Chapter 413
In the early morning of the next day, Su Miaohan got ready early, and today she was wearing a long snow-white dress.Light makeup is applied on the face, and the big wavy hair is draped over the shoulders, revealing the white collarbone and neck. It does look less domineering and more youthful.

"Let's go." Ning Feng said to Su Miaohan.While talking, she got into the Porsche Cayenne, Su Miaohan has never been short of a car, and the family's luxury cars are all driven alternately.

"You will definitely be angry today." As soon as Su Miaohan stepped on the accelerator, the car sped out, and said to Ning Feng while driving.

Ning Feng looked at Su Miaohan suspiciously, not knowing what Su Miaohan said.

"You don't know yet, the fight between you and the three directors of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine has spread throughout Haicheng. It seems that your opponent is still making a lot of noise about this matter." Su Miaohan took out several newspapers , Said to Ning Feng: "Look, "Haicheng Daily", "Today Morning News", "Life News" and other newspapers have published this matter."

These three old men are actually the directors of the Association of Chinese Medicine, and now the influence will be much greater. This is not just a fight with Baicaotang.

This is a fight with a Chinese medicine alliance, but in order to teach them a lesson, I will also spread the knowledge of Chinese medicine to everyone, so let's fight.

Anyway, winning is also a matter of increasing fans.

Ning Feng opened the newspaper. He usually doesn't pay attention to these things.Su Miaohan has the habit of reading newspapers every morning

Sure enough, they were all front page headlines, with bright and eye-catching characters, young Chinese medicine practitioners challenged the three directors of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine.Every report has the speeches of the three directors, saying that ignorant children who try to challenge traditional Chinese medicine are simply asking for trouble.

Are you a nameless child?I am the doctor who cured the epidemic, or the honorary vice president of Haicheng Hospital, is this nameless?
This is deliberate self-discrediting.

Although I have clarified on the Internet, some reports also follow the facts.However, some reports were obviously guided by them and did not correct this mistake. Perhaps they felt that this kind of headline was more attractive.

Of course, there were speeches to encourage him, but these speeches were under the control of those three people, and he became sure to lose.

Ning Feng was speechless. At the beginning, these people were the ones who made trouble for him, but today he said that he challenged Chinese medicine. "It seems that they have a long-term plan, and the effect of our few days has not affected this place."

"That's more than that. Look at the Internet, and all the forums are full of news about you." Su Miaohan handed over her phone, and it was densely packed with discussions about this matter

Of course, most of them still think that if the three councils win, Ning Feng will definitely lose.

From time to time, there is a post saying that I have seen Dr. Ning's medical skills with my own eyes, and it is really amazing, but without hesitation, I was sprayed as a troll.

There are also some good people who say that they must take a car to see this strange competition.

Of course, there are countless critics and opponents of Ning Feng's move. Everyone left a message, saying that Ning Feng's reputation is going out regardless of whether he wins or loses. Therefore, this is simply a disgusting hype.

However, there is also an explanation of the truth that it is the three directors who challenged Ning Feng this time, which aroused even greater controversy.

After all, it has been refuted, so there are everyone who supports it online, and everyone is very supportive of it.
Ning Feng really felt a little emotional, these three directors really spent a lot of money.But he wasn't interested in this, so he turned off his phone and said nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter, it's fine if you win."

It seems that Chang Zhongyang has been prepared for a long time, just waiting for himself to take the bait.It's okay to win, but it will ruin your reputation if you lose.

"It's not a big deal. In some underground casinos, there are even odds about winning or losing this time, but it's completely contrary to your idea. Everyone generally thinks that you will lose. The odds have reached [-] to [-] before. , maybe even higher." Su Miaohan said unceremoniously.

"It's so miserable, but the facts will prove them wrong." Ning Feng said confidently.

"Of course I will win. The man I am optimistic about will definitely win." Su Miaohan said hurriedly, then blushed and explained: "I mean, I am optimistic about you."

After a while, they arrived at Sanjiang Tea House, and Ning Feng was almost submerged in the crowd when he got off the bus.All kinds of reporters carrying long guns and cannons quickly surrounded Ning Feng.

"Doctor Ning, you challenged the three directors by yourself, aren't you a little overwhelmed?"

"Doctor Ning, how can you have the courage to challenge the three directors at such a young age?"

"Hey, what is the relationship between you and Mr. Su, can you explain to me?"

Ning Feng was not annoyed, and said lightly: "Everyone will know everything after the game is over, I will go in first." After speaking, he easily separated from the crowd and entered the teahouse.Compared with Ning Feng's current strength, it is very simple to lead Su Miaohan to separate these people.

As soon as he stepped into the teahouse, he saw Dean Liu with an anxious face, "Xiaofeng, why did you agree to compete with them? The three of them have been immersed in Chinese medicine for many years. How can you fight against three with one, so reckless , Reckless. How about you go back now and say the competition is unfair?"

Dean Liu also got the news today, and after knowing what Ning Feng did, he rushed over in a hurry.

He still admires Ning Feng very much, and he doesn't want to be ruined by his reputation as a genius of Chinese medicine.

Ning Feng was also a little moved. Dean Liu still respects him very much, at least he has no personality.

Ning Feng looked at the anxious old man with a smile and said with a smile: "Dean Liu, don't worry, you see that there are so many reporters now, and they are still covering the sky and covering the sky. Isn't it a joke for me to run away? Well. Besides, I am one against three, and if I lose, I lose. There is nothing to be ashamed of. At most, I will be called a young and frivolous."

Dean Liu was right after thinking about it. He sighed and said, "I know your medical skills. Compared with acupuncture, you will definitely not lose. If you win a round, you will win."

Ning Feng patted Dean Liu's shoulder for fear, and led Su Miaohan towards the second floor.

The second floor has obviously been prepared in advance. There are three huanghuali wood tables and chairs to the north, and one huanghuali wood table and chairs to the south. This one obviously belongs to Ning Feng.

As for the equipment of various journalists, other than that, colleagues from the field of traditional Chinese medicine also came here to visit.And also came to be a witness, of course, this was arranged by Dean Liu after he learned that Ning Feng agreed.

Ning Feng looked at the three people who had already arrived. The person sitting in the middle of each other was about 60 years old, with a very thin figure, a thick beard, and gloomy eyes.

And beside him is an old man who looks similar to him, but has a much thinner beard than him.

As for the man on the right, he is petite, wearing a loose long sleeve, and he looks really fairy-like.

Ning Feng walked to his seat, while Su Miaohan stood beside him consciously, actively serving tea and pouring water, his posture was flowing and flowing, full of aesthetic feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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