Chapter 453 Knowing Medical Skills

"What did you say?" Hu Daodao was a little stupid, he stared at Ning Feng and said.This is the biggest regret in his life, that is, he did not complete his work of sealing the sword.

Now that I suddenly hear that I have the opportunity to fulfill my regret, I can't express the excitement in my heart.

"I said, I have a way to relax your hand a little bit, and give you time to complete the work of sealing the knife." Ning Feng looked at him and said, he said very seriously.

Mu Fangshui also looked at Ning Feng, and said, "You can't talk nonsense about this matter!"

"I said there must be a way." Ning Feng said firmly: "But his hand is due to the blockage of the meridians caused by his age. I can only guarantee that his hand will be relieved within a short period of time." .Maybe it can be relieved for about a month."

"I really have no way to completely cure it now, so I can only buy you a month." Ning Feng looked at Hu Daodao and said, "I hope you can use this month to complete your work of sealing Dao Dao. "

Hu Daodao was already so excited that if God gave him three days, he would die of excitement. Unexpectedly, Ning Feng promised to give him a month to complete his work of sealing Dao. How could this be possible? Not excited?This is his biggest regret.

"Really?" His voice trembled a little, as if he was really afraid that this matter was fake.

Ning Feng nodded and said: "What I said is true. If you believe me, I will cure you after this banquet is over. Of course, you can do it whenever you want."

Hu Daodao didn't know what to say, and the young man beside him quickly gave him the heart-saving pill.I was really afraid that he would faint by accident. It is really possible for a man of his age to faint in the face of such a big stimulus.

"Not now, not now, this month is too precious, I have to continue to think about it, it must be very perfect, I will seize this opportunity." Hu Daodao said excitedly, he looked at Ning Feng said: "If you really give me this chance this time, I will give you my work of sealing the knife!"

In his opinion, this favor is quite big.

Ning Feng was also a little surprised when he heard that he was going to give him the work of sealing the knife. Everyone knows how valuable Hu Daodao's work of sealing the knife is, it can almost be said to be priceless.As long as you put this thing in the Su Group, it will be worth and status.

Su Miaohan's eyes also lit up, obviously both of them have realized the value of this item, it will be of great benefit to open up the high-end market.

No matter how much you say, it's better to just put on a saber-sealed work.

"This is really inappropriate. I'm helping you only because I have the ability and I don't need such an expensive gift from you." Ning Feng quickly refused. He was completely moved by Hu Daodao's attitude towards him, so he was willing to act fulfill his wish.

I didn't think about getting his work at all.

Hu Daodao shook his head and said, "I am quite content to be able to complete that work myself."

"You two, don't say no, the matter hasn't come to an end yet. Don't have too much hope, after all, we have heard this kind of words countless times." The young man said to Hu Daodao: "Which time did it really work?"

After hearing what he said, Hu Daodao was stunned for a moment, and it was indeed the case.He was also dazzled by this kind of news before, forgetting that he had been deceived several times before.

The previous doctors also said they could cure their illnesses, but they were all cheating money, and they didn't see any effect at all. He didn't know if Ning Feng was such a person.

"Don't worry, I'm confident." Ning Feng looked at him and said, "The success rate must be above 80.00%. I dare not say that it will be completely cured, but I still have a month to give you. I haven't given you a complete cure yet. Check it out, if the situation is not too bad, the time may be longer, even half a year can be achieved."

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter for now. Don't let the old man get excited." The young man said, in fact, what he said was very reasonable.

His doubts about them are deep-rooted. After all, he has been deceived a lot, and everyone will have more thoughts.

"He is a sculptor, how can he know any medical skills?" the young man said.

After he finished speaking, Mu Fangshui scolded him directly, "Xiaodong, don't talk nonsense, and don't express your opinions casually without knowing the situation."

"Hmph, it's true. I've met so many liars before, and they all boasted that they were amazing, but they turned out to be just liars." The young man was quite unconvinced.

"Xiaodong, I still have to try it if I have the chance. In case this person is reliable. And he doesn't ask for money from me, so he should be trustworthy. You don't want to kill everyone." Hu Dao Dao also tried to persuade Xiaodong, but the enthusiasm in his eyes had diminished a lot, obviously still influenced by Xiaodong's words.

Ning Feng didn't say much, just took out his phone and searched his name.Then he handed his mobile phone to Xiao Dongdao: "Actually, carving is just my hobby, and being a doctor is one of my professions."

As a result of Xiaodong's doubts, Ning Feng's mobile phone was immediately surprised by a series of things on it.He cured the epidemic in Haicheng and created some surgical miracles. He is also the youngest vice president of Haicheng Hospital.

There are also comments from various authoritative people below, and it seems that he is quite powerful.

In disbelief, Xiaodong took his mobile phone and continued to search for the things he had experienced, and found a lot of information on each of them.It is ample proof that these things are true.

"Are you really a doctor?" He looked at Ning Feng suspiciously and said, "Is your medical skill really that high?"

"We'll know if we try it when the time comes. Anyway, it can't be worse than it is now, right?" Ning Feng said with a smile: "Anyway, I feel that I can give it a try."

Xiaodong handed his mobile phone to Hu Daodao, and then to Mu Fangshui.

Everyone looked at Ning Feng differently. A doctor, an expert in antiques, has such a talent for carving. What kind of talent is this?
"You can be the top in every industry?" Mu Fangshui said in surprise, "I really don't know where you got so much energy."

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "I said it's talent, do you believe it?" He really couldn't talk about this matter with others?How to say?Could it be that the tortoise shell in my brain is so powerful that it can do everything?
Obviously impossible, this matter needs to be kept secret.No one can tell, except yourself, even the closest people can't know.

"I suddenly opened my eyes, don't you believe it?" Ning Feng said to the dazed Mu Fangshui again.

"I believe." Hu Daodao nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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