Chapter 429

The boss is obviously quite confident about this stone, he has already mined an emerald before, if he continues to mine another one, he will simply make a fortune.

Opening two in a row will definitely attract a lot of customers.

The power is very good to start the machine.

"You just found an emerald by luck, and I earned this by knowledge." Mei Wanli said to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng gave him a contemptuous look, and said, "None of my business?" After finishing speaking, he said to Su Miaohan, "Shall we go over there and have a look?"

"En." Su Miaohan acted quite obedient, took Ning Feng's hand and walked outside.

How could Mei Wanli let him go?Why did I buy this stone?Don't you just want to show your strength in front of beautiful women?Prove that you are better than him.

If they left, who would they show themselves to?

"No." He said and was about to stop Ning Feng.

But Ning Feng ignored him at all and walked directly outside.

At this time, the boss suddenly shouted: "Haha... I saw green, I saw green..."

After everyone heard this situation, they all joined together one by one, and complimented him one by one.

"That's right. The standard is also made of glass. The outside is made of glass. The quality of the inside should be improved. The young man has good eyesight."

"I bought the right thing. This kind of old-fashioned goods will basically not disappoint everyone. He has quite a lot of experience. In comparison, the one in front is really lucky."

"Looking at the exposed area, it is already close to the size of a fist. I don't know what the result will be if we continue to drive it? Will something bigger be produced?"

"Sure, if the things in the old pit are the same as those in the new pit, wouldn't that be a disgrace? And you didn't see that a corner was cut? If you continue to wipe, there should be quite a lot."

Mei Wanli was also quite proud of his eyesight. He shouted at Ning Feng: "Boy, your eyesight is not good, you are not worthy of her."

Ning Feng was furious, and he could bear with your flattering him so much.But to say that he is not good enough for Su Miaohan is simply unbearable.

He turned around directly, pointed at him and said, "How about we make a bet?"

Mei Wanli looked at Ning Feng's angry look, and said with some teasing, "What are you betting on?"

"Gamble your eyesight!" Ning Feng said to him: "Just bet on whether this stone can exceed the price of the original stone, bet a hundred million, dare you?"

He said this so forcefully that even Mei Wanli was frightened.

In fact, Ning Feng didn't even know how much [-] million was, and he just said such a number directly to frighten him.

Even Su Miaohan was shocked, if Ning Feng lost, he would not be able to afford it.

"Are you sure?" Su Miaohan pulled Ningfeng's arm and asked.

Ning Feng looked at Mei Wanli arrogantly and said, "I bet you that the stone will collapse, do you dare with a hundred million?"

Mei Wanli was a little hesitant. The probability of getting something out of this stone was quite high, after all, such a big thing had already been out.

But Ning Feng's [-] million bet so confidently made him a little scared. [-] million, the money he has now is not [-] million in total.

His assets are now only 900 billion, and most of them still exist in the form of assets.

"Don't you dare? If you are timid, don't compare blindly." Ning Feng gave him a look of disdain in front of him.

Mei Wanli felt that he should win, and the probability of winning was above 90.00%. Although the bet was high, if he won, at least [-] million would be credited.

It should be said that the probability of success is too great. Although he was a little shocked when he heard [-] million, but after thinking about it, he still has the advantage.

And it is obvious that Ning Feng will succeed in retreating at this time.In his opinion, the reason why Ning Feng dared to make this request was because he hoped that he would quit because the amount was too large.

Ning Feng looked at him with a smile on his face, as if he was saying that he wouldn't dare to know you kid.

"If you don't have confidence in your eyesight, don't talk nonsense about others, just keep your mouth shut." Ning Feng said arrogantly.

Mei Wanli gritted his teeth and said, "I bet you, isn't it [-] million?" No matter how he thought, he felt that the probability of winning would be very high, and no matter how Ning Feng thought, he was lying to himself.

After hearing this, Ning Feng pretended to be shocked.

Such an action made Mei Wanli more confident.

"Are you sure you want to compare?" Although Ning Feng was shocked on the surface, he was secretly happy in his heart. This time he must be squeezed dry.

"Comparison! No one is better than the grandson." Mei Wanli finally confirmed that Ning Feng was putting on a show.

When the people around saw that the two had settled down, they also started talking about it.

"This young man is a bit reckless. Look at this stone, it's obvious that it has already been opened, and there is nothing comparable. Even if he really only opened the glass species the size of a fist, it can't be compensated. He is throwing himself Put it in a situation where you must lose. One hundred million, what kind of prodigal child is this."

"Hey, I guess it was just a moment of pique. I even took [-] million to get puffed up. If I lose, I will be beaten to death by my family when I go back. That's [-] million. I have never seen it in my life."

"He just wanted to scare the opponent, and wanted him to back down, but he didn't expect to fight him to the death. His probability of winning is estimated to be quite low, and it would be good to have one percent."

Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng with some surprises. Based on her experience, this deal is simply not worth it.She looked at Ning Feng and said, "Are you confident?"

"Don't worry, the underpants that made him lose this time are all gone." Ning Feng whispered in Su Miaohan's ear: "You do the math for me, adding a fist-sized emerald with a crack in the middle, is it worth 100 million yuan?" ?”

Su Miaohan stared at Ning Feng strangely, not knowing what he meant.But she still replied honestly: "It's definitely not worth it, cracked jadeite is almost worthless."

"That's fine." Ning Feng nodded, and then said with some embarrassment: "Can you lend me [-] million?"

Su Miaohan almost spat out a mouthful of blood, how could she have a hundred million? "I don't have that much. I only have a few properties, which should be worth 6000 to [-] million."

Ning Feng thought for a while and said: "Count the shares of the Su Corporation as one, anyway, let him return the capital with interest when the time comes."

Su Miaohan froze for a moment, in fact, those shares were the basis for them to settle down, but she finally believed in Ning Feng, although she herself did not believe the result.

He said to Mei Wanli: "I have close to 5.00% of the shares of Su's jewelry here, which should be more than 5.00 million?" The Su family is not listed now, but this [-]% is definitely a lot.

At the beginning, Ning Feng could become a major shareholder with 5.00%.

(End of this chapter)

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