Chapter 441

Even if he said it was Gu Yuxuan, there are actually not many genuine ones, even if they are dated or carved, they are not very good.

In the end, Su Miaohan got nothing, and Ning Feng bought a carving knife and came out.

"Let's go, next one!" Su Miaohan continued to move, and Ning Feng also checked to see if there was anything he was interested in.Not to mention, I really found something interesting in the next one.

These things are really not very good, but Ning Feng just likes them a little bit.

It was a set of jade bottles, all of which were small bottles about five centimeters high.Although it's not true, it can't be better for elixirs.

So basically no idea on that.

However, no good carved objects have been found. In fact, such high-quality objects will not appear here at all. After all, such high-quality objects are generally exchanged among Tibetan friends.

No one is willing to sell it, so some really high-level items are really hard to find.

The last two have lowered the standard, as long as it is a good carver.

After all, it is to be compared with ancient engravings, and any kind of engraving is slightly inferior.

The boss couldn't stand it any longer, and said to him, "You two, the sculptor you are asking for is too high. I suggest you go to the Qiyu Pavilion in front. There is a good sculptor there, maybe you can ask him for help. "

"Really?" The eyes of the two people lit up, but then darkened in an instant. Among the existing people in the world, there are really not many people who can compare with the ancient engravings, right?
"Indeed, it is said that Hu Daodao's apprentice." The boss said: "And he is his big apprentice. It seems to be called Mufangshui. The carver is not weaker than his master."

They have also heard of this Hu Daodao, a figure comparable to ancient engravings, and there are rumors of Nangu Beihu.The carving styles of the two are also quite different. Hu Daodao's carving is based on the situation, basically carving out the shape according to the structure of the stone, so there is a touch of nature and simplicity in the finished product.

However, the ancient engravings are good at finely carving and detailing, so his style has a touch of delicacy.

It's just that Hu Daodao is a bit older than Gu Ke, and has been sealed for a long time.

"You can try it!" The two of them were also in a hurry to go to the doctor, "No matter what, we must prepare a sculpture that can be taken out."

But the boss shook his head and said: "He only takes it here for about a week, and then he will go to other provinces. And he has a special habit, he will not sell the carved things, but make friends with them. If you engrave The things that come out catch his eyes, and it’s not a problem if things are given to you for free.

Before, a child got one of his works just by carving a few knives casually. Many famous sculptors visited him, but his nose was ashamed.

Anyway, you will know when you go!He is a weirdo. "

"It's really weird, but no matter how weird it is, you have to see it." Ning Feng said helplessly: "Let's go and have a look, in case a blind cat encounters a dead mouse."

The two entered Qiyu Pavilion.

As soon as I entered it, a guy came up to say hello, "Come in and have a look, do you want something?"

Su Miaohan smiled at him and said, "Brother, we are looking for Mr. Mu, I wonder if he is there?"

After hearing this, the man said, "Yes, it's in that corner, you go find him."

After speaking, he turned and left.

The two found a person in the northeast corner. There was a table in front of him with some gadgets on it, and there were some big ones behind him.

The carving is really good. His eyes lit up when he saw this. This kind of carving is definitely good.

Subconsciously, Su Miaohan wanted to invite this person back, and he was famous, but this person was too weird, it was probably more difficult to invite than Gu Ke.

The man was about 40 years old, unkempt, wearing a blue T-shirt, which also looked like it hadn't been washed for a while.He was resting there with his eyes closed, and there was an unfinished small object in front of him.

It looks like a lazy little pig, although there is only one tail left unfinished, but he didn't let go easily.

Neither Ning Feng nor the two dared to disturb him.

About half an hour later, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly started to complete the object within a few minutes.

The technique is quite grand, everything is clear in the chest, and the time spent on carving is shorter than the time spent on thinking.

Ning Feng looked at this lazy little pig, very cute and very nice, but it looked like it lacked a bit of spirituality, just like a dead thing at first sight.

After he finished, Su Miaohan couldn't help admiring beside him: "What a cute little pig."

"Average, average!" Ning Feng said beside him: "You should have lost your hand, ordinarily you shouldn't be at this level!"

Ning Feng looked at the big pieces behind him, even the carved tree stump seemed quite spiritual.You can feel the look of being ready to grow at any time.

Although this little pig is very cute and similar, it lacks that charm.Not at all alive.

"Too deadly!" Ning Feng shook his head and said, "These small objects are not as good as your large ones."

After hearing Ning Feng's words, the man suddenly looked up at Ning Feng and said, "Can you see it?"

"It's just for looking. It's not for me to engrave it myself. No one can see it." Ning Feng said to him: "Look at your pig, it feels like it was carved, and the stone and the pig are separated. Look at your pig. Those works, it feels as if the materials and images are completely integrated together, with a kind of charm!"

The man didn't hide it either, and said flatly: "This is indeed my problem. I really don't have the charm of engraving on small objects as on large ones."

Ning Feng suddenly discovered that this person's carving style seemed to be somewhat similar to that of Mu Xueli. Could it be that Mu Xueli was also from the northern school?
That guy probably doesn't even know which faction he is from, so he just learned it blindly.

"Is there anything you can do with me?" He said without any expression.His level words did not attract his attention.

Su Miaohan was about to ask him for help, but Ning Feng stopped her and said, "I'm here to teach you how to carve."

Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng in surprise, he can carve?Isn't this bullshit?
The man's eyes lit up and said, "How do you teach me?"

Ning Feng said to him: "Can I use these things of yours?" Some artists always have some problems, and they don't like others to touch their own things, so Ning Feng still thinks it's good to ask.

But he didn't seem to have any of these stinky problems except being dirty, so he said casually, "Please!"

(End of this chapter)

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