Chapter 449 Plum Blossom Pendant
And the red spot was skillfully portrayed by him as a bright red longevity peach.

"Wow, you are so good?" Su Miaohan stared at the side with a pair of big eyes, and said in surprise: "You can carve such a delicate thing?"

"Necessary." Ning Feng said proudly: "There is no way if you are talented!"

"To be honest, your engraving is really good, can you engrave one for me?" Su Miaohan smiled and said, "Just portray my graceful figure."

Ning Feng shook his head and said, "No."

"So stingy." Su Miaohan said to Ning Feng: "Anyway, carving a carving is a carving, why don't you carve one for me too?" As she spoke, she looked at Ning Feng coquettishly, with endless tenderness in her big eyes.

Ning Feng pinched her face with a smile, then looked into her eyes and said, "It's not that I don't want to, but I'm not sure. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life. That kind of beauty is simply unbearable." Using words to describe it, nothing can be carved to express that kind of beauty.”

"My current technology has not reached that level, so I dare not carve you. I am afraid that I will destroy the goddess in my heart."

These words are quite sensational, Su Miaohan was a little moved when she looked at Ning Feng. "I didn't expect you to talk about love, and you said it so nasty."

"This is the true expression of my inner feelings." Ning Feng said.

"Let's take it as it is." Su Miaohan said, "If you don't carve, don't carve."

Ning Feng smiled, then took out a small object from his hand and handed it to Su Miaohan, "Here is this thing for you. Although the current technology cannot carve you, this small object can still be carved."

Su Miaohan looked at this light red plum blossom, a little dazed.This carving is really beautiful, the five petals and even the lines on them are quite beautiful.

The petals are very thin, just like real flowers.The petals are white with a hint of pink, and this color is even harder to find.

There is almost no gemstone that can have this color, and it really has a feeling of winter plum.

Of course Su Miaohan knew how difficult it was to make this thing, not to mention other things, just say that such a thin petal, it is quite difficult to take it off.

That requires strong knife skills and luck against the sky, and it is even more rare to carve it into its current appearance.

And this color is also rare, she knows that this piece of material is picked out from the piece of longevity peach carving, if it is slightly darker, it will turn dark red, and if it is lighter, it will become white.

It is really rare to find this kind of white with powder on the surface, and this color must be on the surface. If it is inside, it is not so easy to obtain, and the double-layer removal loses materials and also Make the surface of the jewelry less natural.

So being able to engrave this ornament not only requires high technology, but also requires good luck.When she saw this ornament for the first time, she was very excited inside.

This accessory is almost unique in the world, and its rarity is definitely more expensive than some luxury brands.

It is not difficult to obtain such a thin piece. Ning Feng must have put in a lot of effort to obtain this piece.

"Thank you!" She looked at Ning Feng and said affectionately, there was a trace of mist unconsciously in her eyes.

Ning Feng smiled at her and said, "Idiot, are you going to cry? Isn't it just a pendant made for you out of waste materials? Don't be so moved."

Although he said it was easy, Su Miaohan knew that this process must not be easy. She was in this industry, so of course she knew where the difficulties were.

"This is moving, okay? It has to destroy the atmosphere." Su Miaohan thumped Ning Feng twice, then laughed, and impatiently brought it up.

On the snow-white neck hangs a pink flower, which really adds endless beauty.It makes the neck look better and instantly adds a kind of feminine charm.

The pink flowers on the snow-white skin are like plum blossoms blooming in the snow, people match flowers, flowers match people, it is simply beautiful.Even Ning Feng didn't think that this thing would suit her so well.

It was because he felt that this color was rare, so he took it off and made a pendant. He didn't expect that the temperament would match her well.

"How is it?" Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng looked at her carefully, then nodded and looked at her and said, "That's right, as expected, it is indeed from the hands of a master, and the temperament is so suitable."

"Can you stop complimenting yourself all the time?" Su Miaohan said, "Please praise me seriously."

"However, such a good thing needs to be worn by a beautiful woman to bring out the temperament. I think you are the only thing in the world that can match this thing." Ning Feng said: "When we find time, let's replace this red belt to reduce the appearance of the red belt. quality."

At the beginning, Ning Feng just found a red silk thread and strung it up because she didn't have anything to string it with. Even if it was such an old-fashioned way, it looked so good-looking when she wore it, and she didn't think it was a little bit soil.

"Let Mu Fangshui handle this thing for me first. I really don't know how to deal with some small details. He needs skills." Ning Feng said, although Ping Dao Liu pursues nature, the details are slightly poor.

But in some places, it is not because of the poor flow of Ping Dao, but because Ning Feng's skills are not good enough to handle it, so people at the master level are needed to help polish it.

Ning Feng asked someone to hand things over to Mu Fangshui, while he and Su Miaohan went shopping.

There is still a period of time before Gu Ke's big birthday, and during this time they ate, played, and shopped the good things in Caiyun Province.

The scenery of this place is really quite good, no wonder it is a big tourist province.

The next day, Xue Bo had already prepared the car, and said to Ning Feng and Su Miaohan, "Today is Gu Ke's birthday, and Xia Pingchuan is also there. I guess their purpose is the same as yours."

"Oh? They went too?" Su Miaohan was stunned for a moment, the Xia family couldn't resolve internal conflicts well, so why come here to join in the fun?Is it just to stop yourself?

"Whatever he does, let's do our own business." Ning Feng said bluntly: "Since everyone has the same goal, then let's compete, anyway, they are bidding each other, can they still beat us now? "

"That's right, we're still afraid that they won't succeed, let's go." Su Miaohan echoed Ning Feng, then got into the car and drove towards Gu Ke's house.

Xue Bo looked at the leaving car, smiled and shook his head, "I didn't expect our Xiaohan to be so cheerful, this kid is not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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