Chapter 448

"Let's just sit and watch her move." Ning Feng said lightly, anyway, Cheng Hua hasn't taken any action yet, and he has nothing to do for the time being.

Su Miaohan nodded and said: "I don't know how she will make a move, and we have no way to prevent it. Let's deal with the current matter first. By the way, Xue Bo, have you contacted Gu Ke?"

Xue Bo nodded and said: "You can go with me when the time comes, and there should be a period of time in between for us to chat with him about this matter."

"That's good." Su Miaohan said with a smile.

"However, I found something not very good now." Xue Bo frowned and said, "I found someone from the Xia family here."

"People from the Xia family? The Xia family in Haicheng?" Su Miaohan asked suspiciously.

"Well, it's Xia Pingchuan." Xue Bo said.

"What are they doing here? Is it to make things difficult for us?" Su Miaohan asked suspiciously.

"It's unlikely. They don't even care about their own. Why are they making things difficult for us?" Ning Feng said, "This place is a must-visit place for jewelry shops. There is nothing strange about him being here."

"En, that's true." Su Miaohan nodded.

Xue Bo also said: "That's true, we don't need to take it too seriously." He turned around and smiled at the two of them, "I've prepared all the things you two want and brought them here."

"Thank you Bo Xue." Su Miaohan said with a smile, "I'm really sorry to trouble you."

"It's too big a deal." Xue Bo laughed and said, "I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

After Xue Bo left, Ning Feng took out what he had prepared and had a look.

According to Ning Feng's opinion, there are all kinds of materials, both good and bad.In fact, the most important thing about this flat knife style is to carve different things according to different materials.

Ning Feng wants to carve a birthday star.

Pingdao style is better for carving live things, and it can better show his strength.

But to carve this kind of thing, the material is very precious.Among the piles of materials Xue Bo brought, Ning Feng had to find the most suitable one, which was somewhat difficult.

First of all, he directly excluded those more precious materials. The internal structure is too uniform, and the inside is too pure. Although the carvings are not bad, they tend to lack texture.

So now he is more willing to use slightly inferior materials, and then make reasonable use of the internal structure, so as to make the items more charming.

"This stone is not bad." Ning Feng looked at a piece of jade and said, this jade is not pure suet jade, there is actually a red spot on it.

And the jade is not uniform, it doesn't look very good.

"Are you sure you want to use this thing?" Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng puzzled and said, "The quality of this jade is really too bad, right? Will we be able to get it by then?"

"Your understanding is a bit off. What I gave him was not because of the value of the item, but because of the carving. This carving should surprise him." Ning Feng smiled and clapped the 30-centimeter-high jade in his hand. road.

Although the jade stone is 20 centimeters long, after the carving is finished, there will only be more than [-] centimeters left at most, which is considered a small object.

This kind of finely crafted works is what the Southern School is best at. If they are amazed in this aspect, this is what he wants!

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Su Miaohan still didn't understand: "The people who go there are all famous people, and they might be laughed at when they take this thing."

"People who really understand will never laugh at it." Ning Feng said with a smile: "We don't need to care about other people's opinions at all, the main thing is ancient ideas."

"Do you think we have a great chance this time?" Su Miaohan was also helping Ning Feng continue to select materials.

Ning Feng looked at her and said, "Want to hear the truth?"


"Not big!"

"Why?" Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and said.

"Feeling!" Ning Feng said, shaking his head while speaking. "I don't know why, but I always feel that there seems to be some trouble this time."

"I also have this feeling." Su Miaohan said, "But if you don't try, you will never give up."

"Then let's try." Ning Feng said: "We're not here just for him, if we can succeed, we won't fail."

"En." Su Miaohan said: "The highest quality jadeites are not easy to obtain. These best jadeites have been screened once before they come out. If you want to get these things, you will probably have to worry about it."

"How can you solve the problem without trouble?" Ning Feng stood up, then took Su Miaohan's hand and pulled her up too: "I'll go and carve this thing first."

Ning Feng didn't dare to strike directly, but tried on other materials. The material of jadeite is stronger than wood by many times, so the strength of his strike naturally needs to be stronger.

And when the strength is too great, it is very easy to lose control, and it is easy to use too much force in some places.

After Ning Feng destroyed two works in a row, he finally found the feeling.

"It's really not something that ordinary people can play with." Ning Feng couldn't help sighing: "In such a short period of time, two pieces of jade were directly destroyed, and it hurts to look at it."

Although it is not a good jade, but the price is definitely indispensable.But fortunately, his adaptability is still very strong. In the third work, he can already control his strength very well.

Next, he took out the jade he had prepared, and locked his mental power firmly on the jade.Directly outline the content you want to sculpt.

Spirit power was poured into his right hand, and the carving knife slowly began to move.

This time his movements were quite slow. There was only one piece of this thing, and it would be gone if it was destroyed. It would be strange if you were not careful.

He was engrossed in carving, and suddenly found that with spiritual power and spiritual power, it was quite easy to do carving.

If his thoughts were known by some master craftsmen, they would have to skin him.To have such a good mental power to use it for carving, refining is the right way.

Carving such a small thing still requires mental strength?It is simply overkill.

Ning Feng was carving slowly, using only a flat knife and no other tools. Although some places did look a bit rough, in terms of coherence and naturalness, no one else could beat it.

"Phew, it's finally over." Ning Feng lightly closed his eyes, and the appearance of a birthday star holding a birthday peach appeared immediately.

And this birthday star actually has a feeling of soaring.This person seems to be alive, and the appearance of being ready to take off at any time is really surprising.

(End of this chapter)

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