Chapter 447 Expulsion from the house
"Brother, just let them go like this? He hurt so many of us." The younger brother leaned over and said to Xiong Kuo.

Xiong Kuo was still full of anger and had nowhere to vent, but this guy came up to him without winking.

It's because of this guy, who just walked around the ghost gate and almost died.He couldn't offend Ning Feng or Ren Yi, but he could offend him.

"Let your sister go." He kicked up directly, "You don't have eyes when you fucking cause trouble, don't you know who he is?"

That little brother was beaten up directly, and he was beaten up like this for no reason, and he said in a daze, "I don't know!"

"Don't know? Let you not know!" Xiong Kuo kicked up again while speaking.

He is angry now, no matter what he answers, he will be beaten.

"Don't you know it's my fault?" He wailed helplessly, holding his head and running around.

"Damn it, don't blame you, blame me for not doing it?" He was punched and kicked again.


Ning Feng looked at Su Miaohan and sighed: "You said that you really have a hatred-inducing physique. How did you go out before you didn't know me?"

Su Miaohan smiled at him, and immediately became charming, "When I was alone, I didn't mind my own business, I just quietly helped to call the police. As a boss, do you think I would go alone when I went to some dangerous places? .”

"Oh, isn't your life very sad?" Ning Feng said with his arms around her. "Fortunately, I ran into me and rescued you from that dire situation."

"What! Who made me look so good, there is no way around it." She sighed deeply, "It's just because I'm so beautiful!"

Ning Feng hugged her shoulders, stared straight into her eyes and said: "I just want to ask you, who did you learn the advantage of being so thick-skinned from?"

"You should know." Su Miaohan said to him, "It's dark to get close to ink."

"You said it's not good for you to learn a little from me?" Ning Feng said to her.He said with a heartbroken look on his face.

Su Miaohan covered her mouth and smiled, then said to Ning Feng: "Actually, do you know what your greatest strength is?"


"Know how to pick a girlfriend!" After Su Miaohan finished speaking, she directly stuck herself in Ning Feng's arms, feeling a little shy.

Ning Feng hugged her and said, "I said, why are you so good at picking a boyfriend? You learned it from me."

Su Miaohan raised her head, looked up at Ning Feng with big eyes, and said pitifully, "Are you praising yourself?"

"No, I'll praise you by the way." Ning Feng raised the corner of his mouth and said.

The two were in love with each other, and went back while chatting.

I don't know why, but Ning Feng always feels a tingling in his heart from time to time, only once every time, and he didn't find anything after checking.

"Ask Xue Bo to send you a better raw material, and I'll carve a gift." Ning Feng said to Su Miaohan, "I never thought that I would become a master after such random carvings."

"How much more powerful do you have? I can't even see through you." Su Miaohan sat on Ning Feng's lap and said with her arms around his neck.

Ning Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know how powerful I am, anyway, I am very powerful. And I will protect you forever!"

"Small mouth is so sweet." She looked at Ning Feng and said.

"Then do you want some benefits?" Ning Feng stared at her and said.

"No." She stood up directly from Ning Feng's lap and said, "Xue Bo will be here soon, you dare to be lustful, be careful to drive you out of the house!"

The way she jokes is quite cute, which makes people want to tease her even more.

Ning Feng directly carried her back, put her across his lap, and said, "Since I said that, then I have to give her a go." He kissed her directly while speaking.

Then her hands wandered over her legs very unconsciously, tore open the stockings abruptly, and got in through the torn opening.

Her thighs are quite round and quite elastic.The more Ning Feng touched it, the more comfortable he felt, and his hands continued to move upwards. There was more flesh on his thighs, making it more comfortable to touch.

Su Miaohan seemed to be kissing Ning Feng passionately.

Ning Feng's hand got out of the stockings, and then reached into her clothes, touching her flat belly, which was quite tight and a little cold.

Just as he was about to continue walking upwards, the doorbell rang.

It directly broke the two of them out of the atmosphere that was ready to continue at any time.

"I'm going, it's really not the right time?" Ning Feng said angrily, the little brother was all ready, and he did it like this.

Su Miaohan stood up directly from his lap, looked at the torn stockings and the clothes he messed up, and couldn't help but glance at Ning Feng resentfully. "Look what you've done."

"Continue?" Ning Feng smiled at her.

Seeing his devilish smile, Su Miaohan continued to roll his eyes at him and said, "Hurry up and open the door, I have to change clothes, how can I see people?"

After speaking, he walked upstairs.

Ning Feng also sorted out his appearance, trying to make himself appear normal.Then he opened the door, and sure enough it was Xue Bo who came.

"Xiaofeng, where is Miaohan?" Xue Bo looked at Ning Feng and asked.

Ning Feng said: "It's upstairs, I'll come down in a while. I'll go and urge you to go." Almost instantly, a scene other than glamorous appeared in his mind.

"No need, I can do it later." Xue Bo said while sitting on the sofa.

"Xue Bo, is there anything important?" Ning Feng looked at Xue Bo's face and asked with a serious expression.

Xue Bo shook his head and said, "Cheng Hua and the others seem to have some new moves?"

"What? She actually plans to make new moves?" Ning Feng said, this guy is really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, but now he really doesn't know where Cheng Hua will fight back.

After all, as long as Su Miaohan grasps the lifeline, this matter should not succeed.

"Started?" At this moment, Su Miaohan changed into a light blue dress and came down from upstairs.She frowned slightly and looked at Xue Bo, "When did the news come?"

Xue Bo looked at Su Miaohan and said: "The news that just came in today is sure that she will make a big move in the future, which is definitely not good for you. But the specific situation is not very clear yet."

Su Miaohan thought for a while and said, "It's probably going to be soon, we have to deal with the matter here quickly. I thought it would take a while for her, but I didn't expect it to happen so suddenly."

"She might just be waiting for this opportunity to attack while you're not around." Ning Feng said, "But we've already laid out everything we need to do. If she can find a new entry point, we won't be able to make much of a difference here." The role is to deal with the current matter well.”

Xue Bo also nodded and said: "I also don't understand what she can do. The current Su Group really doesn't have any major loopholes."

(End of this chapter)

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