Chapter 433 Ren Yi
Ning Feng certainly didn't expect these three results to appear together, but in order to prevent being recognized by everyone, he still pretended to look around.

But in the end, basically no one could recognize it, after all, it was just a number.

As the screens were switched back and forth, everyone didn't pay attention to this matter, and all their attention was focused on the screen.

The last two stones also fell safely into his hands.

In fact, the goal of everyone on the scene is all on the last stone. If that stone is mined, the price must be indispensable.

Everyone is anxiously waiting for the result of the last thing.

There was a young man sitting beside Ning Feng. This young man crossed his legs and said to the people around him: "The last piece of imperial green is mine. I spent a lot of money on it. You will definitely not win."

"It's not necessarily true, it's just a secret auction, maybe there is someone with a higher price than you?" Ning Feng said calmly beside him: "No one will know the result of this kind of thing until the last moment. "

But the man said indifferently: "Let me tell you the truth, I have someone here, and they have already told me the highest price, and I am only one yuan higher than the highest price. It was only put in when I was an hour. So you better not think about the last piece."

Ning Feng thought for a while, and he seemed to have indeed seen a bid that was worth [-] yuan.But I seem to have added a dime behind him.

He bid half an hour in advance, and he seemed to have voted at the last minute, so this guy must have lost.

"I advise you not to publicize such things wantonly, it will cause reputation loss to others, and it will also make your friends very ugly." Ning Feng said with a smile.This guy has no brains at all, how can such a hidden thing be said at will.

The guy shut up immediately, looked at Ning Feng and said, "You are a good person at first glance, and I like you when I look at you. You also know how to think about others. I want to make friends with you."

Although this guy is about the same age as him, he is much more naive than him.

Ning Feng just smiled and said without speaking: "Forget it, we meet by chance, there is no need to make friends."

This person was not reconciled at all, and said to Ning Feng: "You are a good person, you are sincere for me, I must make you my friend!"

This guy can be a second grader.

Ning Feng looked at him with a smile and said, "No need, we may not meet again after we go out."

"No, I have to. I finally found a true friend. You must make friends with me." The second-year student said to Ning Feng, "My name is Ren Yi."

Ning Feng smiled and said: "Your name is quite interesting, but I still have to remind you that you must be on guard against others, you'd better not trust others casually in this, and remember that your money will not leak out. "

"Don't worry, I'm not afraid. My dad is the boss of the Stone Gang, so he's not afraid of anyone." He said proudly, "In Caiyun Province, no one dares to disrespect him."

Ning Feng was depressed because he had been educating him for such a long time.Not only did he not listen, but he explained all of his family background clearly.

Ning Feng felt that if he wanted to play with him, ten of them would not be enough.And this kind of IQ will be played even more when it meets old businessmen like Su Miaohan and the others.

"Okay, my name is Ning Feng." Ning Feng said to him helplessly: "People from Haicheng, come here to do something."

Ren Yi looked at Ning Feng and said, "Did you take the last thing too?"

he asked quietly.

Ning Feng smiled and did not speak.

He himself said first: "Let me tell you, I spent 990 million and one yuan. It must be the king of bids."

Ning Feng smiled and said: "We are so destined, I also spent 990 million yuan, but I added a bunch of ones later on a whim!"

After listening to Ning Feng's words, Ren Yi was a little stupid, looked at Ning Feng and said: "So, you are ten cents more than me?"

Ning Feng nodded and said, "It seems to be like this."

"Do you also know the inside news?" Ren Yi was not excited, but looked at Ning Feng and asked gossip.

Ning Feng waved his hand casually, and then said very forcefully: "We only gave such a figure by referring to the market situation, the size of this jadeite, and the profit ratio."

In fact, he didn't know this, it was just for pretending.In fact, he just saw the numbers inside at a glance, but he couldn't say that directly, he could only be nonsense.

"I admire you cultural people. You can calculate this. It's amazing." He didn't feel how sad his failure was at all, and he still waited with his legs crossed.

Ning Feng smiled and said: "I'm not a cultural person, I didn't go to school after graduating from high school."

"I'll go, I admire it even more." This guy was even more excited when he heard that Ning Feng had never gone to college. "What I admire more is a person like you who has no schooling and is so educated. It's exactly the same as me."

Ning Feng was surprised, how could there be such a person in the world?Are you familiar with him?Then just call yourself brother and brother?
Facing his enthusiastic offensive, even Ning Feng couldn't bear it.And he didn't feel that this person was contrived at all, he jumped back and forth from the very beginning when he sat next to him.

"Um... just as long as you are happy." Ning Feng could only tell him that.

"Of course I'm happy. I didn't expect to make such an educated and sincere friend like you." He looked at Ning Feng excitedly and said.

Ning Feng didn't think how he was at all?It was just a casual reminder to him.

"It's... nothing?"

Ren Yi glanced at him, then turned around and said to a man on the other side: "Let me tell you, I must be the king of bids this time, and I have someone in here."

As a result, another person beside him squinted at him, and then said, "Crazy."

He looked at Ning Feng innocently and said, "Look, this is the gap."

Ning Feng was also a little helpless, he just occasionally broke out with kindness and reminded him, but he was regarded as a good friend by him.

"Okay, ready to go."

"It must be your standard king." He said to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng looked at him curiously, "Are you not angry at all?"

He patted his chest and said, "It's the same if you win and I win, anyway, I just play casually."

Ning Feng thinks that this person is pretty good, although he looks a little bit of a god, but he is still pretty good.It is easy to be annoying!

"Oh!" Ning Feng glanced at Su Miaohan, showing a helpless smile.

(End of this chapter)

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