Chapter 426 Mei Wanli's Entanglement
The two of them lay on the armchairs and chatted casually all the way to their destination.

After the two got off the plane, someone came to pick them up.

After seeing the two people coming down, a man about 50 years old walked up quickly, looked at Su Miaohan and said excitedly: "Xiaohan, you are here."

"Uncle Xue." Su Miaohan looked at the man and said with a smile. "Let me introduce you, this is Ning Feng, my boyfriend."

"This is Uncle Xue, who watched me grow up." Su Miaohan was obviously very close to this person.

Ning Feng also said with a kind smile, "Hello, Uncle Xue!"

"Okay, okay... Hurry up and get in the car, let's talk when we get home." After finishing speaking, he took the two of them back home like an ordinary elder.

Su Miaohan and the others have their own room here.

And the environment is quite good, surrounded by green trees, gurgling water, and a single-family villa is located in it.

The climate and environment here are quite good, and Ning Feng felt quite comfortable as soon as he got out of the car.

"I've already had someone clean it up here in advance, and you can live in it. You play for a few days first, and I'll arrange things for you first. If you want to play, let Xiaolong take you for a stroll." Uncle Xue Said to them.

Su Miaohan said with a smile: "It's been a bumpy journey, I'll take a bath first and rest."

"Sure, you guys rest first. Just call me if you need anything." Uncle Xue said.

The interior of this villa is no worse than the room in Haicheng.

"It's finally landed." Ning Feng said with a mournful face, "I feel like I'm floating now."

"Just rest and rest." Su Miaohan smiled and said, "I'll take a shower first. I'll study the itinerary for the next few days later."

Ning Feng smiled and said, "Why don't we go together to save time!"

"Good idea!" Su Miaohan gave him a blank look, and then floated into the bathroom.

After a while, she came out with a change of clothes. This time she was wearing a long white dress, which was really pretty.

Ning Feng also rushed casually, and then rested in the room for a while.

He looked at Su Miaohan and said, "Why don't we go out for a stroll, since we are idle anyway."

Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and said, "Go, go out and play. Where are you going to play?"

"Just kidding, of course I'm doing my job. What do you think is more fun than taking advantage?" Ning Feng said with a smile: "Is it right for me not to gamble here?"

"Let's go!" The two left as soon as they said they would, and let Xiaolong take them to the nearest stone gambling place.

This little dragon was indeed quite reliable, and took them to an auction house in a short while.

Entering the inside, there are various large and small stalls, which are filled with various rough stones.

Xiaolong said to the two: "This place is already relatively large, and the real big auction will take a few days. Let's just play around here first."

Ning Feng glanced at the surrounding stalls, such a big place is relatively small?The stone gambling I encountered in Haicheng can be ignored. Those gambling stones in the past can really be said to be small troubles.

Just a few people can open it by buying a few random stones.

But now this arena is full of electronic equipment, and it can be seen at a glance that it is a very professional place.And the stalls inside are pretty big.

"There are bright shots and dark shots here. The bright shot is here, mainly depends on the eyesight. The success rate of the dark shot is higher, and it has been seen by experts. There are actually quite a few people here, after all, the distance The airport is near, and some people would like to come here to play a few games first." Xiaolong introduced: "You guys play inside, just call me if you need something."

"En." The two nodded and walked inside.

Ning Feng and Su Miaohan slowly wandered around inside, as if they were shopping in a shopping mall, their eyes wandered casually.

"How is it?" Ning Feng looked at Su Miaohan with a smile.

Su Miaohan shook her head casually and said, "Although the quality is a little better than those in Haicheng, it's still not as satisfactory. I feel like there are no high-quality items."

The two chatted while walking, but when they reached a booth.Both of them stopped unconsciously, glanced at each other, and then smiled unconsciously.

The things in this stall do look better than those in other stalls. Of course, there are more people around here.

It seems that this stall is still quite good.

"Miss, we are so destined, I didn't expect to meet here." Suddenly, a voice came from behind them, "I said that we are destined."

That Mei Wanli actually appeared in front of them again, "You two also came to play two games?"

Su Miaohan nodded to him, expressing politeness, but did not answer.

Ning Feng said to him: "Well, since you are also here to play, just have fun. We can just stroll around."

These words are already full of rejection, after all, this guy is not reliable.

But this guy said bluntly: "No hurry, no hurry, the two of you are probably not locals. As a local, I can take a free tour guide."

Ning Feng rolled his eyes at him and said, "Don't bother you, we can go shopping by ourselves."

"It's okay, no trouble, no trouble." Mei Wanli said: "We want to meet because we are destined, and we should do the friendship of the landlord."

Ning Feng really wanted to scold him, what is fate?He had met at least three or four people who got off the plane at this place just now.

Why didn't he say that he had a relationship with those people?Didn't you see that Su Miaohan is beautiful?

Grandma, it's simply unforgivable to pick up girls with my own woman.

"We don't know you well, so we don't need you to be a landlord." Ning Feng refused very bluntly, thinking that he should be able to understand what he meant.

But this guy obviously didn't understand. "Haha... We have already met once on the plane, of course we are familiar with each other."

Ning Feng really wanted to beat him up, he had never seen such a shameless person.I thought he was a bit self-restraining before, probably pretending.

"Let me tell you this, we want to go shopping by ourselves. In other words, we don't want to take you to play, understand?" Ning Feng said to him with a smile.

Mei Wanli was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Ning Feng to speak so directly.

But his goal is this woman, and it has nothing to do with Ning Feng. Of course, he has his own way of picking up girls.Although I know that the other party has a boyfriend, as long as I persist in entanglement, there will definitely be conflicts between the two.

And no woman would refuse a rich man's advances, they would definitely enjoy that feeling very much.

Perseverance will definitely achieve the goal, so even if he knows that they are boyfriend and girlfriend, he doesn't mind getting involved.After all, he has destroyed more than one or two romances.

He still smiled at Su Miaohan and said, "I can pick you up in a special car..."

(End of this chapter)

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