Chapter 450 Strategy Leaked
The Gu Family is quite lively today, and the Gu Ke is also quite lively today.

His disciples and some friends all came, the scale was quite grand, and all the famous people came to congratulate.After all, he is a master sculptor, so the characters he knows are naturally not simple.

Ning Feng said: "Yes, this ancient engraving really has face."

"As the two pillars of the sculpture world, it's strange that you lose face." Su Miaohan said, and then led Ning Feng towards the inside.

The place where Gu Ke held the banquet today is a pretty good hotel, and there are quite a few people here.But obviously, the people who came in were divided into two groups, and most of them were left on the first floor.

Those who had the invitations were invited to the second floor. The Su Group was considered a prominent figure here, and Xue Bo naturally helped them get the invitations.

The second floor is much looser than the first floor, with only a few simple tables.But don't underestimate the people at these tables. Everyone is either a business giant or a political elite.Of course, there are also some powerful figures in the art world. In short, no one is simple.

Here Ning Feng actually saw an acquaintance, it was Xia Pingchuan.

And he obviously also saw Ning Feng, and he walked over with a wine glass and a smile. There must be some ulterior secrets in this smile.

"Oh, we are really destined. I didn't expect to meet the two of you here." Xia Pingchuan said proudly. Seeing his proud look, Ning Feng began to doubt. Could it be that the Xia family's troubles have been resolved?Do they still have such great skills?
Ning Feng shrugged and said: "I don't want to have a relationship with you either, it's because I didn't read the almanac when I went out."

What he said was full of thorns, especially when facing Xia Pingchuan.Anyway, the relationship between the two is not very good, and it is considered quite restrained not to fight.

Xia Pingchuan was not angry either, and looked at Ning Feng and the two with a smile and said, "I know what you two are here for? Do you want to invite Gu Ke? Hehe... Let me tell you, it is impossible for you to achieve this goal. "As he spoke, he arrogantly put his face in front of Ning Feng.

When Ning Feng heard him say this, he knew that the company's decision had been leaked. No wonder Xia Pingchuan also came. It seemed that they really came to sabotage.Who leaked the decision?
You don't need to think about this kind of thing. Besides Cheng Hua, no one else would do such a wicked thing, right?Ning Feng wondered, whether Cheng Hua's brain was rusted, and in order to torment Su Miaohan, he could use any method.Even at the expense of the company's interests, could it be that she can benefit from the company's interests being damaged.

Wouldn't it be nice to sit obediently and pay dividends?Isn't the purpose of starting a company just to make money?It's enough to make money, why bother to be so serious.

Su Miaohan also smiled slightly, looked at Xia Pingchuan and said, "Oh? Is your Xia family also planning to hire him? I wonder if your Xia family still has the funds to expand the high-end market? It is said that the last time your shareholders withdrew their capital, it was very unpleasant. There shouldn’t be much money in your account now, right?”

"Hey... You are really overthinking this. Our Xia family has a big business, and this kind of thing has been dealt with long ago. There is no shortage of funds now, and there is no problem in dealing with your Su family." Xia Hirakawa said very proudly.

According to normal logic, the Xia family should be extremely short of funds right now, but Xia Pingchuan's current appearance is so real.Did they really solve the problem?

Ning Feng seemed to have thought of something, looked at him with a smile and said, "Did you join the Ai family? Did the Ai family inject capital into you? The price you paid shouldn't be small, right?"

This was also his thought. When he and Mu Xueli were playing outside, it seemed that he was with the Ai family.And he is trying his best to please the Ai family, so he should be on the boat of the Ai family.

In Haicheng, only the Ai family has such great strength to get rid of the crisis so quickly, right?They spent so much money, and the shortage of funds was not a little bit. Apart from the five major families, there was probably no one who could come up with so much money.

Xia Pingchuan's reaction has obviously confirmed this point.Hearing that Ning Feng said it so directly, he was stunned for a moment, and then said decisively: "Since you already know, let me tell you the truth. The Ai family has indeed injected capital, so we don't Short of money, and very rich, just want to continue to fight with your Su family.

Don't think that we have occupied a little market because of our troubles in those two days, but we will definitely grab this high-end market. "

"Whoever has the ability will grab it." Ning Feng said: "First of all, you must have this kind of strength. Occupying the market is not something you just say."

Xia Pingchuan said: "Everyone knows your purpose, so don't put on a show. But I can also tell you directly that you will definitely not win today, because we can pay you no price."

Looking at his confident appearance, Ning Feng knew that he was not lying. He simply didn't have the ability to hide emotions like those old businessmen.All the words are basically displayed on the face.

"Oh, I have to thank you all. If you didn't decide to develop the high-end market, we wouldn't have thought of it." He continued to stimulate Su Miaohan, "This person is still your aunt, this kind of strategic level thing They can all be disclosed to us, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to snipe you well in advance.”

Speaking with a smug smile.

Although Su Miaohan didn't have any expression on her face, she tried her best to maintain a smile, so as to show the other party that everything was under her control, but looking at her tightly clenched hands, Ning Feng knew that she must be very angry.

That is the company's strategic decision, which determines the company's future development direction, and can take advantage of it in advance.

But Cheng Hua told this matter, the opponent, you must know that the consequences of doing so are very dire.People can not only follow up the strategy, but also do a good job of sniping in advance, and guess the purpose of each step according to your strategic means.

This is simply putting your life in the hands of the other party.

Although she lost the leadership of the company, she thought she would be more stable.She didn't expect to destroy the company for her own self-interest. If this strategy fails, Su Miaohan will naturally have to bear a big responsibility, but the whole company will also fall into a passive position.The advantages created with great difficulty will disappear.

Ning Feng smiled and said: "She knows what a fart, she has been completely kicked out of the company by us, and she deceived you with a few words from hearsay."

"Hmph, even though you got her out, it doesn't mean she doesn't have followers." Xia Pingchuan said proudly, "Be on guard. Didn't the house thief catch you? Are you angry?"

(End of this chapter)

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