Chapter 446

Ning Feng didn't bother to chase him anymore, he just snorted coldly at the side, and said to the old man, "These people are liars who bully others, there is no need for psychological pressure. Do you want to take a look at your injury?"

The old man looked at Ning Feng and said, "Thank you little brother, it's just a minor injury, it's not a problem, it's not a problem."

While speaking, a wave of meritorious force rushed into the agate.

Seeing that Ning Feng had beaten those people away, the people around hurried up to persuade them: "Get out of here quickly, and be careful that they will come back for revenge in a while. The Stone Gang is really not easy to provoke, and they don't make any reason when something happens."

"Young man, your mentality of acting bravely is acceptable, but it would be bad if you get revenge by them. There are quite a few of them wandering here. You should leave quickly."

"That kid must have gone to rescue soldiers. You have injured so many of them, and they will definitely not let you go. Run quickly."

Ning Feng's brave behavior is recognized by everyone.Everyone is also actively helping Ning Feng to make suggestions.

"Thank you everyone for your kindness, I understand." He bowed his hands to everyone to express his gratitude, then smiled and went to find Su Miaohan who was not far away.

Suddenly, he felt a tingling pain in his body, and when he went to observe again, he couldn't find anything.

"What's going on here?" Ning Feng touched his chest in doubt.

"Is it a hallucination? Forget it, stop thinking about it."

At this moment, the younger brother who ran away before rushed over with a group of people.

This group of people was armed, everyone held iron bars in their hands, and they walked towards here under the leadership of a big gangster in the lead.

"It's him, look, he's still lying on the ground." The little gangster pointed at Ning Feng and said, "It's this guy who hurt so many of our brothers."

The gangster who seemed to be the leader came out, showing his chest hair, and said to Ning Feng, "You hurt him?"

"En." Ning Feng didn't deny it, he just nodded and admitted.

"Do you know who we are?" the man asked Ning Feng.

Ning Feng said very obediently: "I know, you scum!"

"Who the hell are you scolding, beat you up." Seeing Ning Feng's rude words, the younger brother behind was about to rush forward.But he was directly stopped by the chest hair brother, "Boy, it's crazy."

"Normal." Ning Feng said with a smile: "I usually listen to gentleness."

"You hurt my brother, what do you think?" He walked towards Ning Feng slowly and said, "We stone gang members are not so easy to bully."

Ning Feng stretched out his hand and said to him with disgust on his face, "Don't come over, seeing those chest hairs is disgusting."

The man was stunned for a moment, but miraculously he didn't get angry, but looked at Ning Feng and said, "Is this your horse?"

It turned out that this guy was trying to trick Su Miaohan, his eyes were full of lewdness.

Ning Feng smiled at him, and then punched him in the eyes with lightning speed.


This punch was real.Immediately, Brother Chest Mao's eyes were nearly smashed blind.

Ning Feng didn't stop at all, he wrapped his arms around his neck and pressed down violently, raised his knee suddenly, and slammed it on his face fiercely.


Immediately, nosebleeds flowed across the face, and Ning Feng kicked him back in a dazed state.

"Take care of your dog's eyes, if you dare to make up your mind next time, I will kill you." Ning Feng stared at him and said domineeringly, these relatives of his were his restraints, and no one could touch them.

The man was hugged by the younger brother in a daze.

It must be uncomfortable to be beaten up by someone, so relying on his large number of people, he pointed to Ning Feng and said, "Beat him for me, whoever kills him will have his horse."

Su Miaohan is a very good morale booster no matter where she is, she is so beautiful, it is difficult for ordinary people to bear this kind of temptation.

"You'd better think about it clearly. You can answer the phone first." Ning Feng said to them, and then threw the phone over.

The hairy guy looked at Ning Feng strangely, he didn't know what Ning Feng meant?It's too dramatic to be able to answer the phone during the fight.

But he still picked up the phone, and the voice of cursing came directly from the phone. "Which part of the fuck are you? Blind?"

Brother Chest Mao heard this voice somewhat familiar, and asked tentatively, "Young Master?"

"The ear is still not deaf, which part are you?"

"Young leader, I'm Xiong Kuo." He immediately said flatteringly, his appearance was quite disgusting.

"Xiong Kuo?" Ren Yi obviously doesn't remember who Xiong Kuo is, but this doesn't prevent him from giving the order, "Did you fucking eat the guts of Xiong Kuo? Do you know who that is? That's my father's." Brother, you dare to touch my brother, do you want to live?"

Xiong Kuo looked at Ning Feng in surprise, this young man turned out to be Ren Yi's friend?

A friend of the Young Master of the Stone Gang, thinking of this, unconsciously broke out in a cold sweat.Fortunately, Ning Feng injured himself. If he continued to make mistakes, he might be dealt with directly.

The consequences could be disastrous.

"Young Master, I don't know him. This matter is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding, a real misunderstanding." Xiong Kuo quickly apologized.

"Misunderstand your sister, tell me what to do, talk to him."

Xiong Kuo quickly handed the phone to Ning Feng, and said with a flattering smile, "Mr. Ning, your phone number."

Ning Feng picked up the phone and said to Ren Yi, "Brother, I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

"It's okay, your business is my business. Do you have time recently? Let's continue to hang out if we have time." Ren Yi immediately asked Ning Feng to go out to play again.

"I can't do it these two days. I have some troublesome things to deal with recently. I have to make money to support my family." Ning Feng said with a smile.

"That's fine, I'll contact you when I have time. Wherever you go in the future, report my name and see who dares to embarrass you. That guy doesn't understand the situation, just clean up and let him go. Follow me It’s been a long time, I can’t handle it well.” Ren Yi pleaded for Xiong Kuo.

Ning Feng also knew this situation. After hanging up the phone, he said to Xiong Kuo, "Ren Yi pleaded with you and I won't deal with you." Ning Feng patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Be low-key when you see someone in the future, because you never know who is standing behind him that you can't afford to mess with."

After finishing speaking, she took Su Miaohan and walked outside.

Xiong Kuo stood on the spot and stared blankly at the direction Ning Feng left. This time it was really close to death. If Ren Yi hadn't been soft-hearted, he still doesn't know what his current situation is like.

They actually want to snatch the young gang leader's friends, and the young gang leader's friends, what kind of status are those people?Can you afford it?

Thinking of my injuries, I was so lucky.

(End of this chapter)

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