Chapter 414 The first scene

Among these three people, Ning Feng knew the last one. It was Chen Yiming who met at the Haicheng Affiliated Hospital that time.Today I deliberately wore a loose exercise suit, which looks like a fairy.

The other two should be a pair of brothers, they look quite alike, they should be the other two I challenged, Jin Song and Jin Bai.

This time they probably also wanted to maintain the fairness of the competition, and Dean Liu and others were invited over.In their minds, they probably felt that there should be no problem with this competition. Of course, the more people who witnessed it, the better.

At this time, a graceful figure came out. The visitor was wearing a long white dress with a sweet smile on his face.

As soon as she appeared, many audience members around her exclaimed.

Ning Feng seems to have seen this person before. He seems to be a very famous host in the local area. He is very popular with the locals. His name seems to be Li Chengcheng!
Chang Zhongyang even invited her here, it seems that he wanted to create a sensation.

She nodded slightly to the surrounding people, and after the applause quieted down, she said to everyone: "I am honored to host this medical competition today. Everyone must be like me, looking forward to such a competition. One side is The three directors of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine have been famous for a long time and have considerable experience. The other party is a very talented doctor, and the competition between the two is very exciting. First of all, let's introduce the personnel of both parties."

While talking, he nodded towards Ning Feng with a smile, and then began to introduce Chen Yiming and others. "These three are quite well-known figures in the field of Chinese medicine. The three have made important achievements in pulse diagnosis, acupuncture, and medicine. The three seniors are strong."

After finishing speaking, he introduced Ning Feng, "This is a very talented Chinese medicine doctor named Ning Feng. He used his own power to cure the epidemic in Haicheng. I also admire him a lot. of."

As he spoke, he smiled charmingly at Ning Feng.

Of course, Ning Feng would not feel that he was really interested in him, it was just a way for her to adjust the scene.This can elevate both sides high and make everyone feel that this competition is quite tense.

"Let me introduce our judges this time, Wang Haibo, Zhao Tao, Li Shangyang, the three vice presidents of the Chinese Medicine Association, and the director of Haicheng Hospital, Director Liu." She talked eloquently, always able to draw everyone's attention Concentrate here.

The hosting skills are quite deep.

"So who will win this battle between the two sides? Will it be the experienced three seniors, or the talented Ning Feng? Let's wait and see." She said with a smile. "Let's start the first round of competition, pulse diagnosis!"

"The two sides in the battle are Jinsong and Ning Feng." Li Chengcheng said: "Both sides must accurately diagnose the patient's condition, and then write it on the question board."

"Special reminder, this time the patients were all screened by the judges, and the two parties did not know in advance."

As soon as these words came out, the doctors watching the battle couldn't help but take a deep breath, "Jin Song doesn't dare to say it all over the country, but it is definitely the number one in Haicheng. The strongest team was sent in the first game, it seems that they want to fight Take a look at his arrogance."

"Hey, I heard that this kid is quite famous, and his medical skills are also good. If he is hit now, his reputation will be damaged."

"I heard that these directors are very dissatisfied with Ning Feng, probably because they are dissatisfied with his youth and fame, but this Ning Feng dares to come, he is asking for trouble."

"You said he knew the trouble and came to participate in the competition, young and vigorous!"

"Perhaps they have their own abilities. After all, those who can cure the epidemic should have good strength. Maybe there will be a wonderful game."

Ning Feng got up and walked to the middle, looked at Jin Song and said, "Please give me some advice."

Jin Song looked at him with disdain and said: "You are doomed, don't think that you are arrogant just because you have a little level, I will not show mercy."

"You're not right?" Ning Feng wondered, they challenged him, why did he become arrogant? "It seems that you old bastards insisted on challenging me. Why did I become arrogant? I don't say that you bully the small with the big, but you dare to bite back. Shameless."

Since he wasn't too polite to him, he didn't need to be polite to him, it was his temper.

When they quarreled, Ning Feng had never been afraid of anyone.

Jin Song was so angry that his face turned red, but he had no way to refute it. After all, what he said was the truth, and he really had nothing to do. "Hmph, there will be times when you cry after the game."

Jin Song sat at the table and looked at Ning Feng with some disdain in the corner of his eyes.Pointing at Ning Feng with his own hand, he said, "My hands have treated countless people since I was 21 years old, without any mistakes. It is impossible for you to win."

After finishing speaking, the eyes couldn't hide the pride.

Unexpectedly, Ning Feng also stretched out his hand and said: "I have not treated many people with my hands, but no one made a mistake. The future is limitless. Be careful of losing."

Hearing the two bragging, even Li Chengcheng couldn't help it, and said, "Okay, let's start the competition. We have a patient."

Jin Song started to walk towards the patient, rolled up his sleeves high, like a luthier who was about to play the piano, and put the three white fingers firmly on his wrist.

The three fingers are like pillars standing there, they are motionless, and professionals can see them clearly, without decades of effort.This is like practicing calligraphy. Professionals only need to hold the pen to keep still, while ordinary people will keep shaking when holding the pen.

The scene became quiet in an instant, watching Jinsong's performance curiously, Jinsong hadn't made a move for a long time, it is definitely a very good teaching material to observe this level of medical skills.

Those few fingers rested firmly on the wrist, and every slight movement could be felt.The fingers changed lightly on the wrist, deep and light, rough and smooth, solid and floating, all of which could be clearly felt under his hands.With his eyes closed, his hands were constantly moving up and down on his wrists, full of beauty like a professional pianist.

A few minutes later, Jin Song opened his eyes, slowly raised three fingers, and smiled thoughtfully.

Jin Song glanced at Ning Feng, with a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth, picked up the pen and paper on the table, and wrote down his pulse diagnosis results one by one in detail.

Contemptuously said to Ning Feng: "I think you should admit defeat."

Ning Feng also smiled slightly, stood up, raised his arm, spread his slender fingers, and said with a smile: "Let my young hands teach your old hands, maybe I can win. "

(End of this chapter)

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