Chapter 454
At this time, Gu Ke came out, and he said to everyone with a smile on his face: "Thank you for coming to the old man's birthday banquet, thank you!"

"Everyone present is my best friend, everyone must eat and drink well."

After talking about this scene, each table began to say hello.

When he walked to Ning Feng's table, he was obviously very happy to see Hu Daodao. "Mr. Hu, you're here too. It's my honor!"

Needless to say, Mr. Hu's status, being able to come to his birthday banquet must have given him enough face.

Hu Daodao looked at him and said: "Of course I have to come. You are not young anymore, and you don't know when you will seal the knife. See you if you can."

"Haha..." Gu Ke laughed and said: "Yeah, I don't know how long I can last. I'm already working on my Fengdao work. Who knows when I won't have the chance."

There was banter and sarcasm between the two, but neither was annoyed.

Hu Daodao introduced to the ancient engraving: "These are my two apprentices, you should know it?" He said with a smug smile on his face, these two of his apprentices are quite powerful, and their status in the carving world It has begun to rise faintly.

Gu Ke nodded and said: "This is Fang Shui, this is Xiaodong? Haha, not bad, not bad."

When his eyes shifted to Ning Feng and Su Miaohan, he looked at Hu Daodao and said, "This is also your apprentice?"

Su Miaohan stood up directly and looked at the ancient engraving and said: "Su family, Su Miaohan, on behalf of the Su family, I'm here to visit you."

"Oh, so it's from the Su family, haha... Let me just say, why didn't Xue Gong come here?" After all, Xue Gong has been cultivating in this place for more than ten years, and his relationship with Gu Ke is pretty good. .

After all, people in their position are quite familiar with each other.

Su Miaohan smiled slightly and said, "Uncle Xue has some things and cannot come for the time being, so let us express our blessings on your behalf."

Gu Ke still looked at her with a smile on his face, nodded and said: "Oh, this Xue Gong is so old, and he still works so hard."

After finishing speaking, his eyes swept over Ning Feng, as if he had seen this person before.

"Have we met?" Gu Ke said to Ning Feng, "Why do I think you look so familiar?"

Ning Feng also stood up and said to the ancient engraving: "I've seen it before. Do you still remember the wood you bought in Haicheng? You have to find someone to be your apprentice."

After hearing Ning Feng's words, everyone was a little surprised. Who on earth could be begged by Gu Ke to be his apprentice?
After hearing Ning Feng's words, Gu Ke also thought for a while, and then his mind lit up. "So it's you, is that girl doll here?"

"No!" Ning Feng rejected his request directly and decisively: "She doesn't like to learn this stuff, let her play."

Gu Ke sighed and said, "What a pity, what a pity!"

After talking with everyone for a while, he greeted other tables.

After a while, Gu Ke came back to the front and sat on a chair.

Then a person beside him yelled at the people below: "Gift."

The next step is the second link. The disciples need to hand over the carefully prepared gifts to the master.In fact, everyone knows that Master likes carving, so everyone buys precious stones, and then carves them to become their most powerful things.

First, it is a gift, and second, it is also a test of their master's kung fu over the years.

Immediately after he finished speaking, a man stood up. He looked very rough.Move out a thing the size of a wax gourd and wrap it in a red cloth.

When he walked in front of Gu Ke, he lifted the cloth bag away.

Inside is a statue of Hetian jade, which is carved with a Buddha statue.The carving of this Buddha statue is very fine, and everyone can tell that his skills are very powerful.

But there is a very big weakness of the Southern School, which is too much attention to detail, which causes the Buddha statues to lose their charm.Without that kind of spiritual weapon, it feels like it's just a decoration.

"Master, please examine it." He looked at the ancient engraving and said.

Gu Ke glanced at the sculpture, it was quite satisfactory, and there was nothing wrong with it.But he chose portraits that the Southern School is not very good at, but it is quite good to be able to carve portraits to this level.

"That's right, that's right. It seems that you haven't studied less." Of course, Gu Ke didn't criticize his disciples, but just encouraged him, but he was quite clear in his heart whether it was good or bad.

Everyone looked at this item and felt quite emotional. A person who can carve a Buddha statue to such a fine level must be quite capable.

"I think this statue is not bad. You see, even the way the clothes float is carved, and every detail is quite good."

"It's really good. It's already considered the best figure statue among the Southern School, right? We all know that the Southern School didn't start out mainly by carving figures. Therefore, it is quite good to be able to carve like this."

"I think the charm is still a bit lacking. It's too hollow, without aura, and the whole performance is a bit lifeless. Without the aura of Buddha, it's still a bit worse."

"He wasn't considered a more powerful disciple in ancient engraving, but he could only be regarded as an ordinary disciple. It's not bad to be able to engrave like this."

Although this work is fine, its aura is obviously lacking.After Gu Ke accepted it, he didn't say much, just encouraged him casually and let him go down.

And this person obviously expressed some disappointment.

Next was a thin and small man who quickly walked up and also took out a jade statue of a figure.His situation is actually similar to the previous one's weakness, both of which are too lacking in aura.

"Hey, you said that the Southern School is not very good at carving figures, why do they still want to carve figures? Isn't it good to carve objects that they are good at?"

"Didn't you see it? This is for people from the Northern faction to see. There are also many people from the Northern faction. Although the two families are harmonious on the surface, they are not convinced by the other in their hearts. Gu Ke wants to use this method Come to run on the Northern faction."

"But these objects of theirs are far behind? Even if you want to sell them, you can't sell them. How many disciples are there? Although the carvings are good, they really don't have the aura of the Northern School. Of course, the Northern School is good at the fineness of the items. It’s also not as good as the Southern School.”

"All of their disciples handed in portraits this time. Obviously, they were prepared. Don't worry, the two major disciples under Gu Ke, Hou Fengchao and Ji Xianliang, haven't made any moves yet. Those two probably have relatively good works .”

(End of this chapter)

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