Chapter 431 Sending You

Because they saw that there was a deep scar on the emerald that should have been perfectly round, and that scar was not a single spot.

Instead, it runs through from the top to the bottom. It is estimated that as long as the outer stone skin is removed, it can be broken into two halves.

"Cracked? There are cracks on it? Ruined, ruined, cracked jade is worthless."

"How could there be a crack? Then a small wound can penetrate directly into it? It's smashed, it's smashed!"

"This crack is too big, and it is still a penetrating wound. Who would have thought of this? It seems that this stone is going to collapse, unless something can be opened later."

"The probability of this is not high? Generally, there is an emerald in each of them, and basically there will be no other emerald."

When Mei Wanli saw this crack, his jaw would drop in surprise, he never expected this to happen.

What was supposed to be a winning ending was completely ruined all at once.

How about a billion?Is my own company ruined like this? What about a 90.00% win rate?Who would have thought that there would be a crack in the middle?
Ning Feng looked at him with a smile and said, "Are you losing this time? Everyone can tell who has good eyesight, right?"

"What? Can he see that the rock is cracked in advance? It shouldn't be, does he really have such a strong strength? This vision is really too good, right?"

"No way, I think he was deceived? Who can be sure?"

"But you see that he is so confident, does he really have some discernment? Or how dare you bet with him when you are sure to lose? I guess he has some tricks."

Everyone looked at Ning Feng and said with some admiration, after all, this performance is really amazing.

The result that no one present could see was actually refuted by him.

Mei Wanli said to the boss: "Cut, continue to cut, finish all the cuts. Untie them all!" He was a little crazy. After all, it's [-] million. If you say you lose, you lose?
Besides, my company is definitely more than 5.00 million. At the beginning, I only heard that Ning Feng used [-]%.

If you usually want to buy these shares, plus premiums and the like, you will get at least [-] million.

Ning Feng just smiled and looked at him quietly.

The boss had no choice but to continue the operation, but the result was not too unexpected, except for the broken jade, there was not a single hair.

Looking at the broken stones all over the place, Mei Wanli's blood pressure was a bit high, but there was nothing there, and the price of the broken jadeite must not be as expensive as the rough stones he bought before.

"I lost. I didn't expect him to lose. Sure enough, betting on stones is all about luck. No amount of knowledge can stand up to someone's luck."

"So he really has to pay [-] million yuan? Are those assets really going to be lost?"

"What's the matter if you don't pay? Didn't you see that this person has Sishui's diamond card? Does he dare to resist? The power of Sishui is scary."

Everyone looked at Mei Wanli with pitiful eyes, he was too remorseful today.

Ning Feng smiled at him, and then said to Xiaolong, "Go and hand over the equity to this Mr. Mei." After speaking, he left without hesitation.

He wouldn't have sympathy for Mei Wanli, if he wanted to pick up his own girl, and if he wanted to win his own shares, he had to be prepared to lose money to Dafa.

Mei Wanli almost fainted when he heard this. At first it was because he wanted to pick up girls, but later because of greed and conceit, he lost one of his companies.

After returning, his father will definitely beat him to death.Just now he let himself take control of the family business, but now he directly lost a company.

But he has no way to repent now, Ning Feng is actually the person who has the Sishui black card, even his father would not dare to provoke Sishui directly.

He looked at Ning Feng with resentment, gritted his teeth and said, "Just wait for me!"

Ning Feng doesn't care about these things, since he wants to act aggressive, he must be prepared to be slapped in the face.Since you want to win your own [-] million, you have to plan to lose [-] million.

"How? I said trust me, right?" Ning Feng put his arms around Su Miaohan and smiled.

Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng adoringly and said, "Why are you so powerful? Can you see through? See what's inside the stone?"

"Of course." Ning Feng said with a smile: "I really know how to see through, you should pay attention." As he spoke, his eyes scanned Su Miaohan's body up and down.

Su Miaohan clutched her chest and said, "What are you staring at? Only ghosts will believe you."

Ning Feng smiled and withdrew his eyes. In fact, he really knows how to see through, but it is obviously a waste of spiritual power to use it to see Su Miaohan's body, and it is very disrespectful to people.

His ideas are still very noble.

"This windfall is still very big, right?" Ning Feng said with a smile. "One hundred million will give you a company."

Su Miaohan said with a smile: "This company is indeed quite big. You must know that the [-] million shares include not only a [-]% share."

"What else does that include?" Ning Feng looked at her and said, "Does it include anything else?"

Su Miaohan smiled and said, "There is still 90.00% actual control over it."

"What do you mean?" Ning Feng looked at her puzzled and asked.

Su Miaohan said to Ning Feng: "You think he can control the company with [-]% of the shares. If so, any capital can take over his company."

"Huh?" Ning Feng didn't understand. After all, he was not a professional and didn't understand these things.

Su Miaohan said to him: "Let's put it this way, like some companies, although his founder is not the largest shareholder of the company, he still controls the company, because those shareholders only enjoy the right to income, and other powers are in the hands of the founder. here."

"Mei's company is like this. They have already controlled nearly 90.00% of the decision-making power. No matter how many shares the other shareholders own, they will have no way to participate in the decision-making in the end. This is the most precious part of this share."

Ning Feng saw that Su Miaohan was quite excited, obviously this Mei family was quite useful to her.

"Then do you want to merge it or run it separately?" Ning Feng looked at Su Miaohan and asked.

Su Miaohan suddenly changed into a coquettish face and said: "You won this, of course it's up to you to handle it."

Ning Feng couldn't help pinching her nose and said, "I'm sending you off, you can deal with it however you want."

"The market value of this company is nearly [-] billion? Some people are absolutely willing to pay two or three times the price to buy it, but you can become a billionaire in a blink of an eye." Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng didn't even bat an eyelid, "Anyway, what's yours is mine, so I'll give it to you to play with."

(End of this chapter)

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