I really can't stand it anymore. This is simply a villain."

"He wants to hype, right? Instead of relying on his own medical skills to save people, he took such evil paths. As a doctor, he leaked the patient's privacy, scum."

"He not only leaked his privacy, but also fabricated facts, which has constituted a crime. He must be sued. Let him go back and kneel and lick his American father."

"People don't want this kind of person. Not only do they have no real talents, but they also frame people everywhere. It's really shameless."

"Everyone continue to pick up to see if there is anything else."

Because he scolded so hard, after a while, he actually deleted his Weibo.

Below Zhang Xiner was a voice of concern, "Take care of your body, your body is important, don't work so hard, you must take good care of yourself."

"We have always supported you. That kind of scum should be cut to death. I really don't know what benefits it will do him to fabricate rumors."

"Kiner don't cry, we will always support you, we will not believe those rumors. Support you, support!"

Ning Feng also directly received a large number of fans because of this incident, and he was also favored by everyone.Still, the image is pretty positive.

A young and promising doctor, the vice president of Haicheng Hospital, cured the Haicheng epidemic with his own efforts, and performed the world's first super-senile surgical operation.

Moreover, he is also a powerful figure in the antique world, and it is said that he can also martial arts.This man is simply perfect.

"Let me go, this Ning Feng is simply a talent. In fact, he is quite suitable for my idol, and the photo looks quite handsome. He has a talented face, which is very good."

"I know Ning Feng. He is quite famous in Haicheng. Almost everyone knows him. His medical skills are really superb. He didn't receive a penny for the treatment of the epidemic, which was completely a subsidy from his own fearlessness. "

"This person is really very talented, but forget about those who want to find a boyfriend for your idol. He already has a girlfriend, and it is Su Miaohan from the Su family in Haicheng."

"Damn it, his daughter is so beautiful, and she's still Bai Fumei. It's really lucky. It's enough to eat soft rice for a lifetime."

"You don't know the situation, everyone in Haicheng knows it. Su Miaohan's position is entirely due to Ning Feng. Although she is the president, Ning Feng is the major shareholder of this company. She doesn't need to eat soft food at all."

"Damn it, there's nothing wrong with such an awesome character."

Ning Feng didn't expect this matter, and he didn't expect that he could still have a wave of fans.

Ning Feng knew that such a quick reversal of the situation was definitely not just a matter of the two making a statement. Someone must have helped him behind the scenes.

This person hardly had to think to know who it was.

"Miaohan." Ning Feng called Su Miaohan directly. "You know everything?"

"Well, I know it's a rumor." Su Miaohan said very calmly, "I believe in you." There was a deep sense of trust in her tone.

"You asked someone to help you?" Ning Feng asked a little moved.

"They are the ones who just finished using it last time. Anyway, they did it smoothly, so they took care of this incident." Su Miaohan said it very lightly, but she did so because she had so much trust in herself.

If a woman finds out that her boyfriend has an affair with someone else's woman, she can still trust so unconditionally, it's so touching.

"This matter is indeed a rumor. I went to help treat the illness. My colleagues in Haicheng Hospital can testify that they also went together." Ning Feng still needs to explain to her. People's trust is their business. Explanation is also a respect for others.

Su Miaohan's tone was obviously much more relaxed. Although it was also very relaxed before, it was obviously a large part of pretending.Now after hearing Ning Feng's explanation, she felt truly relaxed.

"It's okay, I believe you." There was a smile in her words.

After chatting for a while, the two hung up the phone, and Ning Feng went home directly.

Although he has gone home, this matter is not over. Don't think that cursing on the Internet is enough.Although they uncovered so many identities of Ning Feng, one identity has not been revealed yet.The dragon head of the underground forces in Haicheng.

People are responsible for what they say.

"Da Biao, pay attention to Lu Kongshou, break a leg for me." Ning Feng said coldly.If it wasn't for Su Miaohan's deep understanding of righteousness, she would have been framed by him.

"Who is Lu Kongshou? Did he provoke you?" Niu Dabiao immediately exploded.

Ning Feng said: "A psychiatrist, I'll give you his address, now it's in the limelight, don't kill anyone, just break a leg."

"OK, I understand, just leave it to me." Niu Dabiao directly agreed, "I will arrange someone to deal with him immediately."

"Well, what about Ma Qinglong's side?" Ning Feng asked, last time he ate a large part of Ma Qinglong's, and now his vitality is probably a bit severely injured.

Niu Dabiao excitedly said: "Ma Qinglong agreed to pay for the purchase. He not only wants to redeem Jiao Han, but also wants to redeem those younger brothers. But I didn't agree, otherwise, wouldn't we have done it for nothing?"

"That's right, you did the right thing, I can't let him go back." Ning Feng said: "Surrender those who can be recruited, and lock up those who cannot be recruited. Clean them up."

In fact, these younger brothers don't have so much integrity, they all surrendered if they couldn't beat them.Anyway, following everyone is eating, there is no difference.

"Yes, I understand." Niu Dabiao said.

After speaking, the two hung up the phone.

Su Miaohan has already gone home, she is holding a book and reading.

Ning Feng hugged her directly from behind and said, "Why did you come so early today?"

Su Miaohan put down the book, leaned on him and said: "Recently there are few things, my aunt and the others don't come to make trouble anymore, and things are moving on the normal track."

"That's good." Ning Feng said with a smile.Neither of the two mentioned what happened today. We all trust each other, so it doesn't need to be embarrassing.

"I'm going to Caiyun Province the day after tomorrow, are you free?" She looked at Ning Feng and asked.

Ning Feng immediately came to the spirit and said: "Don't worry, I'm absolutely free, nothing is as important as this."

"Then I will go to that competition with you tomorrow?" Su Miaohan said while looking at Ning Feng with a smile in her eyes.

Ning Feng said excitedly: "Really? Accompanying a doctor with a beautiful woman is a very interesting thing. I wish for it."

"Then it's settled." Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and said, "You accompany me on a business trip, and I will accompany you in the competition, which is very good."

(End of this chapter)

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