Chapter 443
Ning Feng looked at him and said: "There are indeed some things that need your help." He said with a smile that seemed to be quite deep.

Mu Fangshui looked at Ning Feng, nodded and said, "What's the matter? You have helped me so much, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Ning Feng pulled two chairs, Su Miaohan sat on one and made one by himself.He clasped the table with his hands and looked at the wooden waterway: "I want to buy one of your works."

"Buy my work?" He looked a little surprised at Ning Feng's appearance, "Why did you buy my stuff?" In his opinion, although Ning Feng's flat knife technique is not very mature, it is basically in the exploration stage, but Even this look is more explorable than his work.

Ning Feng looked at him worriedly and said, "Actually, I don't want to buy it either, and I'm not an art lover. Now that the old man in Gu Ke celebrates his birthday, don't I have to buy him a present?"

"You used my work to give ancient carvings?" After hearing this, Mu Fangshui smiled, "If you really take it, he will probably drive you out."

"Why?" Ning Feng asked puzzled.

"Both the northern and southern factions don't like each other. It's strange that you send your opponent's work here and give you a good face." Mu Fangshui said: "If you want to celebrate his birthday, just buy a few things."

Ning Feng said with some hesitation: "The key is that we still have some things, and we need to ask him. The gift is too light to take out!"

"That's it." He thought for a while, "You might as well carve one yourself, your level is enough to attract his idea. Trust me, there's no problem."

Ning Feng said to him: "As you can see, my level is just like that, it can only be regarded as mediocre. Although the carvings have charm, the details are too rough! It's embarrassing."

"There is no problem. The characteristic of Ping Dao Liu is that he does not pay attention to details, but pays attention to the charm. This long-lost method suddenly appeared, and he will definitely remember it." Mu Fangshui said confidently: "The details I can help you debug it, and that old man will definitely like it."

"Really?" Ning Feng looked at him curiously.He himself didn't know that the genre he had figured out was so awesome.

"I will also attend his birthday banquet in a few days, you might as well find a better material to carve one yourself." Mu Fangshui said to Ning Feng: "Believe I am not wrong."

"Your technique is very powerful, even I am not as powerful as you." Mu Fangshui said: "I don't have that kind of ability, I don't need any tools, just use a carving knife to get it done."

Ning Feng thought to himself, of course you can't, because he has mental power comparable to computer modeling and extremely powerful strength.Not to mention other things, he doesn't even have this power.

"Okay, then let's go back first." Ning Feng said to him.

"Let's continue chatting if we have a chance in the future." Mu Fangshui looked at Ning Feng and said, "I think we can create some sparks."

After Ning Feng heard this, his mind turned and he suddenly had an idea.He looked at Su Miaohan, and Su Miaohan was also looking at him.The two thought of being together very tacitly.

Although they are here to invite ancient engravings this time, it would be quite a sensation if they could invite Mu Fangshui from the Northern School.The influence is no worse than that of Gu Ke.

Moreover, the ancient engravings are old, and Mu Fangshui is still in his prime, so this kind of influence is quite long-lasting.

Ning Feng turned to look at him and said, "You are running around on the road now, and I am also very busy with work. I am afraid that we will not have many opportunities to communicate in the future."

"As long as you want to meet, there is always." He said lightly.

Ning Feng leaned over and said to him, "Shall I discuss something with you?"

"What's the matter?" He looked up at Ning Feng and asked.

Ning Feng said to him: "Why don't you join our Su Group?"

"Are you from the Su Group?" He looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng shook his head and said: "It doesn't count, but the Su Group belongs to my girlfriend." He pointed at Su Miaohan and said, "This way we also have a chance to communicate, right?"

"No, I have to study everywhere." He looked at Ning Feng and said, "I don't have time to join the company, and I don't want to be bound by the company!"

"It's not that much trouble, you just need to have a name. Anyway, you have to run around, and at worst you will stay in Haicheng for a few days." Ning Feng continued to seduce.

The cost for myself is not small, and I don't need you to work and I will pay you wages.What else to disagree with.

But he refused decisively: "No, I won't join."

Ning Feng knew what he was thinking. People at this level were afraid of losing their reputation. If they joined a company, what would they do if the company used his reputation to do immoral things?
Although the reputation of the Su Group is quite good.

But he is not willing to join so easily.

A hint of disappointment appeared on Su Miaohan's expression, these awesome old men were really unwilling to join some companies easily.It is estimated that inviting ancient engravings this time is a troublesome matter.

How could Ning Feng let his woman down, so he hurriedly fought for it again, "Why are you so stubborn? You don't need to stay in the company, just use your few things as the treasures of the town hall, Why be so cautious."

"No, no, no..." Mu Fangshui said: "In this way, I will not be able to join anymore. I don't lack money and other things. I still have to keep my reputation."

Seeing this guy's bastard is determined to eat the weight, Ning Feng had no choice but to make a killer move, looked at him and said: "If you join us, I am willing to teach you Ping Dao. And I can use my reputation to guarantee that I will never Will do things that damage your reputation.

And I have a strong public relations team, maybe your reputation will soar. "

Mu Fangshui was stunned for a moment, he didn't care about the soaring fame.What really attracted him was that Ning Feng was willing to hand over the flat knife to him. Isn't he just wandering around to learn new skills?

Ping Dao Liu is such an unattainable thing, will I miss it?Besides, what's wrong with joining a company in order to learn this kind of stuff?Anyway, it doesn't affect my continued study.

The reputation of the Su Group is not bad.

"Don't worry, I'm really the heir of the Ping Dao style." He also ignored his previous words, and the contradiction became contradictory.Let's abduct this person first.

"Are you really willing to teach me?" Mu Fangshui said excitedly.

Ning Feng nodded and said: "Of course, and I will give it to you without reservation. How much you can comprehend depends on your ability."

In fact, Ning Feng still has some ideas, let him stay in Haicheng to learn Pingdao style, and there is no way to truly understand the essence in three to five years.That's still relative to a master like him.

(End of this chapter)

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