Chapter 423
Chen Yiming looked at Ning Feng strangely, could he draw a conclusion just by looking at it like this?This is simply too puzzling.

But he really did it, he thought he used that medicine to delay Ning Feng.But he didn't expect that in such a short few minutes, he could see the illness.

He was going crazy.

He looked at Ning Feng with a dark face, but said nothing.

"It turns out that people have already seen it, but they just don't bother to say it, so I'll just say it! It seems that people's medical skills are really high."

"It's not just Gao, you can get the answer just by looking at it twice, can you?"

"How can I do it? I can't even compare to Chen Yiming. There is still a huge gap in medical skills. There is no way. His talent is really beyond heaven."

"This is not only against the sky, but also perverted. How old is he? When I was his age, I didn't know what to do?"

"Chen Yiming is now at a loss. Although he took advantage of his fatigue, he still failed to win him. Now he is even more embarrassing."

"It's not just planted, it's planted at home."

Everyone talked about this matter, but everyone basically expressed their admiration for Ning Feng. After all, both medical skills and medical ethics are quite good.

Chen Yiming's eyes were about to burst into flames. He didn't expect to get to this point, and he was about to leave with a flick of his sleeves.

Ning Feng said: "Doctor Chen, do I need to talk to you about something?" While speaking, his eyes moved away from Su Miaohan who had just entered the door, and turned to smile at him.

"I have nothing to say to you." He shook his arms angrily.

He didn't intend to give Ning Feng a good face at all, he only hated Ning Feng, and he had already ruined two good things for him.

Ning Feng whispered: "What if it's about that waiter?" While speaking, he pointed in another direction.

When Chen Yiming heard this sentence, he was obviously taken aback, and then looked in the direction of Ning Feng's finger.Sure enough, the waiter was standing there by the door, and there were two burly men behind him, apparently under control.

Seeing this situation, needless to say, he knew what the situation was. Ning Feng obviously already knew the situation and had already controlled the murderer.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shed a stream of cold sweat. This incident was quite terrifying. If Ning Feng made this incident public, he would be completely unable to survive in Haicheng.

It is estimated that I will not be able to get along in the circle of Chinese medicine in the future, and the consequences will be too serious.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Yiming looked at Ning Feng and said coldly.

Ning Feng smiled and said, "I think we can have a good talk?"

"What are you talking about?" He lowered his voice and looked at Ning Feng and said fiercely, "Are you threatening me with this matter?"

"Well, I'm threatening you? Don't you allow me to threaten you because you hurt me?" Ning Feng looked at him and said, "You should have thought of the consequences when you did this."

"So it's a choice between ruining your reputation and paying a price?" Ning Feng smiled at him. He still pays attention to practical value.

Even if I ruin him, it won't do me any good, so I might as well take the opportunity to make some money.

Chen Yiming's face turned from black to white, he gritted his teeth and looked at Ning Feng and said, "What conditions do you want?"

It could be seen that he was very unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "I'm in love with ancient herbs, especially those over a hundred years old."

"You kill me!" He said with a low voice, this request is simply too difficult, how can it be so easy to obtain herbs that are more than a hundred years old?He wanted that very much himself.

Ning Feng said to him: "You don't have it, but it doesn't mean others don't either." He said and looked at Chang Zhongyang's position. "He should be your boss? I think he should have this condition, what do you think?"

After finishing speaking, he stretched his waist and said, "This person is in my hands. If you don't want your decades of reputation to be ruined, you'd better agree."

After finishing speaking, he glanced around indifferently.

Chen Yiming gritted his teeth and thought for a while, then said to him, "I promise you!"

"That's right, when you give me something, I will let this person go." Ning Feng smiled at him and said, "As soon as possible, my patience is limited."

Chen Yiming nodded, then walked outside.

Dean Liu walked up to him and said, "I really didn't expect that your strength has reached this level. Sure enough, a hero is a boy."

Ning Feng smiled and waved his hands and said, "I'm still far behind, so don't praise me."

After that, he greeted the vice presidents of these Chinese medicine associations. After all, they were all elders, so they still had to talk a little bit.

"I hope you can communicate with your colleagues in the future. If you have time, I will arrange for you to communicate with the Chinese Medicine Association. I wonder if you will give me this face?" Dean Liu looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng's strength is indeed superb, and it definitely has an important encouraging effect on Chinese medicine.

"Of course, I can wish for it!"

"Mr. Ning, can you leave a phone number?" Li Chengcheng walked over with a smile, his red lips parted slightly, and he spat out the orchid.

Ning Feng glanced at Su Miaohan and said, "Ask her if she agrees?"

As he spoke, he showed a look of being afraid of his wife, which caused everyone to laugh wantonly.

"Haha... Mr. Ning, you really know how to joke. There is a health program on Haicheng TV. I would like to invite you to make a guest appearance or two when you have time. Would you like it?"

When she smiled, her eyes narrowed, she was very charming.

Ning Feng still glanced at Su Miaohan, and after seeing her nodding, he said, "Let's get in touch when the time comes. I will go there when I have time. After all, popularizing correct Chinese medicine is something we can only wish for."

"Then thank you for your cooperation. I didn't expect you to be so afraid of your girlfriend. It seems that your girlfriend is really happy." She had the kind of smile that made people feel comfortable at first glance, which may be a professional habit.

"This is love!" He hugged Su Miaohan and fed everyone a handful of dog food unexpectedly.

"Ha ha……"

After the few people finished talking, various reporters on the scene rushed to interview.Ning Feng hated doing this kind of thing the most, so he greeted everyone and rushed out.

Unexpectedly, there were still a large group of reporters outside.

"Ning Feng, what do you think about victory?"

"Why did you win? Is it really powerful, or does it have something to do with the judges?"

"Can you tell me about the magic of Chinese medicine?"

Ning Feng was too lazy to answer these questions, he rushed out of the crowd with Su Miaohan, got into the car directly, and left here quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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