Chapter 417 Ghost Gate Thirteen Needles

She looked at the opposite side again, and after obtaining Jin Bai's consent, she said, "Start the next game."

"This is Jin Bai. Jin Bai is one of the three directors of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a famous acupuncture expert. Countless people have been cured by his acupuncture." Li Chengcheng pointed to Jin Bai.There is endless charm between the words.

Jin Bai had a haughty face, his slightly bald head was shining brightly.

"This side is still Ning Feng, everyone understands." Li Chengcheng didn't know how to introduce Ning Feng, so he had to be so casual.

Ning Feng nodded modestly to Jin Bai. After all, he was influenced by the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.You still have to be polite.

"This competition is acupuncture." Li Chengcheng said. "Patient please."

After she finished speaking, someone helped a patient and walked in.The patient's complexion was very dark, his eyes were dull, his hands and feet were trembling constantly, and one of his legs was also limping.

"This patient didn't find any problems in the hospital, but he looked like this. His legs didn't suffer any injuries, and there were no problems anywhere, but walking was quite inconvenient." Li Chengcheng looked at the card in his hand introducing road. "I hope you two can heal."

These patients have been seen by professional doctors before, so the condition is very accurate.

When Jin Bai saw this man, he frowned slightly, but after a while he became very excited.Because he thinks he can cure it, and the exclusive acupuncture method he learned is very useful for this condition.

Ning Feng still looked calm, walked slowly to the patient, and looked him up and down.

While he was looking at it, Jin Bai hurried over and said, "I can cure this disease, so I'll come first."

Everyone looked at Jin Bai in surprise. There was no way for the hospital to treat this kind of disease. I didn't expect him to say that he could cure it. Isn't this surprising?

"He can be cured? Do you think it can be done?"

"It's hard to say, Jin Bai usually doesn't talk nonsense, but this disease seems really difficult."

"I don't know. I don't know where the cause is. How can it be cured?"

"It is possible to take care of it, but it may be difficult to cure it."

Seeing everyone's surprised eyes, he was also very proud.

But Ning Feng did look indifferent, and slowly moved away from the patient, signaling that he could come first.

Jin Bai was also polite, and told the patient to lie on the bed and unbutton his shirt.

He took out the silver needle and stabbed it towards the ghost gate, ghost palace and other places.

"Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate!"

Ning Feng cried out in surprise when he saw the injection.This is the first set of advanced stitches he has seen in this world, and he couldn't help shouting out.

Jin Bai glanced at him proudly, and said, "You are not bad, you know the thirteen needles of the ghost gate, then you should know the magical effect of the thirteen needles of the ghost gate."

"Well, if you know how, it won't be a problem to cure this person." Ning Feng nodded and said.The Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate is really powerful. He didn't expect that someone would use this trick. It seems that there are still many experts, so we can't underestimate them.

Jin Bai looked at Ning Feng with a smile, and was very satisfied with Ning Feng's performance. He actually knew the thirteen needles of the ghost gate, and he could tell from the two needles he gave that he was very good.

"I regret to tell you that I am the descendant of Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate."

Ning Feng nodded, "En!"

Jin Bai originally thought that Ning Feng should surrender when he saw his acupuncture technique, but unexpectedly, he just gave him a little grace.

"Do you think you can defeat me? You have said that this acupuncture method can cure the disease, so you should obediently admit defeat."

Ning Feng shook his head and said, "I don't think you may be cured well."

"Hahaha... boy, you are dying, so let me watch your failure later on." Jin Bai looked at Ning Feng proudly and said, with indescribable pride in his words.

He also began to inject needles continuously in his hand, and the gates of ghosts were sealed everywhere.He began to twist and thrust continuously, and the stitches were very skillful.

"He actually knows thirteen stitches?"

"What is the thirteen needles of the ghost gate? Is it very powerful?"

"Of course the thirteen needles of the ghost gate are very powerful, but it seems to have been lost, so I don't really understand it, and now it has appeared again."

"That's right, I didn't expect Jin Bai to hide such a trick."

"Hey, Ning Feng must have lost this time, but he can see the thirteen needles of the ghost gate, which is not bad."

Hu Qingshan looked at Jin Bai in surprise, the Thirteen Guimen Needle was in his hand, no wonder it could cure so many incurable diseases.

Seeing Jin Bai inserting and turning the needle continuously, every step was very serious.

Slowly, there was a change.

The patient let out a muffled snort, and the blackness on his face slowly dissipated, his face kept turning rosy, and his hands stopped shaking.

"I'll go, the patient is really recovering, this needle is really amazing."

"The hospital can't cure the disease, but it's amazing that a single injection works here. I have to record it quickly, it's rare."

"Jin Bai really deserves to be an old Chinese doctor. He knows a lot and has a stomach. No wonder he doesn't panic when things happen. Ning Feng is probably a little bit overwhelmed this time."

"I think he's out of luck. Who knew that Jin Bai would know how to get thirteen stitches, it's a surprise."

Everyone was quite unfavorable towards Ning Feng, but Ning Feng himself did not express how anxious he was, but rather calm.

Dean Liu is also quite suspicious of Ning Feng, after all, the name of Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate is there. "Let's fight for the third round."

Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and said, "Are you confident?"

"Of course I'm confident, just watch. He won't succeed." Ning Feng said with a smile on his lips.

Jin Bai looked at Ning Feng proudly, "Boy, you are doomed."

Ning Feng smiled and ignored him.Facts will speak louder than words.

The patient's condition did improve, but the needles inserted into the body trembled faster and faster.

The more I trembled, the more I felt out of control.

The patient's complexion also became unwell.

"What's the situation? Why did the patient's complexion start to change again?"

"Look at those needles. They are shaking faster and faster. It feels like they are going to fly down at any time. Something is wrong."

"Isn't the thirteen needles of the ghost gate not so effective? It shouldn't be."

Everyone looked at the above situation strangely.

Jin Bai was even more strange, there was no such situation before.

He no longer had the excitement he had before, because now he found that he couldn't control the needle.Even if the patient has begun to recover, once he can't control it, the sickness will still return, and the patient will be injured more seriously.

The more he looked at the more sweat on his forehead, but he still couldn't control the needle within a reasonable range.

But at this moment, the black energy that had already dissipated suddenly counterattacked and went away.The patient's face turned dark again.

His hands and feet trembled violently, and then a mouthful of reverse blood was sprayed out, onto Jin Bai's clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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