Chapter 416
Ning Feng looked at Li Chengcheng with a smile.

After reading, he opened Ning Feng's paper, and his eyes widened.Under the expectant eyes of everyone, he slowly said: "Yin deficiency, fire, phlegm and dampness accumulate in the lungs. You need to dry dampness and reduce phlegm, regulate qi and relieve cough, take Sanzi Yangqin Decoction..."

There was silence at the scene, and the young man was able to diagnose it easily, and the diagnosis was completely consistent.

And Ning Feng still diagnoses the pulse from the air, from the air!Doesn't that mean that he is even stronger than Jin Song?
But at this time, Li Chengcheng began to say again: "Ahem... It's not over yet. The patient's condition is speculated to be caused by the cold wind when he got up at night. He also drank cold water afterwards. Deficiency and coldness inside and outside, plus yin deficiency, anger rising, phlegm dampness accumulates in the lungs."

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes, that's it, I went to the toilet at night, drank a glass of water after I came back, and then felt something was wrong the next day." After hearing this, the patient looked at him with an incredulous expression. Ning Feng.

His phlegm could still be felt in his voice, but he was still so excited.

Ning Feng smiled without saying a word, while Su Miaohan's beautiful woman stood beside her quietly, the two of them looked like masters. "Sit." Ning Feng gently patted the half of the chair he had vacated.

They only gave Ning Feng a chair, and Su Miaohan was standing beside him all the time, he felt a little distressed.

Su Miaohan hesitated for a moment, glanced around, then sat down, and started the fancy dog ​​abuse state.

Jin Song was very angry that he didn't care at all, but Ning Feng's strength was indeed strong, which made him even more angry.

After hearing what the patient said, the others also looked at Ning Feng in surprise and whispered.

"He can see the cause of the patient?"

"How capable is this? Could it be that he had prepared in advance?"

"How is it possible? These people were prepared by the Chinese Medicine Association, and they were randomly selected today. He will definitely not know."

"Then he diagnosed it himself? Isn't that too perverted? So powerful?"

"This is still possible. After all, although the symptoms are the same, the symptoms caused by each situation are always slightly different. We can't detect it, but it doesn't mean that others can't."

"You said he was strong?"

"Very strong, I'm not as good as we are. Jin Lao is not even as good as him."

"That doesn't mean that Old Jin lost."

"Isn't this obvious? Can Mr. Jin diagnose the pulse from the air? Can he know the cause of the patient?"

"Well, I can't tell, our Haicheng is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger."

The invited Chinese medicine practitioners talked about Ning Feng's medical skills, which really opened their eyes. Diagnosing the pulse and diagnosing the cause of the disease is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Dean Liu also looked at Ning Feng in surprise. This Ning Feng surprised him too much, such a high pulse diagnosis technique.

Jin Lao is now with a livid face. He thought he would win the result, but it turned out like this.From now on, his reputation as the number one pulse clinic in Haicheng might be lost to this young man.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have agreed to Chang Zhongyang's request, it was completely uneconomical.For a little herbal medicine, I lost my reputation and failed completely.

"Announce the result." Ning Feng looked at Li Chengcheng and said.

Li Chengcheng had already obtained the previous results. In comparison, the results of both of them were correct.It's just that Ning Feng's performance at the end was really unexpected, she has surpassed the answer.

But she was not a professional doctor, and she herself was a little confused, so she had to turn her eyes to the most authoritative judges.

Dean Liu discussed with several judges for a while, then stood up in full clothes and said: "Everyone has seen that although the results of both of them are correct, Ning Feng's pulse diagnosis and detection of the cause of the disease seem to be better."

His words naturally resonated with everyone present, and everyone knew that Ning Feng's medical skills were better than Jin Song's.

But after he finished speaking, someone stood up immediately.

"President Liu's words are wrong." The person who spoke was Chang Zhongyang, who still had a smiling face.Introduce to everyone, "I am the owner of Baicao Hall, Chang Zhongyang."

"I wonder if you are not satisfied with this result? Do you have any suggestions?" Dean Liu looked at him and said.

Chang Zhongyang said: "Dr. Ning Fengning's medical skills really make people speechless, no matter what aspect they are very strong. But what we doctors pay attention to is to detect the disease and then prescribe the right medicine. No matter what method is used, as long as the disease can be cured good doctor."

Dean Liu nodded, of course doctors are used to treat diseases, what else would they be used for.

Chang Zhongyang still smiled and said: "I think whether it is a suspended pulse diagnosis or a normal pulse diagnosis, as long as the result can be obtained, it is a good method. We are here to cure the disease, so no matter how fancy the method is, it is good if it can cure the disease method. So this game should be a draw between the two.

Moreover, it is enough for Chinese medicine to know the cause of the disease, and there is no need to delve into how to get the disease.So although Ning Feng's medical skills are mysterious, in my opinion, they don't have any real effect. "

Dean Liu was also silent. It is true that medicine is for curing diseases. Although Ning Feng's medical skills are high, it seems that it is really superfluous.There is no specific function other than displaying medical skills.

Because Jin Lao's method can still cure the patient.

After thinking for a while, Dean Liu glanced at Ning Feng, only to see that Ning Feng smiled and said nothing, his face full of confidence.

"In this game, the two are tied!"

The scene was peaceful, and everyone knew that Ning Feng's medical skills were higher than that of Jin Lao.But Chang Zhongyang's explanation was also very good, making it impossible to refute.Although this result is like this, people still have another result in their hearts.

Mr. Jin gave Chang Zhongyang a thankful look. Although this was a shameful one, at least he kept his reputation as the No. [-] Pulse Diagnosis.

Su Miaohan actually hoped for such a result in her heart, because such an obviously unfair result was a topic that could be hyped up.

It didn't matter to Ning Feng, he also knew that he was doing it, but it was just a superficial situation, and everyone knew the real result in their hearts.

I just played two more games.

In the end, he still wins, what will they say when the time comes?
Ning Feng didn't say anything, looked at Li Chengcheng and said, "Then let's have the next match?"

Li Chengcheng smiled and nodded at Ning Feng, and his attitude towards Ning Feng became more respectful.

After he came in, he didn't say a word, which means that Ning Feng not only saw where the patient's condition was, but also clearly understood how the patient got it.

so horrible!

(End of this chapter)

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