Chapter 415 Suspension Pulse Diagnosis
"He's a bit brazen, he actually wants to win old Jin."

"Seeing such a miraculous performance, does he still plan to compete?"

"Maybe he thinks he still has some skills?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and none of them seemed to be very optimistic about Ning Feng.

"Drink, I hope you can win." After speaking, Ning Feng ignored his movements quietly.Jin Song is extremely confident, because he dares to confirm [-]% that there is no mistake in his diagnosis.Even if he is diagnosed correctly, he can at least make a draw.

"Do you think he will win? Mr. Jin was already so powerful just now."

"I think that Mr. Jin's medical skills have already been perfected. It is difficult to surpass."

"Hey, I see it too, I hope he can see it, at least it's a tie. That formula is really too precious."

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Ning Feng walked up to the patient and stretched out his hand.

However, his hand did not land on the patient's wrist, but stopped three inches above the patient's wrist, with his eyes closed, as if he had begun to diagnose the pulse.

"What? What is he doing? Is it hanging in the air to diagnose the pulse?"

"Isn't this a child's play? How can you do this? How can you feel it from such a distance."

" this a joke?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what kind of medicine Ning Feng sold in the gourd.

"Dean Liu, can you make a diagnosis by doing this?" Someone asked Dean Liu in a low voice.

Dean Liu frowned and looked at Ning Feng, and said: "There are indeed some experts who can diagnose diseases in this way, but it requires a strong sensory ability. And since this matter is useless, it is only used to show the doctor's medical skills It’s just superb. So generally everyone doesn’t use this method, and it hasn’t appeared for a long time.”

"So it's still possible?"

"Yes." Dean Liu looked at Ning Feng seriously, and then said lightly: "It looks like this, but it's not that simple. The distance is so far, and it requires a strong sensory ability."

Although Dean Liu really admires Ning Feng's medical skills, it is also very difficult to diagnose the pulse through space.At Ning Feng's age, it seems that mastering this method of pulse diagnosis is not easy.

"Brother, look at him, will he be in trouble?" Jin Bai looked at Jin Song and said.

If he loses this time, it will be a shame, and his reputation for many years will be ruined.

So he was very nervous. Seeing that Ning Feng used a more difficult pulse diagnosis technique, he couldn't help asking Jin Song.

Jin Song calmly raised the water glass on the table, took a sip of water, and said with a smile: "Based on your decades of experience, do you think this is possible?"

Jin Bai thought about it, and it was indeed the case. Even though he had been diagnosed for decades, he still couldn't feel his pulse in the air.But he couldn't feel it at all, so would Ning Feng feel it at such a young age?

"It seems impossible, but is there anything this kid can do?" Jin Bai still asked nervously, after all, this is a matter related to the reputation of Xiancaotang.

Jin Song's expression was very simple, "Don't worry, he can't succeed. It's not like you don't know the difficulty of taking the pulse from the air. Everything we say here may affect the accuracy of the pulse. Do you think he can succeed?"

"This kid is just playing around with this name." Jin Song said with a smile: "I have already gained the upper hand. If he uses ordinary methods, he will definitely not be able to win. This is just using this method to grandstand, and he can win if he loses." Save some face."

After Jin Song explained it this way, Jin Bai also understood.

Su Yunhan stood by Ning Feng's side, watching Ning Feng's fingers rise and fall slightly as if they were pressing on the keys of the piano.It's as if you can really feel your pulse.

But she didn't dare to disturb Ning Feng, and just obediently watched Ning Feng's performance.

The smile on the corner of Ning Feng's mouth became more and more obvious, obviously becoming more and more confident.

After about a minute, Ning Feng opened his eyes and walked towards his desk.

"This..." People were shocked again. "Isn't this too fast?"

"Is this kid too arrogant? We all know that some pulse diagnosis needs to calculate the changes every minute. He only takes 1 minute, which means he can judge the condition in one go?"

"Is he a genius?"

"Crap, do you think you can have this kind of strength when you are your age? Just let you stand all of them, and you can get the disease within 1 minute?"

"Hey, yes, this kid is too crazy. He's not stable at all. Even if he diagnoses the pulse well, even if he loses slightly to Old Jin, we won't judge him to lose. After all, his age is there."

"Indeed, is it because he gave up on himself by doing so directly this time? There is nothing we can do."

Undoubtedly, because of Ning Feng's age, they preconceived Ning Feng as an arrogant and slightly talented person.It never occurred to Ning Feng that his medical skills might be higher than that of Jin Lao.

Maybe it's because there has never been anyone in Haicheng who is better at pulse diagnosis than Mr. Jin.

Diagnosing the pulse is just a formality for someone like Ning Feng who can already feel the fluctuations with his spiritual consciousness.Ning Feng could easily feel the turbulence of his pulse by using his spiritual consciousness.

He quickly wrote down the patient's condition, then smiled at Jin Song and nodded at Li Chengcheng.

As if he had received an order, Li Chengcheng took the papers from the two of them, "First, let's announce the diagnosis of Elder Jin.

Deficiency of yin, great fire, phlegm and damp accumulation in the lungs.Need to dry dampness and resolve phlegm, regulate qi and relieve cough, take Sanzi Yangqin Decoction. "

After Li Chengcheng made the announcement, everyone nodded. As expected, it was Young Master Jin, because the result of the previous inspection was exactly the same as his.

"Sure enough, you are indeed old Jin. There is nothing to say about his medical skills."

"Indeed, I knew that such a simple ailment would be no trouble here at all."

"However, Ning Feng made a mistake. He could have found such a simple disease if he took a serious pulse diagnosis, but he was arrogant."

"Hey... keep reading."

Dean Liu also looked at Ning Feng nervously, wanting to see what would happen to him.But Ning Feng's face was calm, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

He was very worried. He knew Ning Feng's strength was high, but it was really difficult to diagnose pulse in the air.As long as there is a slight fluctuation, it is easy to make mistakes.

Moreover, the pulse condition of this disease is very unstable, which is very similar to the symptoms of yang deficiency, so it is still easy to make mistakes.

Even a normal pulse diagnosis may not be able to accurately see the condition, and it must be combined with various symptoms to draw an accurate conclusion.

Apparently, it is pretty good for Jin Song to draw a conclusion from the pulse diagnosis, but Ning Feng might be a bit suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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