Chapter 442

Ning Feng looked at the stone in his hand, and then shook the knife in his hand.

"You come here, you can use all these devices." Mu Fangshui planned to get out of his seat as he spoke, and wanted Ning Feng to sit in his seat.

In his opinion, carving such a small thing requires not only a stable environment, but also complicated tools, and all types of carving knives must be used.

Ning Feng shook his head and said: "No need, these are enough." He shook the carving knife in his hand and said: "The essence is here."

Mu Fangshui looked at Ning Feng in surprise. He didn't understand what he meant. If he only used that carving knife, many details of the carved objects would disappear.

Can you describe it accurately?
"Are you sure? Some positions can't be fixed with just this one thing." Mu Fangshui said to Ning Feng.

Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and said, "You can do it?" She was quite skeptical of him, although Ning Feng did know a lot, but is he capable of carving, which requires experience and practice?
"No problem, I mainly point out the key mistakes to him, whether it looks good or not is not very important." Ning Feng said with a smile.

Mu Fangshui stared at Ning Feng, really wondering what method he could think of to make up for his own flaws. He also saw his own flaws very clearly, and this happened every time he sculpted small things.

The lack of charm is quite serious!
Ning Feng smiled, and then all his mental power directly shrouded the wooden block in his hand. The internal structure of this wooden block is very suitable for carving that pig.

The spiritual power has locked the entire pig shape firmly on the wooden block, and the spiritual power of the carving knife in his hand is also poured into it. If you don't plan to use other tools, you will have to use great strength in your hands.

Probably when everything feels the best, the carving knife in my hand starts to act directly on this wooden block.His carving speed is very fast, and some detailed parts do not need other tools at all, and can be done directly with this tool.

Seeing that Mu Fangshui was taken aback for a while, what kind of method is this?

Ning Feng didn't stop, he just used a carving knife to follow the texture, and started to work according to the pattern he had set before.Gradually, the appearance of the whole little pig has slowly appeared.

Su Miaohan was quite surprised when she looked at him, Ning Feng still has this level?From the looks of it, this little pig really has some flavor.

How much does Ning Feng know?

Mu Fangshui looked at Ning Feng's actions, and became more and more surprised, and there was only one school in his mind.

"No wonder he can solve this problem!"

Ning Feng himself didn't know that he was inadvertently regarded as a genre, and this matter was really thought up by himself.

His movements were quite fast, and in about half an hour, a lazy pig appeared directly in front of the two of them.Although this little pig is still quite rough in some details, it really has a little more charm than the previous little pig.

It no longer looks like the finely crafted decorations before.

"You should have belonged to the northern school, but in fact, you took that kind of bold and unrestrained route, and you should pay more attention to the quality of materials and the charm of affairs. But you used all kinds of tools to carve and peck this thing meticulously. , although it looks more beautiful, but it lacks the charm of that meaning." Ning Feng looked at him and said.

"If a carving knife is carved, the lines will be complete, there will be no interlacing between the lines, and there will be no polishing. It looks like it was formed naturally. In addition, according to the trend of the material, it will make this thing look beautiful. It looks more natural. I guess you don't use so much material when sculpting large objects?"

In fact, after seeing Ning Feng's actions, Mu Fangshui already had some understanding of these situations.He used too many tools. Although some unevenness in the details was polished away, it made the whole object a lot less smooth.

And because too many tools are used in carving, the lines are not so natural.There is no such natural growth, but what is more is deliberate carving.

He should have understood this truth, but he walked into a dead end and didn't think about it.

The southern sect generally seldom carve living creatures, because fine carving will make the dead look more realistic, but make the living lose their spirituality.

The northern school tends to engrave living creatures, using bold and unrestrained techniques to fully express the state of growth.

"Indeed, I've gone into a misunderstanding." He took Ning Feng's little pig, picked up a few small tools, and dealt with the little pig's eyes.Immediately, it felt as if it had risen to a higher level. This little pig seemed to be watching someone acting like a baby.

Su Miaohan couldn't take her eyes off her eyes. "So beautiful!"

Mu Fangshui handed this thing to Su Miaohan and said: "It was originally carved by him, take it."

Then he looked at Ning Feng and said, "Are you Ping Dao Liu?"

"What Ping Dao style?" Ning Feng didn't know what Ping Dao style was.

"you are not?"

"Of course not."

"Then who taught you these techniques?"

"I came up with it all of a sudden. Look, this is not the carving knife I just bought. I just want to test it with your material." Ning Feng looked at him very puzzled and said.

"Are you sure you are not?"

"No, what is Ping Dao Liu?" Ning Feng asked.

He still looked at Ning Feng in disbelief and said: "Ping Dao Style is actually a lost genre in the carving world. When they carve, they only use a knife and don't borrow any tools. It is characterized by roughness and generosity. But that school requires a lot of effort because it does not rely on any external affairs.

Although this genre is powerful, it is impossible to work with some hard materials because of the high requirements for carving.So it gradually split, and some genres began to combine the strengths of other schools on the basis of it.A new genre was formed, and the original genre gradually declined.

I didn't expect to see the reappearance of Pingdao style now. "

Ning Feng looked at him and said very seriously: "Although what you said is very good, I really figured it out by myself."

"What you figured out by yourself belongs to Ping Dao style. As long as it is this style, it must be Ping Dao style." Mu Fangshui looked at Ning Feng and said.

"Okay, whatever you say is what you say." Ning Feng said helplessly, without any excuses.

Mu Fangshui also heaved a long sigh of relief, as if he had finally solved a problem. "There must be some purpose for you to find me, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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