Chapter 440 Antique City

After a while, a man came back with a tray.On the plate were two stones that had been chopped into fine pieces.

The two stones were cut into broken stones, and there seemed to be no emeralds in them.

"What result?" Ren Yi rushed up to look at the two stones, but there was nothing there.The two stones turned out to be really stones.

"Both of them actually found this pure stone."

"Fuck, this kind of strength is really powerful, I have to admire it."

"I didn't expect him to have the strength of a champion. It seems that he must have let the water go before!"

"Absolutely let the water go, hmph, these stones have been carefully selected, and the probability that there is no emerald in these stones is quite small."

"It's not only quite small, even Ren Yi found a small jadeite of oily green species last time."

"What do you mean? What's wrong with me? Look, glass species! This is strength!"

Everyone is very experienced in the performance of Ning Feng and the two. They have carefully selected them once for the convenience of their own play.Although there is a level gap, everything has emerald.

It is very difficult to find something that is purely stone.

The host said to everyone: "Okay, this time it's the boy's shame, and the two tied for first place!"

"Is this also shame? Are you kidding me?" A girl said very dissatisfied: "You didn't beat us, what made you say shame."

"It's a shame for us to draw." They said shamelessly.

"Now that the time for studying is over, let's continue to be hi!"

Ning Feng completely felt that they came up with such an event just to make excuses for them to waste their father's money for a party.

In fact they think so.

How long did it take?The rest of the time can be played again.

Ning Feng and the two of them also went crazy with them here for a while, and they had already figured out the basic situation of Caiyun Province by insinuating.

"Oh, I'm not young anymore, I really can't mess with these young people anymore." Ning Feng said after returning home, throwing himself on the sofa.

Su Miaohan poured him a glass of water and said, "How old are you, yet dare to call yourself old."

"I've always been a good boy, how can I play so crazy like them." Ning Feng couldn't help but sighed.

"However, today's harvest is not small. At least I understand the situation and everything, so I won't be blinded in the future." Su Miaohan said: "It's been a day of playing today, take a good rest, and you have to start working tomorrow."

Ning Feng hugged Su Miaohan onto the sofa, then suddenly turned over and pressed her under him.

"What do you want to do?" Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng a little nervously.

Ning Feng kissed her lightly, and then said: "Kiss you."

"No prospect!" Su Miaohan looked at him and said, "Such a big girl like a flower, just kiss her?" She said with a charming look, which made people lose their souls.

"Don't tempt me so nakedly, I won't be able to control it." Ning Feng looked at her and said, "If I turn into a beast, I will eat you."

Su Miaohan hugged Ning Feng's neck, and then pressed a passionate kiss on it, taking advantage of the situation and directly pressed Ning Feng on the sofa.

Could it be that the virginity I have maintained for more than 20 years has to disappear at this moment?Ning Feng was very excited, happiness came too suddenly.

But at this moment, Su Miaohan left directly, said to him: "It's not time!" and then ran directly upstairs.

"Isn't it good to do this? Why do you always like to play like this?" Ning Feng looked at her back helplessly and said.The Yuhuo was ignited ragingly, and then withdrew directly.

Ning Feng looked at his right hand and said, "I have to trouble you tonight."


Day two.

Ning Feng looked at the newly dressed Su Miaohan and asked, "Where shall we go today?"

Su Miaohan said: "Keep playing."

"Hey? Didn't you say you want to work?" Ning Feng looked at her strangely and said.

"Things have changed. It will be the old man's birthday in a few days. We have to buy some gifts, and we have to prepare them properly in these two days." Su Miaohan nodded. "So these two days, let's think about buying some gifts."

"How simple this matter is." Ning Feng said casually: "Isn't he the one who sculpts? Let's just give him a sculpture. I think he also likes sculptures."

"He is at the level of a master. Ordinary works can't catch his eye." Su Miaohan said, "So let's find some antique sculptures, I think he will like them, right?"

"He will definitely like it. He will definitely not be free to argue with the ancients about these things." Ning Feng said.

"Okay, let's go look for him after dinner." Su Miaohan said to Ning Feng, "There is a larger antique city in front of it, and you can also play it."

"It's a good idea, and it's also good to experience different regional cultures."

After dinner, the two drove directly to the antique city.

This antique city is really not small, more than ten times the size of Haicheng Antique Street. Once you enter it, you can see rows of shops and street stalls everywhere.

Sure enough, there are some differences in antiques in different regions. Although there are still many fakes, some genuine ones look very distinctive.

Of course, you have to shop around to buy this kind of place, and you must not let go of the street stalls. The things on the street stalls are cheap, and they are also places where you can miss them.

However, picking up leaks is not an easy task. Ning Feng spent 500 yuan to buy two small plates because he liked to go shopping.Although it is from the Kangxi period, it is an ordinary dish, and the value is not much more expensive.

Mainly I still like it.

"How is it? Are you satisfied?" Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng sighed and said: "It's okay, it's much less than Haicheng's fakes. But there's nothing that really moves my heart, but it's something that can happen but can't be sought after."

"Let's find a sculpture for the old boss." Ning Feng said helplessly, "If only I could carve, why would I need him?"

"You think this matter is very simple, and requires good control, imagination and wrist strength." Su Miaohan said with a smile: "Without decades of effort, you can't reach that level."

Ning Feng was stunned for a moment, why couldn't he reach it?His mental strength seems to have good imagination and control, and his wrist strength is also quite good.

If you have time, you can try it casually. What if you become a generation of engraving masters?

"Okay, don't think about it, let's go to the store quickly." Su Miaohan said to Ning Feng, and while speaking, she led him towards Gu Yuxuan who was sitting next to her.

"It's not impossible." Ning Feng muttered a few words, his eyes had already noticed the several carving knives inside.

(End of this chapter)

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