Chapter 432 Dark Shots
Such a big company has become his toy, and he just gave it away to others?

In fact, Ning Feng doesn't care much about money at all in his current position, as long as he has enough money to spend, if such a big company can make his girlfriend happy, that's fine.

Besides, it is relatively easier for people with so much money to make money.It is difficult to make a million with one dollar, but it is not difficult to make a billion with a hundred million.

If it wasn't for the fear that my mother would suddenly find out that she had so much money in her card that she couldn't accept it, the money would have terrified her.

"Did you really give it to me?" Su Miaohan looked at him and said, "The potential of this company is no worse than that of the Su Group. You have missed an opportunity to become a rich businessman by doing this, huh?"

Ning Feng looked at her and said, "My lifelong goal is to be taken care of by a rich woman like you. The richer you are, the happier I am."

"Then I won't be polite, the Mei Group and the Su Group are very complementary." Su Miaohan said with a smile. "I'd really like to have it in my hands too, but I'm going to keep it on its own, it's in good shape and it has a lot of potential."

Ning Feng said: "You can decide these things, you know that I am not very interested in these things about the company."

Su Miaohan squinted her eyes with a smile, she actually didn't care about the money, it was just because the existence of this company played a huge role in stabilizing the Su Group.

With such a magic weapon, those within the Su family were even less afraid of Cheng Hua's rebuttal.

Ning Feng pulled Su Miaohan and said: "Okay, don't think about it, let's play first. Think about these things later."

As he said that, he pulled her to the place where he was shooting secretly.

The quality of the things on these booths is too low, and it is difficult to get any high-quality things. Although the dark auction area is an auction area, the price may be quite high, but the quality is good.

And the price is not necessarily high, as long as you grasp it well, it is very likely that you can win it at a very low price.

The two walked along the three rows of counters, where there were counters with various stones that had been cut out.In front is a box, which is the bidding price of everyone.

It's just that the price is stuffed in an iron box, and there is no way to see it.In the end, the invoices will be billed uniformly, and the one with the highest price will get this item.

"That thing." As soon as Su Miaohan came in, she pointed to a stone the size of a wax gourd in the front and said.

Ning Feng followed her fingers to look over, and the top was cut off, revealing a hole the size of a cup.And the greenness inside this opening is actually at the imperial level.

Emperor-level green is quite rare, and every time it is born, it is priceless.

The imperial green of the size of wax gourd is really rare.

Ning Feng glanced over, not to mention the inside, it was all green, almost half of the stone was emerald.

"You can do it, this thing is not small." Ning Feng gestured casually with his hand.

Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and said in surprise, "You can really see through?"

Ning Feng said: "Is it knowledge, knowledge? This is based on my knowledge and feelings. Do you really believe in clairvoyance?"

"Okay. Then how much do you think we should invest?" Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and said, "This item is very valuable, should we invest a higher price?"

She doesn't know what's wrong now, she was used to consulting Ning Feng after being poorly used to be authoritarian before?
Ning Feng smiled and said, "Don't be in a hurry." He looked at the time above, "There are still two hours, let's come back last. Let's look at the others first."

Although Su Miaohan didn't know why Ning Feng did this, she knew that he must have his own reasons.So she will support without hesitation.

After that, they also saw a yellow jadeite and a large piece of glass jadeite.They all voted for a price that was not very high, and they were all round one yuan more.

She didn't know why, she looked at Ning Feng and said, "Since you have determined the value, why don't you just fill in a big number?"

Ning Feng smiled and said: "Buying things is to buy the best things at the lowest price. If the painting costs more money, what's the point of talking secretly?"

He has scanned all the prices in it before, and his current price is only one yuan higher than the highest price.

"Why did you add such a number with zeros and wholes?" Su Miaohan looked at the number with a decimal point in Ning Feng's hand.

Ning Feng smiled and said: "You don't understand this, do you? Most people are willing to fill in some integers when filling in numbers. We just need to add a decimal point and maybe we can beat most of them. Even if we are a dime taller than them, that is also high." .”

Su Miaohan glanced at Ning Feng and said, "Treacherous!"

"This is wisdom." Ning Feng said with a smile.

After shopping for two hours, they bought a total of five stones, all of which were relatively cost-effective.The quality is high and the price is not too high.

Ning Feng scanned all the stones to start with, and walked to the edge of the imperial green after confirming that there was no problem.

Scan the numbers in the box directly.

After taking a look, Ning Feng wanted to scold her.There were too many notes inside, but he had no choice but to read them one by one.In fact, the prices offered by these people are all about the same, and they are all slightly lower than when they usually buy.

After Ning Feng knew these prices clearly, he wrote down the price, put it in, and then took Su Miaohan to the waiting area to wait.

After a while the results will be displayed on the big screen in front of them, and their number is 92.

This design is better and can protect the privacy of users very well. After all, we don't like to expose our wealth.

After waiting for about an hour, a voice announced.

"The result of the secret shooting!"

After the sound ended, the screen flickered for a moment, and then the result jumped out directly.

"The winner of No. a11 is No. 23, and the transaction price is 390 million;
The winner of No. a12 is No. 46, and the transaction price is 420 million;

The winner of a15 is number 72. 180 million”

Only five are shown on one page, so that everyone can see them more clearly, and they will also be read out on the speaker.

Five or six pictures in a row didn't have anything they took.

When it was the seventh card, it appeared all at once.

"B11 Winner No. 92, the transaction price is 111.1 million;
b12 winner No. 92, with a transaction price of 98.1;
b13 winner number 92!Transaction price 231.1 million”

Ning Feng was quite embarrassed. The three things he photographed before were actually connected together. After reading this, people around were whispering who is No. 92?The strike is too strong, not only took the things, but also gave such a low price.

(End of this chapter)

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