Chapter 425 Benefits For You

Ning Feng's current strength is much stronger than him. After this kick, Yucheng directly retreated tens of meters before standing still.

"Boy, don't appear in front of me again. Next time I will kill you." Ning Feng yelled at him, and then closed the door directly.

The force of this kick was quite huge, and it took Yu Cheng a while to calm down the surging blood in his body.

"Damn it, I almost killed myself." He gasped while clutching his chest.

"How is his strength?" A person suddenly jumped out of the darkness, and he said to Yucheng.

Yucheng said lightly: "The strength is very strong, at least above the realm of gathering shapes. I didn't expect him to reach such a high strength at such a young age. It seems that he is a dual cultivation."

The man nodded, "It really isn't simple."

"Did you succeed?" Yucheng looked at the man and said, "I risked almost being beaten to death to buy you such a little time."

The man smiled and said: "Don't worry, the thing has already entered his body, and within a week, it will definitely have an attack."

"That's good!" Yucheng said lightly, and then glanced at the room coldly, "Hmph, your Zaigao strength is useless against it."

After Ning Feng closed the door, he felt cold for a while, but returned to normal after a moment.

He didn't care either, "Let's rest, I have a business trip tomorrow."

"Hmm." Su Miaohan said to Ning Feng, "Have you packed all your things?"

Ning Feng smiled and said, "I'll just take two pieces of clothes, you can go rest."

"I don't want to sleep..." She pouted and looked at Ning Feng with a coquettish expression on her face.

Ning Feng couldn't help biting her lips, "I'll give you a sweet kiss, be obedient!"

Su Miaohan stood on the steps, looked down at Ning Feng and said, "One more!" The one who looked like a baby was a girl who loves to act like a baby.

"I will reward you with one more." Ning Feng kissed her tender lips lightly.

But just when he was about to leave, Su Miaohan put her arms around Ning Feng's neck and kissed him forcefully.

A small sweet tongue directly pried open Ning Feng's teeth.

Did you get kissed by force?Still a French kiss!

Happiness came too suddenly, right?
But isn't it the time for Ning Feng to shrink back at this time, can't shrinking be despised to death by the majority of men?
She picked up Su Miaohan, put her directly on the sofa, and kissed her passionately.

But the matter of kissing, it is easy to make people feel hot after that. If you get hot, your body will be ready to move.

So Ning Feng's hands crawled up her clothes quite unconsciously. Her skin was a little cold, and because she had just taken a shower, there was no obstacle inside.

When he touched the two lumps of softness, his head exploded, this feeling was quite different.

At this moment, Su Miaohan suddenly slipped out from under Ning Feng's body like a small loach.By the way, he patted Ning Feng's hand: "It would be nice to give you some benefits, and you have to make progress."

That look is quite cute.

After speaking, he ran directly upstairs.

Ning Feng looked at his hand, but he hadn't recovered yet. The feeling just now was so strange and soft!

"Little fox." Ning Feng looked at her back and said.Then take a cold shower to suppress the desire.Tossing and turning for a long time before falling asleep.

The next day.

Su Miaohan was wearing a simple white T-shirt and a pair of pink hot pants, with long hair shawl, and snow-white skin, she looked very fresh.

Good-looking people are willful, you can change all kinds of clothes at will, and you can control all kinds of styles.

"It's so beautiful, it gives people a different feeling every time." Ning Feng looked at Su Miaohan and said, "Your outfit is also ever-changing."

He took the initiative to go over to pull Su Miaohan's luggage, watching her couldn't help but praise.

She smiled slightly and said, "Isn't it necessary to give you a different experience every time, so as to give you a sense of novelty?"

Ning Feng hugged her and walked outside, "You are so beautiful, talented and capable, why do you need to be so unconfident?"

"Of course, so that you can firmly catch your eyeballs, so as not to be annoyed by you." She smiled at Ning Feng.Shut the door behind you.

The driver was ready and arrived at the airport in almost no time.

The plane took off on time.

They were sitting in the first-class cabin, the seat was quite spacious, and it was comfortable to sit on.

"Miss, where are you going?" A person who was not bad-looking asked Su Miaohan politely.

Su Miaohan smiled and said, "Caiyun Province."

This person is obviously here to strike up a conversation. Of course Ning Feng doesn't like this kind of person. If he comes up and scolds him, it seems that he has no quality.So he reached out his hand naturally and held Su Miaohan's hand together.

This is to give him a message that this beautiful woman is a famous woman.

After the man saw Ning Feng's actions, he didn't take the initiative to back down. He took out a business card and said generously, "My name is Mei Wanli, and I'm the general manager of Mei's Jewelry in Caiyun Province. friend?"

Although he was very generous, Ning Feng felt that this person was quite a rascal, and he would do this even though he knew that the other party had a boyfriend.

Su Miaohan smiled slightly, but did not take his business card and said, "Thank you." It was a direct rejection.

"Miss, I just want to make friends with you, I have no other ideas." Mei Wanli said to Su Miaohan.

"Routine!" Ning Feng said coldly from the side: "This routine is too old."

After being told by Ning Feng, Su Miaohan couldn't help laughing, this guy never let others down.

Mei Wanli's face turned red immediately, and she didn't know what to say.

But Ning Feng continued: "This lady already has a boyfriend, so don't come to strike up a conversation, it's meaningless."

Mei Wanli glanced at Ning Feng, and then immediately turned into a smiling face, "Then don't bother the two of you." After speaking, he didn't lose his temper or say anything, and left directly.

This kind of talent is the most difficult to deal with. If the other party is really willing to leave, it's fine.However, if the other party is temporarily forbearing, it will be difficult to deal with those who are waiting for revenge in the future.

This kind of person is much more powerful than the kind of person who fights with a stool when there is a disagreement.

They will all think about all kinds of strength comparisons, and only do it when they are sure that they are correct.

Ning Feng said indifferently: "This person is not a good person, so what is wrong with him?"

"En? How do you know?" Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng curiously and said.

"His cheeks are narrow, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, with protruding cheekbones and a high nose tip. He looks like a man with a deep scheming heart. He is holding back his evil intentions." Ning Feng sighed, as long as there are beautiful women, everywhere is self-inflicted hatred The place.

(End of this chapter)

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