Chapter 428 Glass Species

"60 is really not worth it. The level of this stone should be around 60. It's not a loss, it's just not a profit."

"Indeed, this gamble is not worth it."

Everyone looked at Ning Feng's stone and commented.

Ning Feng didn't care what others said, and directly signaled the boss to cut it off.

The boss wasn't too polite, and he cut it straight away, and the stone grinder made a roar.

Stone chips fly.

"Kang Dang!" Half of the stone fell to the ground, but there was nothing on the cut surface, not even a little white net.

"It's's all stones, it's all lost!"

"There's nothing there. It's not surprising. It's not a very good stone in itself. It's normal."

"It's really normal. The things in the new pit are indeed not as good as those in the old pit. It's a huge loss of 60 yuan, but judging from the way the two of them don't seem to care about the money, they must be rich people."

Everyone looked at the collapsed stone road.

But Ning Feng thought in his heart, your family is the rich one, your whole family is rich.I'm short of money, 60, it's no wonder I don't feel bad.

"Is it broken? I've already told you that there must be nothing on this rock." Mei Wanli looked at Ning Feng and said to Su Miaohan, "Don't trust him, his level is too low. I'll pick a few for you. a stone?"

Su Miaohan didn't even bother to talk to him, these people were too impatient, they just made a cut, too preconceived.This stone did not look like a good stone, but she believed in Ning Feng's judgment.

"Don't cut it." Ning Feng said to the boss indifferently: "Grind, grind it on this cut surface. Grind it carefully."

"Don't grind it, just cut it again." The boss looked at him and said, "It's useless to grind it, not even a white net."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, you can grind it as you please." Ning Feng said to him, making decisions on his own stone.

The boss didn't say anything, and began to grind the stone with the mentality of being a donkey with good intentions.

"Why do you need to grind it? This is a waste stone. Just a knife in the middle will do. Why waste that time?"

"That's right. This stone looks like it should be a waste rock. It may be difficult to open something. But if he wants to, let him wipe it. After all, he directly paid 60 yuan, and no one feels good."

"Yeah, 60 was paid directly..."

As soon as they said it, they got stuck, because they saw that there seemed to be some changes in the stone cutter.I just wiped it, and there was a thick white net.

"Hey... slow down, slow down, there seems to be something."

"Damn it, can you really get stones out? Isn't that amazing? This young man is simply a god."

"Look at this white net, it should be of pretty good quality. Wipe it slowly, splash water, splash water, and see if it comes out."

Everyone seemed more excited than Ning Feng, shouting excitedly at the stone cutter, directing the boss to act.

The boss also stopped quickly. At this time, he had to be more careful, otherwise it would be easy to accidentally damage the jade inside.

He scooped up a ladle of water and poured it on.

"It's green, it's green." On the flat surface, a small green light emerged from it.

The boss quickly lifted the stone down and polished it carefully with fine sandpaper.After a while, a bowl-sized green appeared.

"It's increased, it's increased, and it's still made of glass. I didn't expect this stone to be able to produce such a good jadeite. It must have increased several times, right?"

"With such a big rock, I don't know how big it can be. If it can be the size of a watermelon, he will."

"I think it should be about the same. You can see that the exposed area is as big as the mouth of a bowl, and the greenery seems to be spreading."

"Little brother, can you sell it for 200 million?"

Some people are already ready to bid. In fact, it is still possible to gamble on mining this area.But the risk is much smaller. If there is only such a touch of green, you will lose money, and if the rest are all green, you will make money.

Although the risk of this is not as great as the original stone, the risk is not small.

This location may look like the size of a bowl, but it is likely that there is only such a piece, and it will be a big loss.

But everyone obviously had good expectations for this stone, and one by one began to bid, "I will offer 220 million."

"250 million!"

Everyone has already started bidding.

Ning Feng did not let this momentum develop, he waved his hand and said, "Don't bid, don't bid, I won't sell this stone." In fact, glass-type jadeite is not too common, especially when the old pit has almost been mined.

Taking this stone back can also open a lot of things.

Isn't it a big loss to sell your own company to others?
Ning Feng turned around and drew a few lines on the stone, then said to him, "Just cut it like this."

This time the boss didn't dare to have the slightest doubt about Ning Feng, so he hurriedly started cutting, but after cutting a few times, he didn't see Lu Yi.But Ning Feng refused to let it go.

Next, it needs to be transported back. If it is completely cut, it will easily hurt the inside. It is better to wrap some stones.

"Okay, help me carry my things to the car outside." Ning Feng said to the boss.Then he called Xiaolong over and told him to deliver the things to his car.

This was a slap in the face for Mei Wanli. He originally thought that the stone Ning Feng must be empty, but he didn't expect to find glass.

At this time, Mei Wanli said coldly, "I cut this stone."

His voice immediately attracted the people who were about to leave again, and everyone fixed their eyes on the stone he bought again.That stone does look pretty good, and the quality is pretty good.

But these people were all slapped in the face by Ning Feng just now, and they were a little conservative when they spoke.

"This stone should look quite good. It should be able to produce good things, right?"

"It seems to be something from an old pit, but it's not necessarily true. After all, the probability is not high, but the probability of finding a good stone based on experience is not bad."

"Look at the texture, but we can't guarantee whether it can be opened. After all, this thing is uncertain."

After experiencing the previous events, everyone's views are all conservative, but they are still more optimistic about this stone.

If Ning Feng didn't have the skill of seeing through, he would definitely be fooled. No one would notice that tiny crack, which is fatal.

In fact, the weathering inside is quite good, the only small piece of jadeite was traversed by this crack, and the fist-sized jadeite was actually split in half.

This is simply fatal, the damage is too great.Not worth the money at all!He couldn't even transfer back the money he paid for the stone, which was more expensive than his own.

(End of this chapter)

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