Chapter 424 Yucheng is Coming
Su Miaohan said to Ning Feng: "You are really hot this time..."

Ning Feng looked at her with a smile and said, "It's yours if you get angry."

"Spoof!" She chuckled and patted Ning Feng twice.

The two quarreled and went home.

Ning Feng drank Sprite and sat on the bench on the balcony. Drinking red wine in such a hot weather was indeed not as enjoyable as Sprite.And Su Miaohan snuggled into his arms.

The wet hair still exuded a faint fragrance, and the water droplets on the hair soaked his clothes, which felt quite blissful.

She touched Ning Feng with the juice, and said, "This time we will probably stay in Caiyun Province for at least a week. I wonder if it has delayed your work?"

Ning Feng took a sip of Sprite lightly, then hiccupped violently, and said, "What job do I have? It's just fooling around. Besides, what job is more important than accompanying you on a business trip? How could I be willing to give up such a beautiful girlfriend?" How about leaving my side easily?"

Su Miaohan glanced at him with a smile, and said, "You are the only one who can say it!"

"I left the company this time, not only for those two purposes." She got up suddenly, leaned on Ning Feng's chest, and said while looking at him.

Ning Feng said: "Is there any other purpose?"

She nodded and said: "Although I have controlled the company in my hands, I don't know how to handle things very well. I suspect that my aunt is still planning to play tricks?"

"Huh? What's going on?" Ning Feng looked at her suspiciously and said, "Now the company can hardly survive without you, right? Can she turn the world upside down?"

Su Miaohan pouted, showing a puzzled look, she looked quite cute, not as capable as in the company at all.But it made her look even more attractive.

"I don't know, it's just a feeling." Su Miaohan looked at him and said, "Although my aunt's character will be silent for a while, she will definitely not be silent for such a long time. Besides, she still holds quite a big Advantage, I think she is holding back her big move!"

"What big move can she hold back? Your current state is almost unsolvable." Ning Feng comforted: "After the accident, let's solve the matter!"

"En, that's right, let's solve it if something happens!" Su Miaohan smiled, then put down the Sprite in her hand, put her arms around Ning Feng's waist with her hands, and leaned her head on his chest.

Ning Feng looked at the beauty lying on his chest, with a fair neck, slightly exposed breasts, and a pair of round long legs.

This beauty just out of the bath is simply unbearable.

Just as the two were silent in this intimate atmosphere, suddenly the doorbell rang.

Ning Feng glanced at Su Miaohan, "It's already time, who else will come?"

"I'll open the door, you go and change your clothes." Ning Feng looked at Su Miaohan's attire, the current appearance was really revealing.

Su Miaohan rolled her eyes at Ning Feng, "En En."

Ning Feng smiled and went directly to open the door.

When he opened the door, he saw a very disgusting face, although he was handsome.

After the two saw it, they both looked shocked at each other.

Ning Feng said to him coldly: "What are you doing here?"

This person is Ning Feng's number one rival in love - Yu Cheng!
After seeing Ning Feng, Yucheng said angrily, "Why are you here?"

Of course Ning Feng was very proud, "Nonsense, why can't I be at my girlfriend's house?"

His complexion obviously became quite bad, turning black and red, but in the end he seemed to hold back, and said to Ning Feng, "Where's Xiaohan?"

"It's up to you?" Ning Feng said, he must beat back his rival without mercy!
"I have something to do with her." Yu Cheng's face darkened even more.

"What do you think you're still here for? It's an old story more than ten years ago, so what are you doing with it? It was your unrequited love back then, so why bother now?" Ning Feng blocked the door and said.

"Get out of the way!" Yu Cheng said to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng also said bluntly: "No!"

"Are you going to let me go or not?" Yu Cheng asked Ning Feng with a dark face, apparently already a little angry.

Ning Feng smiled at him, "No, what's the matter? Still want to fight? Have you forgotten what happened to you last time? Be careful that this time you will directly become a waste."

Yu Cheng didn't care at all and said, "Hmph, can you attack? Mental power is strong, but what's the use if you don't know how to attack?"

"Why are you so forgetful?" Ning Feng was going to say that he killed his junior, but as a cautious person, he couldn't say such things casually.

If it was recorded, that would be evidence.

"Believe it or not!" Ning Feng squinted at him and said, "I'll tell you one last time, hurry up!"

"What if I don't leave? I have to see Xiaohan today!" He yelled at Ning Feng.

"Ning Feng, who is outside!" Su Miaohan also changed her clothes, and while arranging her hair, she came down from upstairs.

Ning Feng said: "Dog skin plaster!"

"Xiaohan, it's me, Yucheng!" Yucheng also saw Su Miaohan coming down, and hurriedly shouted at her.

Su Miaohan glanced back, and then asked very calmly: "Why are you here?" She didn't let him in, as if she was talking to an ordinary person.

Ning Feng felt relieved now, her tone was flat, obviously she didn't have any feelings for him at all.

"I have something to ask of you." Yu Cheng said excitedly to Su Miaohan, "Can we two have a chat?"

Just kidding, chatting with you in the middle of the night, it's not too dangerous.

"Don't push yourself too hard, get out of here. Do you think I don't exist?" Ning Feng stared at him angrily.

Su Miaohan also shrugged and said: "It's too late, if you have anything to do with work, please contact my assistant." After speaking, she turned around and went back very coolly.

"You hurry up, what are you doing here so shamelessly? Do you think all the women in the world won't be able to walk when they see you?" Ning Feng said as he was about to close the door.

"You let me in!" Yucheng was also very angry, if it wasn't for that thing, he wouldn't bother to approach her.

As he said that, he was about to rush inside.

Ning Feng was also polite and kicked him directly.

"Damn, shame on your face."

Yucheng also cursed angrily: "You think you can beat me?"

Although Ning Feng's current appearance is very inconvenient, his strength is obvious. In such a short period of time, he has been promoted to the state of concentration, and it is not easy to deal with Yucheng.


The two collided fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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